• 讲完婆媳矛盾的原因我们根据这些原因思考一下解决的办法。

    Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do you want?


  • 除了思考之外,还有什么其他原因可以解释肌肉活动这种变化吗?

    Is there anything else that might account for this change in muscular activity, other than saying that it is thinking?


  • 发表篇文章的机会进行思考想应什么的时候,我回忆起促使我选择现在这种生活方式原因

    As I was thinking about this opportunity and what to write I thought back to the whole reason that I am now doing what I am doing for a living.


  • 政策总是把事情糟的一个原因——思考一下‘卡特里娜’飓风事件——是因为从未得到测试,”

    "One reason that policy keeps screwing up - think Katrina - is because it never gets tested," he says.


  • 政策总是把事情糟的一个原因——思考一下‘卡特里娜’飓风事件——是因为从未得到测试,”

    One reason that policy keeps screwing up — think Katrinais because it never gets tested, ” he says.


  • 最初这种行为迷惑经过思考其中的原因之后,明白了为什么会这样

    At first, this behavior baffled me, but after pondering the reasons, I realized why.


  • 仔细分析导致错误原因审慎思考现状然后记住此刻内心感受、记住你有限知识、精力以及罪过成立的信息

    Now, think about the causes that led to your error. Contemplate your situation then, remember your feelings, your limited knowledge, experience, and available information.


  • 也许是因为父亲出生前死亡原因,我很小开始思考死亡的问题。

    Probably because my father had died before I was born, I started thinking about death at an early age.


  • 无论多么光芒四射,我们真正回到现实中思考,会发现平板电脑取代笔记本电脑仍然长的一段要走。以下其中5个原因

    Despite all of the fanfare, when we come back to reality, the tablet computer still has a long way to go before it can replace the laptop or netbook for most people and here are 5 reasons why.


  • 两个研究甚至还可能引起一些爱搞破坏孩子行为可能原因的再次思考

    The studies might even prompt a reassessment of the possible causes of disruptive behavior in some children.


  • 然而这种轻浮快乐很快变成了更加严肃思考主要原因三。

    However, this giddy joy soon gave way to a more sober view, for three main reasons.


  • 其实原因简单我们很少停下来,休息一下,来思考什么有效什么没有。

    There's a simple reason for it: we rarely take the time to pause, breathe, and think about what's working and what's not.


  • 正如我们能够知道对于这个实验而言,做一般性思考参与者要考虑的,为什么要保持良好的人际关系原因并不重要。

    As you can see, for the purposes of this experiment, the reason participants were thinking abstractly didn't matter so much.


  • 金发女郎思考一下也不知道什么原因,她:“352只。”

    The blonde thought for a moment and, for no discernible reason, said, "352."


  • 真正思考的时候,意思是,当你真的打破生活时,十个理由说明原因

    When you really think about it - I mean, really break it down - there are 10 reasons why. Some of them work in tandem, some don't.


  • 如果正面思考真对心脏病恢复有帮助的话,其中的原因却仍然是个谜

    How positive thinking helps recoveryif in fact it does — remains a bit of a mystery. The study offers these possibilities?


  • boxes and arrows主旨是design behind design原因就是交互设计师信息架构师拥有很强概念思考conceptual thinking能力,他们往往能概念层次上决定产品的灵魂

    Because interaction designers and information architects have become strong conceptual thinkers, driving an experience in terms of concept as well as it's soul.


  • 认为原因需要充分思考

    I think the causes of this require mature reflection.


  • 如果曾经某个软件项目失败过,那么请您思考一下失败原因出于某个技术原因还是某些沟通问题

    If you've ever been on a failed software project, consider the reasons why it failed. Was it because of a technology reason or because of some communication problem?


  • 我们必须尽量了解他们什么身处地来思考问题,从开始假设他们这样做是真正原因如果我们能知道他们正在经历什么

    We must try to understand what they do instead, put ourselves in their shoes, start with the assumption that what others do has a good reason if we understand what they're going through.


  • 不管是什么原因复古游戏吸引力不仅仅只是怀旧——重新思考或者至少回顾往日游戏怎么制作,怎么的有所关联。

    Whatever the reason, the appeal of retrogaming is clearly about more than just nostalgia - it's about rethinking, or at least reviewing, how games are made and played.


  • 让我们思考得更深入一些。软件之所以超脱标准组织之外,或许还有更深层次原因

    Thinking further about this, here is perhaps the deep reason why in the end, software is beyond the field of application of standards organizations.


  • 最终如果花点时间认识自己并且思考自己成功原因,你就会越来越不会接受命中注定要失败”这个观点,反而会想要得到更多更多的东西。

    Finally, if you take time to learn about yourself and think about why you deserve to succeed, you become less and less likely to accept your “lot in life” and demand more.


  • 失眠许多原因导致包括变化压力身体疼痛精神创伤疾病情绪、心理混乱、失去心爱的人或者周期性思考

    I. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of conditions including: change, stress, physical pain, trauma, illness, and emotions, PTSD, death of a loved one, or recurrent thoughts.


  • 因此似乎通过想要达到目标一般性思考,你就可以提高自己对于诱惑的抵抗力,原因就是这种思考自动地就将诱惑消极性联系起来。

    So it seems you can bolster resistance to temptation by thinking abstractly about the goal you want to obtain because it causes your mind to automatically associate temptations with negativity.


  • 其实很多乐观的思考问题,只是他们知道怎样引导自己,就是为什么哗哗的这么多的原因

    Lots of people want to think better, they're just not sure how to do it, which is why I'm writing these words right now.


  • 信念形成是经历反复思考的结果这些信念能够心中占有一席之地的唯一原因:你主观的确立了它们正确性

    Beliefs are formed through repeated thoughts, and the only reason they hold any weight is because you've decided or agreed that they are true.


  • 我们无法思考原因通常也无法思考出不爱的原因我们爱情中,智慧武器就停止工作了。

    We don’t reason our way into love, and we typically can’t reason our way out: when we are in love, our intellectual weapons stop working.


  • 我们无法思考原因通常也无法思考出不爱的原因我们爱情中,智慧武器就停止工作了。

    We don’t reason our way into love, and we typically can’t reason our way out: when we are in love, our intellectual weapons stop working.


- 来自原声例句

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