• 产生巨大压力冲击波破坏管道垫圈阀门

    Water hammer forces can create extremely large pressure waves that can damage piping, piping gaskets and valves.


  • 液体弹性管道流动的液体产生压力冲击波引起剪切作用

    In the pipeline, the liquid elastic wave can emerge pressured shock wave to flowing liquid and cause shear action.


  • 冲击波只是压力一种特定形式-声音自身所包含的。

    Shock waves are just a particular kind of pressure wave - which is what sound itself comprises.


  • 炸弹威力如此巨大以至于几乎所有活着的东西——人和动物——都冲击波产生巨大热量压力毫不夸张地烤焦致死

    The impact of the bomb was so terrific that practically all living things-human and animal-were literally seared to death by the tremendous heat and pressure set up by the blast.


  • 冲击波累积之后压力瞬间释放就是人们听到

    The sharp release of pressure, after the buildup by the shock wave, is heard as the sonic boom.


  • 冲击波一种声波形成可以聚焦压力,”Medispec公司产品开发总监吉尔哈姬姆

    "Shock waves are acoustic waves that create pressure that can be focused," says Medispec's Gil Hakim, the company's director of new product development.


  • 可以用于军事工业例如测量枪炮子弹击发一瞬间变化炮口冲击波压力

    Can also be used for military industry, such as using it to measure the bullet in the chamber guns firing moment of the change of the bore pressure and the muzzle blast pressure.


  • 介绍了冲击波压力存储测试系统原理体系结构研制测试系统进行标定应用试验。

    The principle, systematic structure of the storage and measurement system of shock-wave pressure and the calibration and application measurement of the system are introduced.


  • 气体进入这样空间迅速地接触更高压力冲击波非常时间内消耗材料表面

    As gas enters such Spaces and rapidly comes to a higher pressure, shock waves may be dissipated on material surfaces in a very short time.


  • 爆炸荷载对爆破介质作用爆炸冲击波动态作用气体的准静态压力作用两部分组成。

    The effect of blasting on the rock medium is composed of the dynamical pressure of explosive shock wave and quasi-static pressure of explosive gas.


  • 应用数值模拟方法对水下爆炸产生诸如气泡脉动规律、脉动周期水中冲击波压力的变化等特性进行了研究。

    The characteristics of underwater explosions such as pulsation law and pulsation cycle of bubbles, and pressure time histories of shock waves in water were investigated numerically.


  • 基本假设基础射流击中装甲单元介质中产生冲击波进行了压力估算,及装甲单元的壁板变形射流变形的计算

    Based on the basic hypothesis, the shock wave pressure emerging in the medium after the jet punctures the armor unit is estimated, while deformation of the armor unit plate and the jet are calculated.


  • 材料方法:采用压力测试方法研究爆炸冲击波血管皮下组织内传播特征空气中的传播特征进行比较

    Materials:The transmission characteristics of explosive blast in liver, lung, vessel and tissue under skin were studied through blast pressure detection, and compared with in air.


  • 脉冲大小取决于冲击波的延续时间及其压力

    The impulse is dependent upon the duration of the shock wave as well as its pressure.


  • 通过简易水下爆炸试验得到冲击波压力-时间历史曲线及其参数理论值作了比较。

    By doing a simple underwater explosion experiment, we can gain pressure - time curve and parameters of the shock wave and com - pare them with values in theory.


  • 锰铜传感器传感器用于测量冲击波产生超高压力特种用途传感器

    Manganin gauge and ytterbium gauge are special sensors used to measure ultra-high pressure generated by shock waves.


  • 利用新型压电传感器(PVDF压电传感器)对其引发的激光冲击波压力进行实时测量

    We utilize new type piezoelectricity gauge (PVDF piezoelectricity gauge) to carry on real - time measurement to laser-induced shock wave pressure.


  • 结果水下冲击波物理参数特征表现峰值压力正向持续时间较短,冲量较大

    RESULTS:The physical parameters of underwater blast wave were characterized by high peak pressure, short positive duration and great impulse.


  • 采用具有压阻效应传感器测量冲击波压力速度方法

    The piezoresistive method is the way that adopt the sensor possessing the piezoresistive character measure the pressure and velocity of shock wave.


  • 利用压电陶瓷技术,设计制备整体式阵列压力传感器用于爆炸冲击波应力测试

    Planar array and monoblock type pressure gauges were designed and prepared by piezoelectric ceramics, which were used to measure pressure of explosive blast successfully.


  • 结果水下冲击波物理参数特征表现为峰值压力正向作用时间较冲量较大

    ResultsThe physical features of underwater blast wave were characterized by high peak pressure, short positive action duration, and higher intensity of impulse.


  • 阐述了用于冲击波超压测量压阻式高频动态压力传感器设计开发

    This paper introduced the design and development of silicon piezoresistive high frequency dynamic pressure sensor which used in the measurement of shock wave superpressure.


  • 锰铜特种传感器主要用于测量冲击波产生超高压力

    Manganin gauge is a kind of special sensor which is mainly used to measure the ultra-high pressures generated by shock waves.


  • 本文炮口冲击波测试系统测试试验背景主要进行炮口冲击波压力曲面插值研究

    Against the background of pressure measurement of the muzzle shock wave, the main work of the article is to study the interpolation methods to describe the pressure surface of the muzzle shock wave.


  • 冲击波压力急剧变化产物

    The shock wave is the outcome that the pressure sharply changes.


  • 爆炸发生结构内部结构受到双重荷载作用:瞬时冲击波荷载时间准静态气体压力

    When explosion took place inside structures, the structure bore dual load: the transient shock wave and long duration quasi-static gas pressure.


  • 结果表明:开孔泡沫具有良好冲击衰减性能,使冲击波压力在其中呈指数关系衰减,而波速则随距离呈线性关系衰减

    The results show that, open-cellular al foams have a good shock weakening property, where the shock compressive stress weakens exponentially and the wave velocity weakens linearly with the distance.


  • 获得了面中心反射压力峰值计算模型分析了两个装药浅层水中爆炸冲击波混凝土绕射透射作用效应

    The calculation model of peak pressure was obtained and the diffraction and transmission effects of explosion shock wave on concrete frustum in shallow water were analyzed.


  • 利用边缘检测算子计算数据中检测出位于边缘上的点,通过处理压力数据可以图像清晰地显示冲击波的轮廓。

    A method of detection and visualization of shock waves from the calculated data with the edge detector has been proposed in this paper.


  • 通过基于分析方法,对压力数据进行了分析,获得了基于子波系数频带能量冲击波强度指数

    Pressure data were analyzed by wavelet transform in wavelet domain. Frequency band energy spectrum and intensity index of ISW based on wavelet coefficient were obtained.


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