• 危机开始我们就缺乏必要授权工具遏制金融系统传递的严重压力伤害美国经济

    We came into this crisis without the authority and the tools necessary to contain the damage to the American economy posed by the very severe pressures working through the financial system.


  • 重复性早期腰椎穿刺脑室穿刺主张种可用于避免保护脑部不受压力伤害之方法

    Repeated early lumbar puncture or ventricular taps have been advocated as a way of avoiding hydrocephalus and protecting the brain from pressure.


  • 压力扮演角色决定的—生物学角度来讲,记住那些带给我们伤害或者威胁东西无疑非常必要的。

    This is because of the role that stress plays – it is clearly important from a biological point of view to remember something that hurt or threatened us.


  • 马克斯没有伤害任何人同事没有对此抱怨过什么,而且减轻我们每天工作压力方面做出了极大贡献。

    Max doesn't do anyone any harm. My staffs have no complaints and he's great for taking the stress out of the day.


  • 不必经历创伤压力而受伤——对于有些人来说简单地一个创伤事件受到威胁巨大的身体伤害足以引发

    You don't have to be hurt to experience PTSD - for some people, simply watching a traumatic event or being threatened with great physical harm is enough to trigger it.


  • 伦敦国王学院精神病学教授约翰·韦曼检测了志愿者压力水平然后他们造成些小伤害

    John Weinman, professor of psychiatry at King's College London, monitored the stress levels of a group of volunteers and then inflicted small wounds on them.


  • 压力可能导致更易紫外线伤害

    Stress might also make you more susceptible to ultraviolet light.


  • 割伤自己的可能没有更好办法精神伤害或者压力解脱出来。

    People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure.


  • 压力不只个人造成巨大伤害疏远家庭成员亲近朋友

    Stress not only wreaks havoc on the individual who has it, it often rubs off to family members and close friends as well.


  • 根据斯克研究,男性内化套“阳刚法则”,于是它成为压力不必要伤害疾病以及早逝”这种人生的一个剧本

    According to Zoske, this male "code of masculinity" is internalized and becomes a script for a life of "stress, needless injury and illness, and an early grave."


  • 然而他们却羞辱了这个年轻人希望以此父亲带来压力他透露一些可以伤害的事情,无论是真的还是的。

    Instead, they humiliated the young man in hopes of pressuring his father into telling them something that would damage me, whether it was true or not.


  • 他们他们背部挺直起,这些都会造成神经性伤害(有些从暂时的伤痛变成永久性伤害)因为腰背承受所有压力

    They straighten and arch upward from their lower back, which has a nervous breakdown [anything from soreness to more permanent injury] because it's getting all the stress, "says Price."


  • 如果无法调整你的压力,这真的给你带来伤害

    If you're having trouble managing stress overtime you could do real damage.


  • 规律的持续性孤独对自己身体带来严重伤害精神压力增大血压升高、睡眠紊乱,---这一切足以促使老年痴呆症提前到来

    It's regular, chronic loneliness that does the serious damage: increased stress levels, higher blood pressure, disrupted sleepall the way to accelerated dementia.


  • 经济增长放缓会使西方抵挡住亚洲价格压力,同时避免亚洲经济增长造成伤害老虎最终吃掉鳄鱼

    A modest slowdown in the West might even take the pressure off prices in Asia, without doing undue harm to the region's growth-a case perhaps of the tiger eating the crocodile.


  • 每个人都压力如果主动减压总有一天伤害到你。

    We all have stress, but if you don't do something to relieve it, sooner or later it will take its toll on you.


  • 感情压力导致萎靡的情感状态因为威胁了年轻男性自我认同感伤害他们自尊。

    Strain in a relationship could also be linked to poor emotional well-being because it threatens young men's sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.


  • 割伤自己的可能没有更好办法精神伤害或者压力解脱出来

    People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure. Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness.


  • 可是真的很害怕别人伤害因为承受压力太多了。

    But I really afraid someone would harm you, if that you would withstand the pressure is too much.


  • 目标保持对方压力同时限制对手伤害,让他们处在守势就是说要强调攻击性

    Your goal is to limit the other team's damage while keeping pressure on the other team, putting them on the defensive. It's about playing aggressively.


  • 使用高压半渗透隔板测得毛细管压力数据实验室内可以系统地评价地层伤害的程度。

    This paper presents a method for evaluating formation damage by the use of capillary pressure data in laboratory obtained with the high pressure semipermeable-membrane.


  • 压力就像双刃剑,即可为我们所用伤害我们。

    And stress like a double-edged sword, which can be used by us, or hurt us.


  • 仔细按照条文指示充气不要超过规定压力爆破物品造成严重伤害

    Carefully follow instruction on articles to be inflated. Never exceed recommended pressures. Bursting items can cause serious injury.


  • 很多研究表明如果自尊心低落容易感到压力焦虑失败拒绝伤害更深,你也需要更多时间复原

    Many studies have indicated that if your self-esteem is low, you are more likely to feel stress and anxiety, failure and rejection will hurt you deeper, and you need more time to recover.


  • 同样作用身体对于机体重要作用之一保护你的心血管功能避免压力带来的伤害

    It also ACTS on your body, and one of its main roles in your body is to protect your cardiovascular system from the effects of stress.


  • 考虑过度压力巨大伤害大学生应该学会如何缓解压力

    Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn how to relieve pressure.


  • 考虑过度压力巨大伤害大学生应该学会如何缓解压力

    Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn how to relieve pressure.


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