• 城市历史城区葡萄酒产区上杜罗联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。

    The city's historic center and the Alto Douro Wine Region have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


  • 当时我大三巴牌坊、澳门历史城区议事厅前地民政总署大楼,这些都是澳门具特色旅游景点

    Of course I like it, and I went to the Ruins of St. Paul, the city center, the City Hall, Leal Senado - Macau's typical and best known tourist sites.


  • 大风降雨过去24小时内“光临”了意大利,该国东北部历史名城威尼斯包括圣马可广场在内部分城区突然升高海平面淹没

    A steep rise in sea levels swamped part of the historic lagooon city of Venice amid storms and heavy rains that have beaten down on Italy over the past 24 hours.


  • 上图中所示天文钟年代相仿,悬挂布拉格城区广场的市政大厅之上其中一些部件距今也601年历史了。

    The clock pictured above, of the same era, is mounted on Old Town City Hall wall in Prague's Old Town Square and has some parts that date from 1410.


  • 运用系统科学思想考察大连市城区道路系统现状历史,并基础作出了系统设计

    Based on the study of present conditions and history of Dalian city road network system by means of system science, a systematic design for the network system was given.


  • 蒙特利尔老城区可能有五六百历史,在这座城市建成还有马拉雪橇

    Old Montreal is probably about five or six hundred years old, from around the time that the city was founded, and they have horse drawn sleigh rides.


  • 对于张家界市(永定)城区历史沿革,千百年来,“汉置充所在何地这个问题一直矛盾、众说纷纭

    For the city of Zhangjiajie (Yongding) city history, thousands of years, "Han-sufficient city where the home where" the issue has been the Code contains contradictions, there are diverse views.


  • 体育馆高尔夫球场历史博物馆公园其他娱乐设施分布浏阳市内和城区周围。

    Sports and entertainments facilities, like the golf course, the historic museum, the stadium and parks, are distributed in Liuyang urban area and its surrounding areas.


  • 新建仿古商业街上海城厢位于上海南市区中华路人民路的环圈,在这块不到平方公里的老城区内,蕴藏着上海历史故事

    New business street the old town of Shanghai is located within Renmin Road and Zhonghua Road of South town, this area less than 7 kilometers contains the history of Shanghai.


  • 晋城市城区晋城()的一部分历史悠久源远流长

    Jincheng Jincheng City are the original counties (cities) as part of a long history and goes back to ancient times.


  • 贝鲁特城区中心藏有一个宝贵历史遗产——30个按照历史原貌恢复建筑群

    Located in the historical center of Beirut lays a hidden treasure, around 30 buildings which with restored and enhanced beauty.


  • 公司位于历史悠久、风景秀丽交通便利经济发达苏州市城区

    The Company is located in Xiangcheng District of Suzhou, a city with long history, beautiful sceneries, convenient traffic and developed economy.


  • 城区由于历史原因,繁杂地理环境给改造工程的施工带来众多难度

    On account of historical facts, The renovation works in old urban district is a difficult task.


  • 江干区历史悠久,物产丰富人文荟萃,风光秀丽杭州古老城区之一

    Jianggan District has a long history, rich, cultural galaxy beautiful is the city of Hangzhou, one of the oldest.


  • 西安作为历史文化名城保护主体部分城区中的历史街道同样城市性质特色重要组成部分。

    The historical streets in the city of the Ming Dynasty is an important part with characteristics of the city.


  • 城区历史悠久,28000年前旧石器时代晚期“峙人”就在栖居生息

    New City has a long history, the Old Stone Age 28,000 years ago, the late "Tongkuangyu Zhi", in relation to live in this dwelling.


  • 宜陵位于江都市中部紧邻江都市主城区重点镇,也是历史悠久的古镇

    Yilingzhen Jiangdu in the middle of the city close to the main focus of Jiangdu town is the historic town.


  • 城区改造应该量力而行因地制宜尤其是历史文化名城的旧城改造,慎重态度

    The rebuild of old residential district should be acted according to capability, especially to historical and cultural cities must be more carefully.


  • 基于历史地图、地形图遥感影像提取1932年以来北京主城区城市空间扩张,以及建筑密度空间信息。

    This study identifies the process of urban expansion and building density since 1932 using a combine of technology of RS and GIS.


  • 本文近代浦东城区历史变迁研究对象。

    This paper deals with the study on the city historical transformation of modern Pudong district.


  • 北京市骨干教师西城区学科带头人,西城区兼职历史教研

    Beijing backbone teachers and academic leaders, Xicheng District, Western District of history part-time teaching and research staff.


  • 历史悠久路线穿越城区直至1.5公里以外的Wawel城堡Planty公园

    This historic trail will take you through the Old Town to Wawel Castle and Planty Park, about 1.5 km away.


  • 广陵千古历史名城扬州中心城区全区总面积67平方公里人口31万。

    Guangling District is the centre of ancient Yangzhou which is a city with 2500 years, and the whole district covers a land of 67kilometers square . The population is 310thousand.


  • HotelGrande酒店地点方便商务客人,由于酒店距离Celje历史悠久城区仅有1.5公里,所以方便旅客

    This location makes the Hotel Grande convenient for business travellers, but also for tourists, because the historic old town of Celje is only 1.5 km away.


  • HotelGrande酒店地点方便商务客人,由于酒店距离Celje历史悠久城区仅有1.5公里,所以方便旅客

    This location makes the Hotel Grande convenient for business travellers, but also for tourists, because the historic old town of Celje is only 1.5 km away.


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