• 虽然烟草广告被禁止的,但各家公司通过赞助音乐演出以避开一禁令

    Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.


  • 故事来说空气一样,别的孩子打球参加聚会的时候,通过图书馆借来冒险般的生活。

    Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.


  • 我们通过得到生存可是通过给与生活

    We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.


  • 不过控球权易手时,曼联通过反击占了上风。

    Instead, however, United countered this tactic by taking advantage when possession changed hands.


  • 因为尽管自己没有犯下罪恶,我们通过冷漠勾结

    For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.


  • 卖什马特通过大举进攻食品零售行业来增加吸引力结果成效显著。

    But Massmart increased its allure by rushing into the food-retailing business, and the gamble paid off.


  • 沈从文通过启蒙自我启蒙对抗,来逐渐认可新社会

    Shen Congwen gradually accepted the new society through the confrontation of enlightenment and self-enlightenment.


  • 事实虽然接口挑战带宽增长问题通过频谱出现了。

    It is also the case that, though interface challenges grow with bandwidth, the issue arises throughout the spectrum.


  • 今日公司企业虽然分散经营,他们却通过固定移动电话相互沟通。

    Today, operators run separate but interconnected networks for fixed and mobile phones.But the new converged networks are“access agnostic”.


  • 座房子互相眺望对方,看起来像小镇里的邻居通过连接着。

    The two houses overlook each other, like neighbors in a town, and linked up by the bridge.


  • 然而飞蛾通过伪装自己生存瓢虫通过引人注目告诉鸟类不要他们

    But moths survive by being camouflaged, and [ladybugs] survive by being conspicuous and telling birds not to eat them.


  • 尽管国内收益盈利乏善可陈,它们却通过这次信贷危机国外扩展

    Although they still make lousy returns at home, they used the recent credit crisis to expand abroad.


  • 今日的公司企业虽然分散经营他们通过固定移动电话相互沟通。

    Today, operators run separate but interconnected networks for fixed and mobile phones. But the new converged networks are "access agnostic".


  • 作家过去思想保守现在通过博客传播他们想法然后潜在读者出版他们的

    Writers, who used to guard their ideas now hone their thinking through blogs, build and audience, and then publish their books for a group of expectant readers .


  • 虽然无声影片却通过影院解说员巧妙地运用了江户关西方言,这技巧得到时人盛赞。

    The skillful benshi narration featuring a mixture of Edo dialect and Kansai dialect is highly entertaining.


  • 但是现在人们通过国外大白菜解决困境这又引发了其他国家大白菜是否适合讨论

    But people are now looking abroad for their fix, sparking a debate about the suitability or otherwise of different countries' cabbages.


  • 儿子同意愿意家务但是通过不小心打破盘子弄坏铲来发泄自己的怒气

    Your son agrees to perform a chore or task that he doesn't want to do, but then lashes out in anger by "accidentally" breaking a dish or wrecking the snow shovel.


  • 但是5月27日会议通过一个新的谈判规则,就立陶宛提出一些意见做微小意义重大变动

    But a meeting on May 27th agreed upon a new negotiating mandate, with small but significant changes on some points sought by Lithuania.


  • 他不懂任何一外语通过笔录他人口述方式翻译11个国家98位作家180多种作品

    Ignorant of any foreign languages, he translated more than 180 works of 98 authors from 11 countries by writing down the dictation of his collaborators.


  • 由于暴雨成灾、道路被淹没,因此印度西部一对情侣的婚礼无法正常进行。然而,两人通过手机交换了结婚誓词

    An Indian couple exchanged wedding vows by mobile phone after the bridegroom could not make it to the marriage ceremony because of torrential rains in western India.


  • 就是为什么尝试着所谓的饥饿疗法来减肥时,身体通过减缓新陈代谢节约能量抵消了你减肥的效果。

    That's why if you try so-called starvation diets, your body compensates by slowing down these bodily processes and conserving calories for survival.


  • 尽管俱乐部背负严重债务他们却通过良好管理达到支出增加球票收入,并球场上取得相当成功

    Although the club went into severe debt, they were very well managed, and they have managed a decent level of success on the pitch, allied with low spending, and much-increased revenue from tickets.


  • 最有意思的虽然Palm推出全新手机对付iPhone但是Apple的绝大多数回应通过固件升级完成

    What's most interesting is that Palm had to pull together a whole new piece of hardware to tackle the iPhone, but most of Apple's response has been achieved in a firmware upgrade.


  • 审计人民意识到,伯尼·麦道夫不过坑蒙拐骗了许多人赚许多,而美联储通过摧毁我们货币价值欺骗了我们每一个人。

    An audit would make people realize that, while Bernie Madoff defrauded a lot of investors for a lot of money, the Fed has defrauded every one of us by destroying the value of our money.


  • 25个皮肤基因有好几个表现出异常强烈自然选择信号欧洲亚洲,自然选择却通过不同途径使的皮肤呈浅色。

    Several of the 25 skin genes bear strong signatures of natural selection, but natural selection has taken different paths to lighten people’s skin in Europe and in Asia.


  • 25个皮肤基因有好几个表现出异常强烈自然选择信号欧洲亚洲,自然选择却通过不同途径使皮肤呈浅色。

    Several of the 25 skin genes bear strong signatures of natural selection, but natural selection has taken different paths to lighten people's skin in Europe and in Asia.


  • 25个皮肤基因有好几个表现出异常强烈自然选择信号欧洲亚洲,自然选择却通过不同途径使皮肤呈浅色。

    Several of the 25 skin genes bear strong signatures of natural selection, but natural selection has taken different paths to lighten people's skin in Europe and in Asia.


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