• 因为路过一家化妆品商店都不橱窗里东西。

    He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window


  • 总是觉得满足天空很大清楚孤独

    Love always makes people cry, let a person feel not satisfied, the sky is very big but see clearly, good lonely.


  • 为了灵魂为了国家、为了别人禁食祷告仿佛没有什么报酬,眼中却看宝贵

    Fasting and praying for souls, for the country and for others may seem "unrewarding", but in God's eyes, it is very precious!


  • 如今这个玻璃杯心里还是很多大姐一样东西虽然值钱

    Now look at this glass, the in the mind will still think a lot of, this is the first as the eldest send things, although not worth money, but I do see very heavy.


  • 就此他们手指空的纺织机可怜大臣一直张大着眼睛不到任何东西因为根本没有东西可以

    Thereupon, they pointed to the empty loom, and the poor old minister kept opening his eyes wide, but he was unable to see anything because there was nothing to see.


  • 一周工作六天,每天竞争激烈环境中争战。追赶着完成工作中的最后期限。生活海滩在渴望山村,站在一山却看一山高。

    I worked 6-days a week in a competitive environment, attempted to meet everyone's expectations, and lived by the beach when I yearned for the mountains.


  • 与Jenkins分开尽管Hudson已经发布了多个新版本(2月10日发布1.396以及3月14日的1.398),但是一新版本编号意味着向前一次重要重置

    Although there have been a couple of Hudson releases since the fork (1.396 on 10th Feb and 1.398 on 14th March), this represents the first significant reset and forward looking plan.


  • 我住的房子紧密的联系尽管如此你们可以毁坏的房子而安然无恙。

    Look, I have a particularly close connection to the house I live in. But for all that, you can destroy my house without destroying me.


  • 消息皮特蒂娜公园一角坐着无所事事只是不停天空他们朋友正和自己另一半欢畅

    Message: Peter and Tina are sitting in the park doing nothing, but just gazing into the sky, while all their friends are having fun with their beloved half.


  • 但是值得一因为所有展品都是稀有保存完好的。

    But it's really worth it as all the exhibits are rare and perfectly preserved.


  • 上方靠近母牛可以发现它的形象从头到脚被纵向拉长地面往上母牛还是正常的比例大小。

    Up close the cow appears to be stretched from head to toe, but when viewed from the ground the cow regains normal proportions.


  • 现在这个趋势在下降,这很正常事-因为信息实在太多以致小心就会心烦,顶多就快速的一眼,无法认真的阅读任何东西

    But there is a downside, of course – there is so much information that I easily get distracted, and end up flicking from one site to another, never really reading anything in detail.


  • 10整天开着车送你,足球体操房再一个生日聚会, 你下车绝不回头一眼来感谢

    When you were 10 years old, she drove you all day,from socer to gymnastic to one birthday party after another. You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.


  • 因此如果我们键长的话实际上单键更短双键更长

    So if we look at its length, it's actually shorter than a single bond, but longer than a double bond.


  • 脸上尽是静脉曲张的血管,尽管血管细,数量,从近距离它们使得小伙的脸孔有如大理石花纹的橡胶材料。

    The broken veins were all over his face, little ones, but so many, so close, that they made his face look something like marbled rubber.


  • 行动学意义上,不行动可能 “行动”一种完全无法引起后续结果所以构成侵权行为

    A nonaction may be an "action" in a praxeological sense, but it sets no positive chain of consequences into motion, and therefore cannot be an act of aggression.


  • 不过世界上其他国家并不这么

    But that's not how the rest of the world saw it.


  • 气候变暖全球性但是从气候变化模型北半球扩散——永久冻土融化,人类定居点被迫转移

    The planet's warming may be global, but climate-change models predict it will be amplified in the north. Permafrost will melt and settlement patterns will change.


  • 也许很多眼中不下教会怎么世界

    Maybe, many people couldn't tolerate you in their eyes, but you teach me how to look the world.


  • 来到走廊,来到地下室门前,指着上方墙体的一道裂缝

    He took me into the corridor where the basement door is and showed me a large crack in the wall above the basement door.


  • 然而凑近某些差异变得模糊不清

    Look more closely, though, and some of these distinctions become blurred.


  • 购买环保商品能够为消费者提供一种道德凭据,从而纵容接下来不好行为自己的越高尚,越是有可能起来而不愿意分给其他人

    Buying green can establish the moral credentials that license subsequent bad behaviour: the rosier your view of yourself, the more likely you are to hoard your money and do down other people.


  • 学校组织的春假法国中,悠然喝酒的时候,其他同学忧心忡忡,国际电话卡打电话回家自己是否录取

    On a school trip to France over spring break, I drank wine while everyone else struggled with international calling CARDS to phone home and find out where they'd been accepted.


  • 试图比划给。“辆雪韦一个小坑没有。”

    He tried to show her with his hands. "The Chevvy, though, didn't have a dent."


  • 试图比划给。“辆雪韦一个小坑没有。”

    He tried to show her with his hands. "The Chevvy, though, didn't have a dent."


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