• 说着这话李家夫人身上

    She says this words, but the eye go toward the body of Li Jia madam up stare.


  • 脚下早就瞄准颗小石粒踢去

    Foot, but hit toward a stone grain that early takes aim by.


  • 产品沿着食物链流向顾客同时却往方向流向供应者

    The product moves down the supply chain towards the customers, while the money moves in the opposite direction towards the suppliers.


  • 仿久旱之年竹篮里泼,你奉献了一切,毫无回报

    Thou art as one who in time of dearth pours water into a broken vessel. Thou givest away what thou hast, and nought is given to thee in return.


  • 你们几分尊敬哈维·梅里克身上泼脏水灵魂,你们无法玷污,他的双手,你们无法束缚

    You pretend to have some sort of respect for me; and yet you'll stand up and throw mud at Harvey Merrick, whose soul you couldn't dirty and whose hands you couldn't tie.


  • 想一想疯狂似地左右摇晃、前后颠簸时候,船员们却往桅杆高处攀登,相互竞争帆桁上去卷收结冰船帆吧!

    What a clambering aloft of men, vying with each other who shall lie out first upon the yards to furl the icy sails, while the ship rolls and pitches, like mad!


  • 结果表明:SD虽然破坏人格因素结构却往不同动机组的人格测量中加入不相等系统误差并且影响了人格量表得分

    Results were that SD didn't affect the factor structure, but it influenced scale score, and the size of system error that was produced by SD was different between two groups.


  • 两个囚犯手铐在一起时分别灯柱两边,结果没跑成

    Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamppost while handcuffed.


  • 窗里什么也看不见

    He looked in the window but he couldn't see anything.


  • 无论是哪方面想,听起来都会使一个可爱婴儿想法越来越远,而失去妈妈的想法越来越真切。

    Either way, each sound I made took her further away from the idea of a sweet baby and closer to the idea of losing her mother.


  • 亚伯拉罕虽然知道要哪里仍然跟随带领

    Abraham followed God's leading without knowing where it would take him.


  • 就是英国——这个热爱饮茶几乎人人都茶中加牛奶的国度——在对抗心血管疾病方面无进展的原因。

    This could explain why Britain, a nation passionate about tea-drinking but where almost everybody adds milk to their cup, fails to make headway against cardiovascular disease.


  • 他们讲吧,直觉正在告诉尽管组织可能谈到敏捷性的话题没有敏捷性的方向

    Listen to them-your intuition is telling you that although your organization may talk the talk, it isn't walking the walk where agility is concerned.


  • 现在虽然没有了,天天深大那边跑,天天地铁公交,坐得心里直发毛。

    Now even though I am not living in Shenzhen University, I have to go there every day by metro or bus. It is really nasty!


  • 假如意向尚未如愿,不妨参考以下的非官方指南,它使你在求职道路上无前。

    If you want to get into this field but your efforts have proved fruitless, look no further. This unofficial guide will set you on the straight path to employment.


  • 莫妮卡继续皮特约会内心始终无法钟情; 而相信他的一情深终将打动

    Monica continues to date Pete but is still not attracted to him; he thinks she might change her mind.


  • 解决全部30个问题各个方向虫子做了很多永远不会取得实际进展

    Trying to tackle all 30 problems at once is like those little bugs that fly around in all directions, never making any real progress but stirring up a lot of motion.


  • 如果无法做到一点,那么你就像是山顶一辆沉重货车尽管但它终将

    If you don't succeed in this, then you will continue to pull that heavy wagon up the mountain and despite the fact that you are pulling it, it will somehow run over your foot.


  • 集团甚至自己生产光盘上贴上“FMM”的标签代表着米肯家族的意思,这些标签各种原始软件生产商商标放到一起

    The group even stamps the disks it produces with “FMM,” which stands for Familia Morelia Michoacana, right alongside the original brand of various software makers.


  • 大多数人猜猜就罢了,然而花了12小时,在四个地铁站之间穿来梭,去了解他们正在什么为什么喜欢读手中的书。

    We are usually left to wonder, but I recently spent 12 hours crisscrossing four boroughs underground, asking people what they were reading and why.


  • 其他公共财政摇摇欲坠国家持续科研大学上砸钱。

    Other countries with rickety public finances are nevertheless splurging on science and universities.


  • 国际清单文化处于危险之中,全球领导者们穿梭各种会议讨论问题回避根本性的目标。

    There is a danger of an international checklist culture, with world leaders on a merry-go-round of summits that all too often discuss the issues but sidestep their fundamental causes.


  • 停了,也散了一些周末车流变得更糟糕了——城里人乡下走,乡下人城里走。

    The rain had let off and the fog shifted a little though the weekend traffic had worsened-the city dwellers heading out to the country the country dwellers heading into the city.


  • 2007新星自己历史枝杈上帝

    But 2007 proved to be the year when New Star climbed onto the branch of history and invited the gods to saw it off.


  • 2007新星自己历史枝杈上帝

    But 2007 proved to be the year when New Star climbed onto the branch of history and invited the gods to saw it off.


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