• 努力工作赚了她们享受不到金钱乐趣。

    They are incapable of enjoying the money they work so hard for.


  • 这样得少却享受

    You'll eat less and enjoy it more.


  • 发现自己工作更多承受得更多,却享受更少

    I find myself working more, suffering more and enjoying less.


  • 我们更多的钱拥有,我们的更多享受更少。

    We spend more but have less, we buy more but enjoy less.


  • 与此形成鲜明对比的是,西方知识分子却享受令人欣喜的自由。

    The Western intellectual, by contrast, enjoys a charmed existence.


  • 热爱足球因为可以带来快乐但是现在享受了这份快乐。

    I love football because it brings me happiness, but at the moment I can't enjoy myself.


  • 台风梅花肆虐地域时,享受世上盛大的场舞剧

    When typhoon 'the plum blossom' are stalked the unit area, but I enjoy the world's grand a ballet.


  • 很多以半技术性受雇的劳动者一份低拼命工作高端人才却享受着技术变革带来的好处

    Many of those once employed as semi-skilled workers are now fighting for low-wage jobs. Change has been good for those at the very top.


  • 酬金收入一些种类享受特殊减税优惠,而一些酬金收入却享受不到这样的优惠,这样既公平公正。

    It is not fair or equitable to other recipients of fee income to give a special tax break to certain kinds of fees and not to others.


  • 对于一个出活享受高额聘用定金的通讯记者说到:“觉得也许明年还收不到的来稿的话,我们应该提醒一下。”

    Of one correspondent, non-productive though enjoying a lavish retainer, he once remarked: "I think perhaps if we do not hear from him next year, we should send him a note."


  • 饭菜享受她的热情款待然后背地里批评她。

    You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.


  • "我们欣赏享受惊叹天才他们的作品取得的成就中所展现出的种种技能。尽管天才掌握与我们相近的技能,水平比我们高多。

    What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so much superior to, our own.


  • 个人说:“我只是写出了真相,我说了你所说的,但方式不同。” 他所写的是:“今天是美好的一天,但我看不见它。”我们很幸运,因为我们不仅可以看到美丽的世界,也帮助别人看到美丽的世界。所以,享受你今天所拥有的吧!

    The man said, "I only wrote the truth, I said what you said, but in a different way." What he had written was, "Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it." We're very lucky because we can not only see the beautiful world but also help others. So, enjoy what you have owned today!


  • 生产力的提高便宜进口货意味着我们可以花费力气自己祖先享受更多农业工业商品

    Productivity gains and cheap imports mean that we can and do enjoy far more farm and factory goods than our forebears, with much less effort.


  • 然而由于户籍规定他们无法享受城市居民同等权利

    Yet they don't enjoy equal rights as city dwellers because of household registration requirements.


  • 希西家曾经享受亲密相交的喜乐,生命中的重要时刻,神孤立无助,以此考验他的品格显露他的弱点,为的是预备他能担当更多的责任

    Hezekiah had enjoyed a close fellowship with God, but at a crucial point in his life God left him alone to test his character, to reveal a weakness, and to prepare him for more responsibility.


  • 新兴市场中,地区常常最后可以享受看涨市场情绪带来果实,然而往往那些富有投资者落荒而逃,他们最先受到影响

    Among emerging markets, the region is usually the last to enjoy the fruits of bullish sentiment and the first to feel the effects when rich investors flee to safety.


  • 海龟”们承认他们是比以前了点,但是他们享受生活质量提高了。

    Returnees said they were generally making less money in absolute terms, but they also said they enjoyed a higher quality of life.


  • 希望退休后安享晚年——看看书,旅游,或者仅仅是享受无忧无虑的生活——现在上了不确定性

    Your hopes for an idyllic retirement - reading all those books, driving to new places, or just enjoying a carefree independence - are now clouded by uncertainty.


  • 段时间里,那些原本为解闷周末晚餐派对烹饪视作一种有意义追求于是转行并且发誓用尽劫后余生来好好享受烹饪。

    Weekend dinner parties organized to lift his spirits led him to see cooking as a more fulfilling pursuit. He changed careers, and vowed to spend the rest of his newly-reclaimed life enjoying it.


  • 我们因而享受可以使用无须拥有好处

    We enjoyed the benefits of using the home without owning it.


  • 如今这个节奏不断变化年轻人世界人们可以任何没有什么必然的。人们时间享受激情,往往害怕爱情承诺

    In the fast paced, constantly changing world of youth where everything is permitted, but nothing is certain, people have time for passion but are scared of the commitment of love.


  • 一种如今公立学校缺失教育仍然留存许多私立学校—并且,要是时间学习如何学习,你孩子享受这种教育。

    It was an education that is missing in public schools today but still exists in many private schools-and can for you and your children, too, if you take time to learn how to learn.


  • 大多数男女陷入于日常琐事中,他们努力奋斗只是为了继续生存下去,而不能尽情享受活着美妙

    But most men and women are so bogged down with the day-to-day minutiae of striving to survive they do not savor the wonders of being alive.


  • 意味着完全可以白宫时那样继续生活享受簇拥在身边追随者们对他出色业绩的奉承,美国其他地方的民众对他的业绩看法恰恰相反。

    That means he can continue life exactly as it was in the White House: surrounded by sycophants telling him he is doing a brilliant job while the rest of the country thinks the opposite.


  • 如今这个快节奏、不断变化年轻人世界人们可以做任何事,没有什么必然的。 人们时间享受激情往往害怕爱情承诺

    In the fastpaced, constantly changing world of youth where everything ispermitted, but nothing is certain, people have time for passion butare scared of the commitment of love.


  • 吸血鬼莱斯特敢作敢为叛逆狂放著称,而吸血鬼路易乐于享受生活中的美好包括音乐表演和时尚。

    Lestat is known for his boldness, enthusiasm and defiance. Louis enjoys the finer things in life, including music, acting and fashion.


  • 吸血鬼莱斯特敢作敢为叛逆狂放著称,而吸血鬼路易乐于享受生活中的美好包括音乐表演和时尚。

    Lestat is known for his boldness, enthusiasm and defiance. Louis enjoys the finer things in life, including music, acting and fashion.


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