• 妇女来说经济资本社会资本。

    For women, economic capital is social capital.


  • 此外大学教育提供一个精确罗盘社会责任感

    Besides, college education has also provided me with a precise compass — the sense of social responsibility.


  • 虽然正义具有多种含义,但是社会正义社会基本结构正义基本的。

    Although justice varies in different contexts, the social justice, i. e. the justice of the basic structure of the society is the fundamental.


  • 理性国际主义关系信念根本格老人类理性社会亲和性观念

    The fundamental belief in a rational relationship between internationalism is Grotius type of human rationality, that is, the concept of social affinity.


  • 思想对应着制度形成演进的两种路径,社会整体工程生自发秩序

    And these two kinds of thought are corresponding to the two routes of the forming mechanism of system, namely the social overall project and the spontaneous order.


  • 第三部分分析广告舆论发生宏观环境微观环境,社会系统变量广告舆论场。

    In the third part analyse the macro and micro environment, the variable of social system and advertising media market.


  • 社会转型完成之后逐步实行高级模式即社会防卫为主刑罚威吓为辅模式。

    After our social transformation, we will gradually practice the model of social prevention mainly and punishment subsidiarily.


  • 越来越人开始关注奥肯法则的平衡被打破即社会总产出也就业率之间粗略关系

    Concern has grown over a break in the rough historical relationship between output and employment known as Okun’s Law.【7】


  • 历史成本会计原则直接基础两个,社会平均劳动生产率不变假设和币值稳定假设。

    Constant average social productivity of labour is the basis of historical cost measure attribute, constant money value stabilization is the basis of nominal moneytary measure unit.


  • 毕竟什么行为思想感受动机意图带来他人关系社会

    After all, what I am - my actions, my thoughts, my feelings, my motives, my intentions - brings about that relationship between myself and another which we call society.


  • 数据这样一种概念社会借助庞大的数据可以完成数据不能完成工作

    Big data refers to the idea that society can do things with a large body of data that that weren't possible when working with smaller amounts.


  • 以往对社会预测基本原理研究忽略了一条重要的基本原理,即社会预测的主客体互动反射原理。

    The nature of the subject and object interaction in the social forecasting has long been neglected in the research of the basic principle of the social forecasting.


  • 正确处理突发公共危机报道有赖于对“社会认识社会本身蕴涵着化解危机的巨大能量

    To handle sudden public crisis reporting correctly gives the word "society" a new understanding that society itself has a huge power to defuse crisis.


  • 不同法律部门不同的法目标,经济法目标应是经济法首先追逐实现利益社会公共利益。

    Different legal branches have different legal interests. The legal interest of economic law focuses on the interest that economic law initially wants to realize, namely the social public interest.


  • 当前研究运用理论基础的、被很证实的、多维度方法社会认知量表评估了精神分裂症病人表现

    The current study assessed schizophrenia patients 'performance on a theoretically-based, well validated, multidimensional measure of emotional intelligence, the social cognition scale.


  • 我们美国人无根性指指点点的时候,常常忘了我们的理想社会流动未来乐观带来结果

    When we criticize American rootlessness we tend to forget that it is a result of ideals we admire, namely, social mobility and optimism about the future.


  • 告诉时尚行业必须自己女性尤其是少女发出信号负责她们必须社会标尺衡量确定自己的个人价值

    It tells the fashion industry that it must take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape-measure they must use to determine their individual worth.


  • 如果人脉可以买到那民主社会一个基本前提政府平等对待所有人,就被破坏了

    If connections can be bought, a basic premise of democratic society—that all are equal in treatment by government—is undermined.


  • 对话流程满足社会需求之一人类同步”的需求——保持“同步性”相互协调性

    One of the social needs addressed by conversational flow is the human need for "synchrony"—to be "in sync" or in harmony with one another.


  • 西方人格发展模式不能解释韩国人人格的主要特征社会群体为中心。

    The Western model of personality development does not explain major characteristics of the Korean personality, which is social and group-centered.


  • Sherwin最近家养母鸡实验并不支持这样种观点,鸟类社会学习必然会促使它们对有害有毒食物产生反感

    Sherwin's recent experiments with domestic hens do not support the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel foods that are noxious or toxic.


  • 诸如此类机器促使研究人员步入了机器人社会领域如何机器人一种不会吓到冒犯到别人方式行动

    Machines such as these take researchers into the field of socialised robotics: how to make robots act in a way that does not scare or offend individuals.


  • 研究表明信息加工顺畅程度人们处理信息的难程度,会广泛社会层面影响人们对信息判断

    Research has shown that processing fluency—the ease with which people process informationinfluences people's judgments across a broad range of social dimensions.


  • 所有这些数据不能体现一件事,当代年轻人非常关心他们国家,关心更广阔市政政治环境以及社会未来

    Missing from all these data is the sense that today's young care very much about their country, about the broader civic and political environment, or about the future of their society.


  • 我们声称富人保留自己金钱权利——忽略了这样观点我们大家都生存一个社会里,这个社会收益

    We claim that the rich have the right to keep their moneywhich misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.


  • 他们普遍同意这样观点信息社会的不平等与工业社会不平等有着本质的区别

    They generally agree with the idea that inequality in the information society is fundamentally different from that of an industrial society.


  • 然而他们普遍同意这样观点信息社会平等工业社会的不平等有着根本上的不同

    However, they generally agree with the idea that inequality in the information society is fundamentally different from that of an industrial society.


  • 所以实际上变成了一个意义深远问题作为社会人的我们开始面对的问题。

    So it really becomes a profound question that we are, as a society, really just starting to struggle with.


  • 所以实际上变成了一个意义深远问题作为社会人的我们开始面对的问题。

    So it really becomes a profound question that we are, as a society, really just starting to struggle with.


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