• 即使我们关掉床头,深深地进入睡乡时在为我们工作,它帮我们开动冰箱,帮我们烧水使我们房间里的空调机保持运转。

    Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fat asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.


  • 即使竞争力,工厂现在没有

    Even if it could, there is as yet no electricity.


  • 然而即使萨拉扎先生同意了科德角反对者可能还会继续法庭上提出挑战而且公司需要公用事业公司达成协议

    But even if Mr. Salazar gave the approval, opponents of Cape Wind wouldprobably continue to challenge it in court and the company would stillneed to strike a deal with a utility to buy the power.


  • 这面板的显示能力有多夸张呢,即使户外上方极小的夹角由上往下看,依然可清楚看见屏幕的显示内容。

    Hell, even standing above a the laptop at an odd angle, we were able to make out the screen outdoors.


  • 然而亚洲非洲许多地方没有即使也是那些不可靠的。

    In many parts of Africa and Asia, however, there is no power grid, and those that do exist are highly unreliable.


  • 即使今天无线设备信息传播需要好几分钟,有时候甚至好几个小时,因为无线光波都是以每秒186,000英里有限速度传播

    Even with today's radio equipment, the messages will take minutes-sometimes hours-on their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second.


  • 刺激假针灸使用即使是很压量短时间的疗程

    Electrical stimulation was also used, although those in the sham group received lower voltage and far shorter treatments.


  • 即使CCS技术的绝大多数流程已经广泛地运用于其他产业表明其技术改进余地有限,它资本使用成本仍然与相似。

    That is roughly the same rate as for wind power, even though most of the processes in CCS are already widely used in other industries, suggesting that the scope for improvement is slender.


  • 即使是充晚上,也不见得什么区别手机只是利用维持一个状态

    Leaving the phone plugged in overnight does not make a difference: the phone only USES the wall current to maintain a partial charge state.


  • 台积表明摩尔第二定律必然结果即使最大芯片制造商也必须保持扩张

    TSMC also illustrates a corollary of Moore's Second Law: even the biggest chipmakers must keep expanding.


  • 这家酒厂老板FredCline讲,太阳能用水冲洗或者清扫好几即使阴天他们仍然能够产大量

    The panels have to be hosed or brushed off a few times a year, says Fred Cline, the owner. Yet even on cloudy days they still produce plenty of electricity.


  • 体育运动一样,“熟能生巧”同样适用竞界;顶级选手团队切磋则有效的提升方法即使如此仍非易事

    Just like in athletic sports, training brings perfection, while practicing with top gamers and teams is the best way to *excel. Even so, it's never easy.


  • 即使新近天然气一窝蜂的需求仍保证大部分地方有(一点毋庸置疑),还是会导致国家过度依赖一种能源资源

    Even if this new dash for gas happens fast enough to keep most of the lights on, which is by no means certain, it would leave the country overly reliant on one power source.


  • 即使亚马逊商网站也受到影响他们超过三分之二的商品销售都买家到付款

    Even e-commerce sites like Amazon will be affected: over two-thirds of their sales are settled by the buyers in cash on delivery.


  • 这种情况下无线活化可能失效即使XM订阅支付有效

    In these cases, your radio activation may lapse, even though your subscription with XM is paid up and in force.


  • 不过3d大部分3d播放内容要到今年晚些时候才能市面上有售,即使到了那个时候大多数3d都会价格不菲而且需要佩戴特殊眼镜才能观看

    But 3d TVs and much of the 3d content won't be available until later this year and even then most of these sets will be pricey and will require people to wear special glasses for viewing.


  • 这个消息一旦传出去,即使借助报纸无线也会迅速传开。

    This news would spread like wildfire if it once got out, even without the help of newspapers or radio.


  • 而现在即使无线节目笑话,也以每秒186,000英里速度传遍世界

    Now a joke on a wireless programme leaps across the world at a speed of 186, 000 miles a second.


  • 即使我们关掉床头灯深深地进入梦乡时,仍在我们工作:帮我们开动冰箱,把加热使室内空调机继续运转。

    Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.


  • 即使一直充着手机无法重新开机,依然是个未解之谜。

    But the inability to turn the phone back on, despite continuous charging, is still a mystery.


  • 即使我们关掉床头深深进入梦乡时,在为我们工作:帮我们开动冰箱,把加热,或是室内空调机继续运转。

    Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.


  • 由于分子结构材料之间极大差异,因此结构材料中即使少量水分子都探测出来。

    Since there is a great difference of dielectric constant value between water and building materials, a very small amount of water molecule in the structure can be easily detected.


  • 发明提供一种易于装配连接即使述的连接盒包括分配单元

    An electric junction box, which can be easily assembled even if the electric junction box includes an electric power distributing unit, is provided.


  • 发明提供一种易于装配连接即使述的连接盒包括分配单元

    An electric junction box, which can be easily assembled even if the electric junction box includes an electric power distributing unit, is provided.


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