• 即使有一一去不返,也会等候

    Even if someday you do not, I will wait.


  • 即使有一失去不会遗憾

    Even lose again one day, can't there is regret, either.


  • 不过,即使有能把自己削平一些,我还是不想跑步

    In any case, I had a breast reduction, and I still don't want to run.


  • 带走吧,即使有一离开了,再也不会孤单的了崽。

    Take a piece of my heart. And make it all your own. So when we are apart. You'll never be alone.


  • 但是即使一觉醒头发变得,我还是一刀

    But even if I were to get up up an a. m. and ascertain it long and abundant, I would probably still get it lopped off.


  • 即使有一俄罗斯没落了,依旧可以扎眼俄罗斯女人重新找回自己光辉

    Even one day when Russia was having her down days, she could get back her glory with spectacular Russian ladies.


  • 即使一天终于意识到我只是自欺欺人,但内心深处我知道我已不能

    Though some day maybe I will realize I really made a fool of myself, I know in my heart that I cannot live without you.


  • 对于每一个人来说,不可或缺的,永远守候即使有一天发现离开它。

    The family is the essential presence----the thing that never leaves you, even if you find you have to leave it.


  • 即使有一终究散落天涯,可是曾经生命交汇,曾经万丈光芒过,曾经彼此的委屈伤心过。

    Even one day is bound to wander around, but once the life of convergence had far too light, had been sad for their grievances.


  • 即使孩子丈夫把所事情搞错了,你也要理由感谢他们花些时间精力寻找好的住址

    Even on the days when it seems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. Take the time and energy to look for the good.


  • 听说俄罗斯女人俄罗斯珍贵资源即使有一俄罗斯没落了,依旧可以扎眼的俄罗斯女人重新找回自己光辉

    I once heard that Russian women are the most precious resources in Russia. Even one day when Russia was having her down days, she could get back her glory with spectacular Russian ladies.


  • 即使婚姻美满的妇女都知道挣得到就可以他们丈夫平起平坐即使有一天婚姻走到了尽头,也可以很好的保护自己。

    And even those in the most loving marriage recognize that earning money puts them on equal footing with their husbands — and protects them in case that marriage ends.


  • 我们可以转身但是不必回头即使有一发现自己了,你应该转身,大步朝着方向去而不是回头自己错了。

    We can turn around, but don't look back, even if one day, you find you are wrong, you should also turn, a big step towards the right direction, not back to blame their own wrong.


  • 亲爱的即使有一步履变得蹒跚青丝变成白发红润脸上爬满了皱纹要携着漫步夕阳余辉下!

    Dear: Even if one day, you become the walking stumble, Qingsi become white hair, Hongrun's face is covered with climbing wrinkles, but I still carrying your hand, walk in the afterglow of the sunset!


  • 但是即使我们希望通过某种东西解释时间或者空间只不过是把问题推向另一个层次因为需要解释你解释时间用的这些东西是什么

    But even if one day we manage to explain time and space in terms of something else, that only pushes the question to another level, because you then have to explain [the something else].


  • 可是知道,即使早晨醒来发现人人同一个种族,同一种信仰,同一种肤色中午之前他们也会找到某种别的我们偏见理由

    If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.


  • 过去健康专家曾警告我们即使肺部感染严重咽喉痛常见疾病也会很难得到医疗服务。

    In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems, such as lung infection or severe sore throat.


  • 过去健康专家曾警告我们即使肺部感染严重咽喉痛常见疾病有一天也会很难得到医疗护理

    In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems such as lung infection or severe sour throat.


  • 在太阳报报道基恩:“即使弗爵爷说过一天联赛会开始踢了,我也不会认同。”

    According to reports in the Sun, Keane said: "Even Sir Alex Ferguson said the other day the league's getting tougher."


  • 即使达尔文相信适当情况下亚种可以有一天成为独特的物种

    Even Darwin, he says, believed that subspecies could, under the right circumstances, become a unique species someday.


  • 我们始终坚定地希望有一拿出一张配得起才华的唱片。 虽然近年看来这是不大可能即使这“不可能”也打着他的个人印记

    There was abiding hope that he would one day return with a record worthy of his talents, and though in recent years it seemed unlikely, he specialized in the unlikely.


  • 即使明显的威胁这些我们日常生活依仗系统复杂性有一天或许会引起麻烦甚至灾难性破坏

    Even without explicit threats, the unending complexity of systems that werely on daily may lead to inconvenient, or even catastrophic, disruptions.


  • 即使严重的淤伤有一终会消退受伤灵魂撕裂永远的。

    Even the blackest bruises one day fade; a scarred soul is torn forever.


  • 还表示即使天然气也要断电

    Even when there is gas, he says, the electricity is cut four times a day.


  • 即使可以活得优雅尊严

    Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dinity.


  • 在这个传说里,尼如此恶劣即使已经了,有一天复活

    The myth was that Nero was such a terrible, terrible, terrible bad man that even though he had been assassinated he was going to rise from the dead someday.


  • 一种方法可以我们既能享受假期又不至于让生物钟拨后就是即使一天不用上班我们确保合理时间起床

    'One way to enjoy the festive season but not let our body clock drift too far is to ensure that we still get up at a reasonable time even when not going to work.'


  • 或许将来的一天用户可能投向另外即使聊天服务,这都是可能的...但是依我看,至少目前是可能出现这种情况,”Zhang这样

    “It’s possible that users might convert to another IM service some daybut from my point of view, it’s not going to happen very soon, ” Zhang said.


  • 或许将来的一天用户可能投向另外即使聊天服务,这都是可能的...但是依我看,至少目前是可能出现这种情况,”Zhang这样

    “It’s possible that users might convert to another IM service some daybut from my point of view, it’s not going to happen very soon, ” Zhang said.


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