• 对于任何的工作危害评估最长时间段一周现场完成

    The maximum period for any THA is one week and is completed on site.


  • 联合国粮农组织世界卫生组织专家评估只要一定限量范围之内,面粉增白剂不会对人体健康造成危害

    Experts from Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN and the World Health Organization said as long as the amount of flour brightener was limited, it will not harm people's health.


  • 美国食品药品监督管理局警告的措辞巧妙地暗示了应仔细评估这些类药物功效不良反应危害的要求。

    The FDA warning is nicely phrasedto point out the need for careful clinical evaluation of therisks and benefits of these drugs.


  • 作者文章得,研究的目标应用在多标准的决策分析模型中,重新评估英国药品危害

    The authors write that their goal was to apply multi-criteria decision analysis modelling to re-evaluate drug harms in the U.


  • 环境保护决定,或者叫做危害发现”,给予保护署合法权利要求60天的公众评估后完成气体的减排

    The EPA's decision, known as an "endangerment finding", gives the agency the legal authority to demand cuts in emissions following a 60-day public review period.


  • 然而报告强调转基因食品销售之前必须继续进行安全评估预防人类健康环境造成危害

    However the report also stresses the need for continued safety assessments on GM before they are marketed, to prevent risks to both human health and the environment.


  • 释放天然气水力压裂过程环境可能产生危害问题也是不争的事实因此亟须开采前后的环境进行评估

    It is true that there are questions about the harm that may be done by the "fracking" process that liberates shale gas; there is an urgent need for systematic before-and-after environmental audits.


  • 已经达到危险级别辐射污染使核电站工作人员紧急反应人员无法安全地接近设施座受损反应堆控制火势评估危害程度的工作无法进行。

    Dangerous levels of radiation are preventing nuclear workers and emergency responders from safely approaching the facility's four reactors to control fires and assess the extent of damages.


  • 实施可能会带来危害大规模撤军之前这种所谓暂缓撤军用于评估士兵人数削减所带来的影响

    This so-called pause in drawdowns would be designed to assess the impact of this round of withdrawals before allowing more that could jeopardize the gains.


  • 企业定期开展风险评估危害辨识

    Enterprises % shall carry out the risk assessment and hazard identification regularly.


  • 企业定期开展风险评估危害辨识

    Enterprises shall carry out the risk assessment and hazard identification regularly.


  • 识别危害风险评估制定风险控制

    Identify hazards, assess the risks, and make risk controls.


  • 居民星期天成为严酷一天精疲力尽的居民们评估这个国家最大地震造成危害

    Christchurch residents awoke sunday to another grim day as shell-shocked residents assess the damage inflicted by one of the country's most powerful earthquakes.


  • 周五YumBrands请来一名城市危害控制专家纽约餐馆重新评估

    Yum Brands on Friday hired an urban pest control expert to review standards at its New York City restaurants.


  • 制药企业用来评估工艺安全性危害

    It has also been used primarily in the pharmaceutical industry for evaluating process safety hazards.


  • 要将它们控制一个可接受水平就需要根据暴露标准规范危害因素进行识别评估

    Control of risk exposures to an acceptable level depends on the identification and evaluation of the hazards with reference to acceptable exposure standards and or specifications.


  • 获得这个技术领域的学位,必须评估控制那些危害工人因素不管是工厂或是办公室环境中

    A degree in this technology field prepares you to evaluate and control the factors that may endanger workers, whether in a factory or office environment.


  • 电能质量指标偏离产生危害进行经济评估有助于合理采用相应改善措施

    The economic evaluation on the damage caused by index deviation of the power quality is helpful to adopt proper improving measures.


  • 工厂是否进行风险评估识别化学品原材料工艺设备工具中带来的危害

    Factory conducts risk assessments to identify hazards from chemicals, raw materials, process equipments, and tools.


  • 用于产品工艺设施设计以及危害类型评估然后是产品分类最后特殊商品

    It can be used for product, process and facility design as well as to evaluate the types of hazards for the general product type, then the product class, and finally the specific product.


  • 风险评估运用科学依据确定由于接触某种物质事态个人群体所产生危害概率

    Risk assessment is the use of scientific data to define the probability of some harm coming to an individual or a population because of exposure to a substance or situation.


  • 评估物理冷却方法处理小孩发烧好处危害

    To evaluate the benefits and harms of physical cooling methods used for managing fever in children.


  • 本文分析RDD恐怖事件威胁存在现实可能性及其危害后果评估基础,提出了RDD防范建议

    This paper analyzes the possible realism and hurt on RDD terrorist event, and the suggestion of countering RDD is brought forward on the base of the consequence assessment.


  • 此次酒精危害的重新评估始于2012年,评估结果近期的其他研究结果呼应。其他研究也认为,偶尔饮酒可能引发未来的健康问题

    The review was launched in 2012 and its findings are expected to reflect the latest research that links even occasional alcohol consumption to health problems in later life.


  • 信息信息处理设施危害影响薄弱点三者发生可能性评估

    Assessment of threats to, impacts on and vulnerabilities of information and information processing facilities and the likelihood of their occurrence.


  • 对台风暴潮影响下嵊泗海域人工鱼礁工程做了风险评估,考虑了台风暴潮中出现的大浪风暴潮减对鱼礁联合作用的危害

    This paper focuses on the risk assessment of a new type of concrete artificial fish-reefs in Shengsi when typhoon waves with the lowest water level and maximum tidal current speed occur.


  • 减轻地震灾害研究通常包括地震危险性评估、地震危害预测、地震灾害减轻三个环节。

    The reduction of earthquake disasters includes the assessment of seismic hazard, estimation of seismic risk, and management of earthquake disasters.


  • 减轻地震灾害研究通常包括地震危险性评估、地震危害预测、地震灾害减轻三个环节。

    The reduction of earthquake disasters includes the assessment of seismic hazard, estimation of seismic risk, and management of earthquake disasters.


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