• 陕西林区啮齿动物群落划分4个不同危害类型

    The rodent communities could be divided into 4 types of impaired seedling in the forest region of Shannxi.


  • 注意到防沙体系所受风沙危害类型程度公路东西两侧不同地貌部位差异明显

    Ths differences of the type and extent of blown sand hazard between the east and west sides of the desert highway as well as different geomorphic sections are evident.


  • 用于产品工艺设施设计以及危害类型评估然后是产品分类最后特殊商品

    It can be used for product, process and facility design as well as to evaluate the types of hazards for the general product type, then the product class, and finally the specific product.


  • Pope教授谈道:“哪些类型粒子对人体最为有害关于这个问题人们争论不休,我们暂时不明了,危害性的,到底硫酸盐硝酸盐还是细微粉尘颗粒。”

    "There are still big debates about which type of particle is the most toxic," said Pope. "We're not sure whether it's the sulfates, or the nitrates, or even fine dust that's the most problematic."


  • 再一告诉这些文件类型非常安全,您需要采取额外的预防措施保证这些文件中的数据不会受到危害

    Once again, these types of files are very un-secure and you will need to take extra precautions to ensure that the data in these files cannot be compromised.


  • 少数其他类型常见错误一样,内存错误还是隐性危害:它们很难再现症状通常不能相应源代码中找到。

    Memory errors also can be insidious in a way common to few other classes of errors: They're hard to reproduce and symptoms often are difficult to localize in the corresponding source code.


  • 冰山融化使贫困国家缓冲多变气候降雨类型危害的屏障减少

    Their melting leaves poor countries with less of a buffer to protect farmers against changing weather and rainfall patterns.


  • 施工安全危害非常明显不同于其他类型飞机一些

    Safety hazards are very evident unlike some of the other types of aircraft construction.


  • 班组强化控制管理标明危险危害性质类型标准定量、注意事项内容,警示现场人员

    The teams and groups to strengthen the control and management, indicating the nature or type of danger or hazard, standards, and other matters of attention, in order to alert the scene personnel.


  • 本文从手机短信诈骗犯罪构成、完成形态危害结果入手,对手机短信诈骗犯罪的特点类型进行探讨

    The paper researches on the characteristics and categories of the crime by analyzing the constitution of the crime, the conformation and harm of the crime.


  • 本文广泛收集历史上发生重要自然灾害事例,从中分析得出福建沿海地区主要自然灾害类型特点危害

    In this paper, author collect the historical instances of natural disaster, and summarize the types, characteristics, harm of natural disaster in Fujian coastal areas.


  • 本文阐述循环冷却水系统沉积物类型及其产生原因危害

    This paper describes the types of sediment in the cyclic cooling water system, and its formation reasons and detriments.


  • 许多因素影响稳定危害包括数量降水类型方面,暴露于太阳和风力和接触上述危险。

    There are many factors that affect snow stability and hazard, including the amount and type of precipitation, aspect north-facing , east-facing, etc.


  • 对现浇水混凝土质量缺陷几种类型及其危害产生原因进行分析提出具体预防措施

    The article analyzes some kinds of quality defects of cast-in-place hydraulic concrete, its harms, formation causes and puts forward concrete prevention measures.


  • 本文分析温度粮食产量关系指出作物遭到低温危害原因类型指标及其地域分布规律。

    In this paper the relationship between the temperature and crop yield was analysed and the causes, types, indexes and distribution of low temperature damage on crops were noted.


  • 介绍了电机轴承跑套类型原因危害处理方法,实际例子说明如何处理轴承跑套的故障

    The type, cause, harm and its repair of asynchronous motor bearing run-off were introduced, while taking actual examples to explain how to deal with fault from bearing run-off.


  • 分析突发性环境污染事故类型危害提出防范、处理污染事故的方法

    Analyzing the environmental accidents' types and harms by burst pollution, the paper puts forward the preventive and solvable methods for pollution accidents.


  • 本文给出了常见电网电压畸变类型分析了电压畸变数控机床危害提出了防止措施

    This article enumerates the types of voltage distortions, and analyses the harmful effect of the voltage distortions to the CNC machines, and proposed measures to prevent it.


  • 为了拓展优化人类生存空间,对公路灾害类型危害进行了系统分析提出减灾措施

    In order to extend and optimize human living space, the article analyzes comprehensively the road disaster and its danger, furthermore puts forward some measures to prevent and reduce the disaster.


  • 大学生网络成瘾问题引起了人们的密切关注着重分析了体育院校大学生网络成瘾的类型危害成因提出了大学生网络成瘾的康复对策。

    Internet addiction of college students has been noticed well by people. The paper mainly analyses its type, harm and cause, and puts some suggests of its recover.


  • 介绍谐波危害,产生谐波类型有源滤波原理

    The harm and type of harmonic wave were introduced, and the principle of active filter was analyzed as well.


  • 本文分析黑龙江省地质灾害类型成因分布危害

    The paper analyses the types, causes and the distribution of the geological disasters.


  • 许多不同类型网站可以儿童有潜在危害

    There are many different types of websites that can be potentially harmful to children.


  • 阐述广西近年来突发性环境污染事故类型、基本特征及其危害性。提出了相应地对策

    The types, characteristic and damage of sudden pollution accident happened in Guangxi in these years were expounded with their control countermeasures.


  • 土地退化是一个重要的环境问题,山西省土地退化具有类型多样影响面广危害大等特点。

    The land degeneration with various types, wide influencing areas and heavy harmfulness exists in Shanxi Province.


  • 科学家正在继续积累有关其他类型有害污染物影响危害数据资料

    Scientists are continuing to amass data concerning the effects of many other types of toxic pollutants.


  • 目的了解核工业放射性工作人员健康情况,探求辐射危害所致细胞遗传学主要改变指标类型

    Objective to understand the health status of the radial-stricken workers in nuclear industry and to explore the types of main mutative indices in cytogenetics caused by radiation risk.


  • 分析了突发性环境污染事故特性危害,提出不同类型突发性环境污染事故,应采用应急监测方法。

    The character and danger of environmental impact of emergency pollution accident is analysed. The methods of emergency monitor to the different kinds of emergency pollution accident are given.


  • 分析了突发性环境污染事故特性危害,提出不同类型突发性环境污染事故,应采用应急监测方法。

    The character and danger of environmental impact of emergency pollution accident is analysed. The methods of emergency monitor to the different kinds of emergency pollution accident are given.


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