• 该项研究费用美国卫生人类服务卫生健康研究质量机构出资。

    The study was paid for by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.


  • 美国卫生健康研究质量机构职员采用标准化表格提取试验设计、试验背景样本随机方式、盲法结果弊端等数据

    Using standardized forms, staff of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality abstracted data on study design, setting, sample, randomization, blinding, results, and harms.


  • 据世界卫生组织的一项新研究,音乐能使我们更快乐、更健康

    According to the new study from the World Health Organization (WHO), music can make us happier and healthier.


  • 德斯女士说,世界卫生组织的研究报告称,90%的澳大利亚和新西兰年轻人没有达到健康生活所需的最低每日活动量。

    Ms. Lenders said World Health Organization research reported 90 percent of young Australians and New Zealanders were not getting the minimum daily levels of activity they needed in order to lead a healthy life.


  • 作为预测影响健康风险因素方法疾病研究公共卫生领域的支柱研究之一

    Studying disease as a way to predict risk factors for ill health is one of the pillars of public health research.


  • 欧洲区域转型期卫生系统标准化研究基础,利用科学证据分析能力,处理了欧洲境内健康差距根本因素

    Standardized studies of health systems in transition brought the power of scientific evidence and analysis to bear on a fundamental cause of health disparities in Europe.


  • 美国人健康指标对于一个富裕国家来说令人震惊的:根据OECD世界卫生组织研究我们平均寿命方面排名第27,在糖尿病方面排名第18,在肥胖排名第一

    American health Numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World health Organization, we're 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity.


  • 采取协调行动支持开展针对此处列出优先考虑问题研究可能卫生工作者政策产生重大影响从而从根本上提高贫困者的健康水平。

    Coordinated action to support and implement research into the highest priority questions identified here could have a major impact on health worker policies and, ultimately, on the health of the poor.


  • 这项研究部分经费美国国立卫生研究院资助,不断增加动物研究表明BPA机体健康危害,包括繁殖生长问题

    The study, funded partly by the National Institutes of health, joins a growing body of animal research showing the toxic health effects of BPA, including reproductive and developmental problems.


  • 行动3.4:支持监测研究工作增进公众气候变化健康风险管理这些风险有效干预手段的卫生知识

    Action 3.4: Support and monitor research to improve public health knowledge on the health risks of climate change and on the most effective interventions to manage those risks.


  • 因为卫生保健专家研究需要精确数据统计正确理解对待健康问题

    Health care professionals and medical researchers need accurate data and statistics in order to correctly understand and treat health problems.


  • 这项研究美国国家卫生研究资助这些数据来自基督复临安息日会的一项长期研究《复临健康研究2》。

    The data for this research, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health, came from the Adventist Health study 2, a long term study of Seventh Day Adventists.


  • 加州卫生服务部埃里·卡维斯硕士研究表示面向公众健康宣传活动媒体报道可能上述概率下降原因

    Researcher Erica Weis, MPH, of California's health services department, suggests that public health campaigns and media coverage of outbreaks may be responsible for the decline.


  • 此项研究结果丹佛举行美国公共卫生协会会议上公布。另外结果显示,目前已有五分之一的青少年属于健康风险人群”,其中不乏少女。

    The findings, which were presented at the American Public Health Association's conference in Denver, found that up to one in five teenagers belonged to this group, many of whom were female.


  • 此项研究结果丹佛举行美国公共卫生协会会议上公布。另外结果显示,目前已有五分之一的青少年属于健康风险人群”,其中不乏少女。

    The findings, which were presented at the American Public Health Association's conference in Denver, found that up to one in five teenagers belonged to this group, many of whom were female.


  • 今年三月国立卫生研究院(NIH)科学家研究如何通过社会网络改善公共健康提供了一个资助机会

    In March, the NIH issued a funding opportunity for scientists studying how to improve public health through social networks.


  • 关于精神健康人权问题培训纳入包括初级保健在内卫生和精神卫生专业人员本科生研究课程

    Incorporate training on mental health and human rights issues into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula for health and mental health professionals, including those in primary care.


  • 如果了解更多以上列出药草补充剂相关副作用,那么国家健康卫生研究的数据库网站一个很好的资源

    If you want to learn more about the side effects of common herbal supplements like the ones listed above, the National Institute of Health's Medline Plus site is an invaluable resource.


  • 研究澳大利亚国家健康医学研究委员会新南威尔士卫生注资

    The study was funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council and by the New South Wales Department of Health.


  • 研究美国国家卫生组织妇女健康行动计划一部分

    The study was part of the Women's Health Initiative organized by the National Institutes of Health..


  • 国家卫生研究美国健康、教育福利部进行支持医疗研究首要机构

    The NIH is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' primary agency for conducting and supporting medical research.


  • 研究纽约市卫生联邦疾病防控中心有毒物质疾病登记处联合开展研究结果城市健康杂志》上发表

    The study was conducted by the city health department and the federal Centers for Disease Control's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. It was released in the Journal of Urban Health.


  • 该项研究美国国家卫生研究关于女性健康倡议一部分类似项目表明绝经激素治疗大于

    The study was part of the Women's Health Initiative of the National Institutes of Health, the same program that showed that hormone therapy after menopause might have more risks than benefits.


  • 世界健康组织正在研究关于招募卫生保健新职员国际条例章程5月份全体议会进行讨论

    The World Health Organisation is developing a code of practice regarding the international recruitment of health-care staff, to be discussed at its general assembly in May.


  • 世界健康组织正在研究关于招募卫生保健新职员国际条例章程5月份全体议会进行讨论

    The World Health Organisation is developing a code of practice regarding the international recruitment of health-care staff, to be discussed at its general assembly in May.


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