• 火箭发射颗通信卫星

    The rocket launched two communications satellites.


  • 卫星火箭发射的。

    The satellite was launched in a rocket.


  • 天飞船于北京时间星期一上午7:30在中国西北部戈壁沙漠的酒泉卫星发射中心由长征二号FY11运载火箭搭载升空。

    The spacecraft was sent up at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gobi desert at 7: 30 a.m. Beijing time Monday with a Long March-2F Y11 carrier rocket.


  • 第一人造卫星史泼尼克发射以来,火箭推进剂超过50时间内变化不多。

    Rocket propellant has barely changed in the more than 50 years since the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik.


  • 小型卫星发射这一市场目前只有天马火箭公司提供一些服务。他们商务喷气式飞机高空进行发射

    The market for launching small satellites is presently only partly served by the Pegasus rocket, which is launched at high altitude by a commercial jet aircraft.


  • 伊朗2005年利用俄罗斯火箭发射第一商业卫星

    Iran launched its first commercial satellite in 2005 on a Russian rocket.


  • 重型火箭2004年进行首次发射可以24负载发送低地球轨道,也能将用于通讯卫星11吨重的载荷送入地球同步轨道

    The rocket made its first flight in 2004 and is capable of launching payloads of up to 24 tons into low-Earth orbit and 11 tons toward the geosynchronous orbits used by communications satellites.


  • 科学家们模拟了火箭点火舱体飞行,演示届时酒泉卫星发射中心观察控制联络系统运转情况。

    Scientists simulated the ignition of the rocket and the in-flight moves of the capsule to test how the observation, control and communication systems at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center work.


  • 意味着卫星助推火箭必须同步设计这样消费者不会各种发射器多番比较。

    That would mean satellite and launch rocket would have to be designed in tandem, so customers could not shop around for different launch vehicles.


  • 德尔塔火箭已经预定发射时段,新的全球定位卫星发射轨道

    The Delta has the launch range booked to carry a new GPS satellite into orbit.


  • 运载国际通信卫星组织708号通信卫星火箭,在冲出发射塔架秒钟内未按规定行进而突然转向。

    The rocket, carrying an Intelsat 708 communications satellite, veered off course within seconds after clearing the launch tower.


  • 计划明年4月份发射同样的火箭科学卫星

    It plans to launch a similar rocket and scientific satellite next April.


  • 探测太空天气情况的欧洲卫星终于进入地球运行轨道,4年前第一次发射因运载火箭爆炸失败

    Two European satellites that will study the weather in space are finally orbiting the Earth four years after a first launch attempt ended in disaster when a carrier rocket blew up.


  • 但是韩国日本美国官员怀疑这个所谓卫星发射实际上是为了试射远程火箭

    But South Korean, Japanese, and U.S. officials are skeptical about the North's plan and suspect the so-called satellite launch is in reality a way to test a long-range rocket.


  • 作为日本宇航探测总署三菱重工联合项目一部分,搭载WINDS卫星火箭于下午555分发射升空。

    The rocket carrying the WINDS satellite — a joint project of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries — lifted off its pad at 5:55 p.m. (0855 GMT).


  • 电视实况评论员报道,由Safir-2火箭搭载的卫星周一夜间成功发射对于受到制裁伊朗而言,是该国科学家另一大壮举。

    TV commentary said Monday's night-time launch from a Safir-2 rocket was "another achievement for Iranian scientists under sanctions".


  • 韩国周二该国首次太空发射发射枚多级运载火箭所携带卫星火箭分离时间计划秒钟,卫星未能进入预定轨道。

    South Korea launched a multi-stage rocket Tuesday in the country's first space shot, but the satellite it was carrying separated a few seconds later than planned and didn't reach the proper orbit.


  • 目前发射这种小型卫星要么将它与卫星捆绑发射,要么他们自己的火箭发射,不过成本更高。

    At the moment such satellites must either piggyback on the launch of a larger satellite or be launched rather expensively on their own rocket.


  • 1992年起,韩国已经海外发射11卫星全部利用外国制造的火箭

    Since 1992, South Korea has launched 11 satellites from overseas sites, all on foreign-made rockets.


  • 韩国希望2018年建造无需外援火箭,到2025年发射一颗月球探测卫星

    South Korea hopes to build a rocket without outside help by 2018 and to send a probe to the moon by 2025.


  • 星期一早上印度宇航局火箭安得拉邦斯里赫里戈达航天发射发射升空,几分钟之内搭载的卫星送入地球运行轨道

    A rocket belonging to India's space agency lifted off from the Sriharikota space station in Andhra Pradesh early Monday, putting a cluster of ten satellites into earth orbit within minutes.


  • 这个团队正在计划2011年春季八个这样口袋大小的立方体卫星搭载俄罗斯弹道火箭发射升空。

    The team is planning to launch eight of these pocket cubes packed inside a launcher on a Russian ballistic missile by spring of 2011.


  • 如果发射成功韩国届时成为世界上第10个自主发射火箭卫星送入太空国家

    If the launch is successful, South Korea will be the 10th country in the world to launch a satellite from its soil using indigenous technology.


  • 尽管韩国1992年以来发射11卫星,但所有发射地点海外,而且都是借助外国制造的火箭发射的。

    Although South Korea has launched 11 satellites since 1992, all lifted off from overseas sites on foreign-made rockets.


  • 这些国家火箭发射常常用来发射商用卫星

    Sites in those countries are regularly used for launching commercial satellites.


  • 赋予一定价值卫星最后自我牺牲的火箭爆炸,也许解决上诉问题。 即发射卫星缴纳定金只有卫星最终安全处理后,定金才可以返还。

    A deposit payable on launch, to be refunded when asatellite is disposed of safely, could deal with this by giving value to thatlast, self-sacrificial rocket blast.


  • 其他人注意到,Aldebaran运载火箭发射卫星可用摧毁卫星

    He and others note that the Aldebaran rocket could be used to destroy satellites as well as launch them.


  • 卫星装进一架发射火箭,要耗时6个月以上美国空军希望时间削减数天甚或数小时。

    Integrating a satellite with a launch rocket can take six months or more, but the US Air Force hopes to reduce this to days or even hours.


  • 之前CryoSat卫星2005年发射失败由于当时发射活动发射火箭的问题而导致卫星坠入中。

    The original CryoSat had been lost in 2005, when a rocket failure caused the satellite to crash into the sea during launch.


  • 1214 日,范登堡(Vandenberg空军基地发射火箭,上面携带着一枚名为“美国 193”的卫星

    On Dec. 14, 2006, Vandenberg Air Force Base launched a rocket carrying a satellite called USA 193.


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