• 大约15年前法国瓦尔谷地住了一个夏天

    About 15 years ago, I spent a summer in France's Loire Valley.


  • 引渡卢格沃或是国内审判西方磕头并且背叛KGB同事);而什么都不似乎成了保护一名谋杀嫌疑犯

    To extradite Mr Lugovoi or try him at home would be kowtowing to the West (and betraying a KGB ex-colleague); by doing nothing, he may seem to be protecting a murder suspect.


  • 然而,在5周前,在欣赏卢塞恩节日管弦乐团表演布鲁克第五交响曲的时候,演出真是美妙至极啊,才意识到场彻夜盛典

    However, watching the Lucerne Festival Orchestra perform Bruckner's Symphony No 5 a few weeks back – and what a performance that was – I realised this was no night off.


  • 今天,有望继卢斯科尼欧盟反垄断专员马里奥·蒙蒂,在离开宾馆时被等待已久记者团团包围。

    This morning Mario Monti, the former European commissioner who many expect to succeed Mr Berlusconi, emerged from his hotel to find a group of reporters waiting for him.


  • 星期克里姆林宫公开激烈争论之后卢日科夫离职本身并不让人震惊

    Mr Luzhkov's departure was not itself such a shock, after a furious open fight had broken out with the Kremlin some weeks ago.


  • 几十辆装载着以色列蒙面突击队员吉普车黎明驶入约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯包围名巴勒斯坦枪手住房

    Dozens of jeeps carrying masked Israeli commandos rolled into the West Bank town of Nablus before dawn and surrounded the homes of three Palestinian gunmen.


  • 安德烈·卢戈沃伊——控把放射性投入克格勃特工亚历山大·利特维年科——得到普金私人保护

    Andrei Lugovoi - the man who allegedly slipped radioactive polonium into former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko's tea - enjoys the personal protection of Putin.


  • 因此首脑会议之后,加卢先生成为EADS唯一首席执行长同时联席执行长,德国人汤姆恩德斯将成为空客的执行长。 整个任命过程风平浪静。

    So, after the summit, Mr Gallois was put in sole charge of EADS while his former co-chief executive, Tom Enders, a German, was made chief executive of Airbus; and calm descended.


  • 卢德镇坐落于以色列商业中心特拉维夫附近不久前,这儿还只是闭塞落后穷乡僻壤。

    NOT long ago, Lod, an Israeli city near the commercial hub of Tel Aviv, was a sleepy backwater.


  • 作为哈佛MBA布什首任内阁中有四位前执行总裁;卢斯·科尼则是世上在混淆公私部门区别方面做最多的人。

    Mr Bush, a Harvard MBA, appointed four former chief executives to his first cabinet; Mr Berlusconi has done more than any man alive to blur the distinction between the public and the private sector.


  • 自从年前俄罗斯方面说卢卡申科操作改选以来,两国的关系越来越不稳定。

    Relations between Moscow and Minsk have been increasingly rocky since the Kremlin hailed Mr Lukashenka's rigged re-election four years ago.


  • 这种感觉好比是阿道夫·卢斯维也纳建筑师一个世纪纽约出蒸汽船那一刻经历的一样。

    He sensation is comparable to the Epiphany that Adolf Loos, the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.


  • 47皮尔•卢瑟夫说:“交往半的前未婚妻分手了。照片扔进了粉碎机,因为我们之间一些非常愉快的回忆。”

    "I got rid of my ex-fiancee after five and a half years, " said Pierre Lucien, 47, "I shredded her picture, because I have very bad memories."


  • 目前为止,我们普遍承认那些可追溯至190万年前化石直立人祖先,它们大多数是“能人”卢多尔夫智人”。

    Until now, fossils dated to 1.9million years ago - and mostly attributed to Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis - have been undisputed considered ancestral to Homo erectus.


  • 前往Republiekrepubliekbloemendaal.nl )寻求更加热闹气氛,布卢明代尔( bloomingdaleaanzee.com )是个很好的休息点,这里木制楼阁作为休息室

    Bloomingdale (bloomingdaleaanzee.com) is a good place to start, with a wooden pavilion/lounge vibe, before heading to Republiek (republiekbloemendaal.nl) for a more boisterous atmosphere.


  • 卢斯科尼内阁8公布一揽子施政措施中,订购付费电视的增值税明年1月开始提高一

    In a package of measures approved by Berlusconi's cabinet eight days ago, VAT levied on pay-TV subscriptions will double from January 1.


  • 4月,贝克·汉姆维多利亚“完美婚姻”似乎出现裂痕,因小贝私人助理丽贝卡·卢斯传出绯闻

    The seemingly-perfect marriage of David and Victoria Beckham was rocked by allegations that the England captain had conducted an affair with his former assistant, Rebecca Loos, inset.


  • 西布·罗姆·维奇中场行将自由转会踏上布卢姆菲尔德(注:布莱克浦尔主场球场)。

    Former West Brom midfielder may be on his way to Bloomfield Road on a free transfer. (Mail).


  • 临终前,达透露了一丝关于卢克身世的秘密:还有另一位行者

    As he lay dying, Yoda shed some light on Luke's distant past: there was another Skywalker.


  • 临终前,产下一对双胞胎卢克莱娅

    She died as she gave birth to twins: Luke and Leia.


  • 卢西奥临终前的话语使曼努埃尔警醒,唤醒了强烈的求生意志。

    Lucio before dying words to awaken Manuel, Also awakened his strong will to survive.


  • 夜明者离开军校卢克比格斯最后次驾机穿越乞丐

    Luke and Biggs took one last ride in Beggar's Canyon prior to Darklighter's departure for the Academy.


  • 曼联中场卢。马卡里觉得决心留下鲁尼必须更加努力才能重建队友的关系

    The former Manchester United midfielder Lou Macari feels Wayne Rooney will have to work hard to rebuild relationships with his team-mates after deciding to remain at Old Trafford.


  • 最终,卡希克银河参议院获得了一个代表席位。雅卢阿参议员克隆战争爆发最后一任卡希克代表

    Eventually, Kashyyyk was even represented in the Galactic Senate, with Senator Yarua being the last Kashyyyk representative prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars.


  • 卢恩女士同意找到常任校长前负责运作这一项目

    Lewen agreed to run the program until a permanent director could be found.


  • 离开前,·实施了应对计划,将毒素投放到了费卢西亚庞大的供水系统中。

    Prior to her departure, Shu Mai executed her contingency plan, releasing toxins into Felucia's far-reaching water table.


  • 马卢达几年合同没有被透露但是希望周一办好所有手续队友们会合,他们一起前往美国进行前拉练。

    The length of the deal was not disclosed but it is hoped that all formalities will be concluded in time for Malouda to travel with his new team-mates on Monday, for a pre-season tour of United States.


  • 卢明设计公司前任经营者盖理·安德森年前就退休了

    Gary Anderson, formerly the proprietor of Bloomington Design (Bloomington, in), retired three years ago.


  • 卢明设计公司前任经营者盖理·安德森年前就退休了

    Gary Anderson, formerly the proprietor of Bloomington Design (Bloomington, in), retired three years ago.


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