• 要求大专以上学历有较强人际沟通能力,有电话销售经验智能销售经验者先。

    Requirements: College degree, good communication ability, telephone sales call and smart card system sales experience is preferred.


  • 他们计划推出已经建立了在线多人游戏预付销售,这样这些城市主要目标就是扩大业务

    Sales of the online multiplayer game CARDS have already been established in advance of their planned roll out making these cities prime targets for rapid expansion.


  • 百胜餐饮集团首席财务里克·表示,“我们想法通过菜单上增加更多种类的食物,我们消费者销售产品可以满足他们全天的需要。”

    "The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu, we can sell to consumers products they want all day," says Rick Carucci, the chief financial officer of Yum! Brands.


  • 到19世纪,那不勒斯的面包师拉法尔·埃斯波西托才开始销售第一批现代披萨。

    It was the nineteenth century before Rafacla Esposito, a baker from Naples, began to sell the first modern pizzas.


  • 我们公司致力于销售改进澳系列设拉子干红葡萄酒

    Our company's main business is to sell and promote Hogget Creek Shiraz Dry Red wine.


  • 不过华为并不打算放弃销售手机PC家用路由器相对较新的移动设备部门

    However, Huawei does not intend to abandon its relatively new mobile devices division, which sells handsets, PC CARDS and home routers.


  • 普尔先生建立完整的酷若乐供应链包括特殊的鸡只繁殖场遍及印度偏远地区销售网络。

    Mr Kapur has built an entire supply chain around the Kuroiler, including specialist farms that breed them and vendors who sell them across rural India.


  • 现在他们正在销售圣诞音乐圣诞饼干

    They are now selling musical Christmas CARDS and crackers.


  • 如果不想使用俱乐部之类的东西,但友好的收银员开始进行销售宣传时,你对会有不同的想法。

    Or if you prefer to shun club cards and their ilk, you can always spare him something else when your friendly cashier begins the sales pitch.


  • 这个特殊的【事件前阵子我们销售中受到了广泛的关注,但是我们从来没有完全解释清楚原理

    This particular event was spoiled in our sell sheet a while back, but we never quite explained how it worked.


  • 有些制造商会销售一种,它可以 16 进制的形式显示最新写入 80端口的内容。

    Some manufacturers sell plug-in cards that display, in hex, whatever byte was last written to port 80.


  • 根据最新完成的调查报道,购买销售礼品的PlasticJungle每年美国市场总计大约900亿美元。

    In a just-completed study, Plastic Jungle, which buys and sells gift cards, reported that all-told, the U.S. market for them is about $90 billion annually.


  • 里扎·森汀亚说道:“整个事情就是丑闻。”24岁的父亲位于柏林夏洛滕堡区的杂货店工作店内的销售业绩下滑了70%。

    "The whole thing is a big scandal," said Riza Cetinkaya, 24, who works in her father's grocery store in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, where, she said, sales had dropped about 70 percent.


  • 选择什么销售讨论会不是重要的,但你却必须要能够客户那里接受信用付费

    No matter what sales forum you choose, set yourself up to accept credit card payments from your customers.


  • 但是莫迪透露到塔鲁尔的个叫孙南达普什朋友,他又是一个谦虚成功销售专家他拿到今后工作价值不菲的赛股份

    But Mr Modi revealed that Sunanda Pushkar, a friend of Mr Tharoor's and a modestly successful marketing professional, had been allotted a valuable stake in the team against future work for it.


  • 迪斯尼日本分公司日前表示公司准备通过一种指甲大小的闪存销售电影如此一来人们便可以手机其他移动设备观赏电影。

    Walt Disney Co's Japan unit said it would sell movies on flash memory CARDS as small as a fingernail so that people can watch them on mobile phones and other portable devices.


  • 我们正在继续努力的地方,”英国圈坊的市场销售经理朱迪斯•登比说道

    "It is something that we're continuing to work on," says Judith Denby, the UK's marketing manager of Krispy Kreme.


  • 尽管他们不能海外销售石油,但全国过渡委员会扎菲更多途径获得燃料给养

    Though it has yet to sell oil abroad, the NTC has better access to fuel supplies than has the colonel (see article).


  • 使得他们生产效率更高:2008年,平均每个梅尔·员工销售西班牙其他超市销售高出18%。

    This makes them more productive: sales per Mercadona employee were 18% higher in 2008 than at other Spanish supermarkets.


  • 英国法院的这项裁定是继本月早些时候荷兰法院裁定当地11R4进口销售败诉”后的又一次任天堂的有利判决。

    The decision follows a ruling in the Dutch courts earlier this month that saw 11 retailers convicted of acting unlawfully having imported and sold R4 devices.


  • 销售主导讨论作出回应创建了包含回应表格选项

    When you compose a response to a sales lead discussion, a new tab is created that contains just the response form.


  • 了解自己:,“我们销售所以很多关注我们的弱项-会计。”

    Know Thyself: Says Licata, "we're both salespeople, so we have a lot of people watching over what is not our strong point-accounting."


  • 查看销售主导详细信息,会显示主选项复合应用程序页面

    When viewing the details of a sales lead, you are presented with a composite application page under the main TAB.


  • 激活前只是一张塑料,就超市礼品一样。就是说销售商店不用为配备大量的软件版本而预付款。

    One is that the CARDS, like gift CARDS at a supermarket, are just pieces of plastic or cardboard until they are activated.


  • 银行自助服务终端设备生产商法国安智公司(Ingenico)股价上涨7.5%,至28欧元,公司董事会成员股东艾伦·格林(AllanGreen)表示公司销售推迟公布。

    Ingenico sa gained 7.5 percent to 28 euros after board member and shareholder Allan Green said the sale of the company has been delayed rather than blocked.


  • 例如假设希望在线圣诞业务十二月二十五号之前使用常规销售服务,而在日期之后进行大幅度的折扣服务。

    For example, let's say you want your online Christmas card business to use the regular sales service until December 25th, and then use the mega-discount service afterwards.


  • 属于白星航运公司WhiteStar line),但是该公司出售德公司(Cunard)时,泰坦尼克号属于销售一部分由于当时是艘沉船而且认为无法重新获得。

    The ship belonged to the White Star line but when that company was sold to Cunard the Titanic was not part of the sale because it was already a wreck and considered unrecoverable.


  • 属于白星航运公司WhiteStar line),但是该公司出售德公司(Cunard)时,泰坦尼克号属于销售一部分由于当时是艘沉船而且认为无法重新获得。

    The ship belonged to the White Star line but when that company was sold to Cunard the Titanic was not part of the sale because it was already a wreck and considered unrecoverable.


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