• 斯托克租借维拉前锋卡路直到赛季结束

    Stoke have signed the Aston Villa striker John Carew on loan until the end of the season.


  • 意大利卡路平公司专业提供灯杆铁塔焊接设备

    C. P. Trading SRL supply the automatic welding machine for lighting pole and metal tower production.


  • 挪威人卡路里昂效力的时候,2006年两人摩纳哥相遇

    They met in Monaco in 2006, when Norwegian Carew played for Lyon.


  • 但是无法注册997,因为该车注册别人名下伯明翰皇冠法庭告知

    But Mr Carew could not register the 997 as it was already logged in someone else's name, Birmingham crown court was told.


  • 此外,其馀人-队长马士卡路也、马迪布莱斯曼乔伊斯均曾参加单日国际板球赛

    In addition, four players in the squad – captain Dimitri Mascarenhas, Darren Maddy, Tim Bresnan and Ed Joyce – have one day international experience.


  • 昨天已经通过身体检查,今天早上完成签约。这样能够及时地被编进明天英超富尔汗比赛的大名单

    Carew completed his medical yesterday and finalised the paperwork this morning, in time to be included in the squad for tomorrow's Premier League trip to Fulham.


  • 斯托克扳平比分的契机是奋力拼搏的彭南特的任意球带出的。格登应当迅速清理掉,但是犹豫了,被卡路到了,接着胡斯将球送进了大门。

    Stoke equalised from a well-flighted Jermaine Pennant free-kick that Gordon should have cleared, but he hesitated, Carew got to the ball first, and Huth forced the ball over the line.


  • 他们飞驰的当儿,韦罗妮微笑着

    Veronica looked at him, smiling, as they bowled along.


  • 希腊语拉丁语是怎么说的,史诗《奥德赛》和西塞反击提林纳那篇著名的演讲。

    She wanted to hear what Greek and Latin sounded like, and I read to her from the Odyssey and the speeches against Cataline.


  • 扎菲的统治结束了,的唯一就是离开这个国家

    It's over for Qaddafi. The only solution is for him to leave the country.


  • 古巴人发现条通往自由线穿过大海到达墨西哥半岛然后使经由越过美国边界

    Cubans have also discovered a new route to freedom, crossing the sea to Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, then making their way overland to the border with the United States.


  • 许多的司机一样,不到工作做这一的。

    Like many riders, he took up his trade after failing to find other work.


  • 牛津,芬奇苏格兰姆登便切断了查尔斯·巴里正在设计特法拉加广场

    New Oxford Street had just been cut, and the Finchley road, the Caledonian and Camden roads, and Charles Barry was designing Trafalgar Square.


  • 皮斯通先是纽约做了月的卧底混作梅罗家族员。因此才能获得杰罗信任

    Pistone had spent more than six months working undercover in New York, becoming a regular Carmello's, before he could gain Ruggiero's trust.


  • 杰克逊孩子们,还有一个保姆搬进了位于洛杉矶洛伍德100号荷尔贝山庄豪宅,该豪宅的月租金达到了20,000美元。

    The singer, his kids and a nanny moved to a rented $20,000-a-month home at 100 North Carolwood Drive in L. A. 's posh Holmby Hills.


  • 在塔斯卢萨县形成,东北方向奔袭,席卷伯明翰的龙卷风威力巨大时速超过165英里,留下了一条宽1.5英里、80英里的废墟带。

    The one that ran from Tuscaloosa north-east to Birmingham was immense, 1.5 miles across and 80 miles long, with winds exceeding 165 miles per hour.


  • 山口另外一边才发现原因:车子刹车塔什干过来一后轮

    It was only after descending the other side of the pass that I discovered exactly why. My back brakes were out of kilter and had been clamped against the rear wheel the whole way from Tashkent.


  • 不同法拉利,献给不同的你!”法拉利的老板•蒂•蒙特泽摩说道。

    Different Ferraris for different Ferraristi!” exclaimed Luca di Montezemolo, Ferrari’s boss.


  • Howtoons公司采用一种有趣方式教给孩子们科学技术电力公司致力于利用海拔风力发电格里菲斯似乎

    As Howtoons teaches kids in a fun way about science and technology, and Makani power works on harnessing high-altitude wind power, Griffith seems to be on the right track.


  • 但是我们问题依然存在:虚拟礼物虚拟鲜花们真的挡住了Facebook进行产品重整和开发了吗?

    The question still lingers: Could virtual gift CARDS and flowers really have taken that much in the way of "product development efforts"?


  • 两个孩子的27岁摩的司机希图说道每日收入已经以前的2500拉(折合16.5美元)下降到了1000奈拉。

    Shittu Kabiru, a 27-year-old rider with two children, says his daily earnings have already fallen from 2,500 naira ($16.50) to 1,000.


  • Glink一个针对802.11b(这种使用无线扩展Linux内核)的监控器配置器,大致相当于GNOME中的KWiFiManager工具。

    Glink, a link monitor and configurator for 802.11b CARDS using the Linux kernel with wireless extensions, is, roughly speaking, the GNOME equivalent for this.


  • 弗兰基·坎贝尔,真名弗兰·西斯科·生于1904年,职业生涯包括40场比赛——33(其中26场KO),421无效

    Frankie Campbell whose real name was Francisco Camilli was born in 1904. His professional record included 40 fights, 33 wins (26 Kos), 4 loses, 2 draws and 1 no contest.


  • 欧洲那些银行的体质是否健全令人担忧,一西班牙加哈(Cajas de Ahorros;储蓄窗口)银行德国的斯巴(Sparkassen储蓄)银行再到英国房屋抵押贷款协会。

    There are similar worries about the health of European banks that are too small to save, from Spanish cajas to German Sparkassen and British building societies.


  • 度假第二我们驾车开了长的,前往马略东北部,阿尔库迪亚小镇附近

    On the second day we drove quite a far way to the north-east of Mallorca, near the town of Alcudia.


  • 维诺·经常会泡图书馆中,读万卷书、行万里任何社交场合都游刃有余并且成为人们关注焦点

    She goes to the library frequently and her extensive knowledge and experience allow her to take part in any conversation and become the center of attention.


  • 首先北边几个街区莫·高速上的交通,它是洛杉矶繁忙高速之一。

    First is the traffic on the Santa Monica freeway, several blocks to the north, one of the most highly trafficked freeway routes in Los Angeles.


  • 首先北边几个街区莫·高速上的交通,它是洛杉矶繁忙高速之一。

    First is the traffic on the Santa Monica freeway, several blocks to the north, one of the most highly trafficked freeway routes in Los Angeles.


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