• 青蛙卡米特也许不想知道这个但是青蛙中国可是美食尤其是牛蛙

    Kermit might not like to hear this, but frogs are a delicacy in China, especially bullfrogs.


  • 、一条假、一个布偶青蛙卡米特、一只雪貂,这些都挤进伦敦慈善机构收到奇怪的“礼物”的前十名

    A sheep's head, a prosthetic leg, Kermit the Frog anda live ferret are among a top ten list of the weird andwonderful 'gifts' people have given to UK charities.


  • 、一条假、一个布偶青蛙卡米特、一只雪貂,这些挤进伦敦慈善机构收到奇怪的“礼物”的前十名

    A sheep's head, a prosthetic leg, Kermit the Frog and a live ferret are among a top ten list of the weird and wonderful 'gifts' people have given to UK charities.


  • 1975年洛杉矶重演戏剧《》中扮演国王

    In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot."


  • 1949年《白热》,是一部·格尼主演的电影在其中饰演黑帮老大科迪·贾勒

    I had a hankering to see 1949's White Heat, the Jimmy Cagney flick where he plays gangster Cody Jarrett.


  • 但是德罗夫却发誓亲自领导对爱斯·洛娃遇害一案调查工作。

    They blame him for her murder (though Mr Kadyrov pledged to lead the investigation into her murder himself).


  • 德罗夫否认这些指控,不过最近的一次访谈中贬损爱斯洛娃值得尊重”。

    Kadyrov denies the claim, though in a recent interview he dismissed Estemirova, who worked for the Russian rights organisation Memorial, as "someone without honour".


  • 如果信用状况糟糕那么申请信用变得困难了,”奥德修斯·帕帕·迪米特尔说:“但是能够申请到。”

    "Getting a credit card if you have bad credit is harder than it used to be," says Odysseas Papadimitrou. "But they are still available."


  • 首先在法国财政部崭露头角,1992年达成作为欧元基础马斯里赫条约会谈就一直工作

    Mr Musca cut his teeth at the French Treasury, working for Mr Trichet during the talks that led to the 1992 Maastricht treaty, the foundation of the euro.


  • 德罗夫正面接触之后,爱斯·娃听从“纪念”的建议,离开车臣数月林堡的另一个家住了几个月。

    After her encounter with Kadyrov, and following consultations with Memorial, Estemirova left Chechnya for several months and went to live in her home city of Yekaterinburg.


  • 最近上映一部电视剧是以神话为题材的。

    A new television series is the latest dramatisation of the Camelot myth.


  • 作为位国际象棋爱好者,卡米格洛斯工匠了一副国际象棋查尔斯

    A keen chess player, the Duchess has also commissioned a Gloucestershire craftsman to carve a wooden chess set for Charles.


  • 的老家科索沃米特·罗维,其南部阿尔巴尼亚族所有,北部塞尔维亚人所控制,而许多报道指出本人德国出生成长的。

    Mr Uka's family hails from Mitrovica, a Kosovar town divided into an Albanian south and a Serb-controlled north, although many reports say he himself was born and raised in Germany.


  • 那天夜里,·坎、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·维尔保罗。贝加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 位于德国达姆施控制中心爆发热烈掌声探测器地面指挥所负责人奥克塔卡米诺说:“成功了!我们撞上了卓越湖区

    "That's it -- we are in the Lake of Excellence," said spacecraft operations chief Octavio Camino as applause broke out in mission control in Darmstadt, Germany.


  • 萨拉达·米特阿克谢·所编的诗刊激起极大兴趣

    The compilations from the old poets by Sarada Mitter and Akshay Sarkar were also of great interest to me.


  • 爱斯洛娃遇害之前,其同事捷琳娜•索奇仁娅就曾谈及车臣地区恐惧升级人权活动者的压力

    Even before Ms Estemirova’s murder, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, a colleague, talked of escalating fear in the region and pressure on human-rights activists.


  • 爱斯·娃遇害之前,其同事捷琳娜•索奇仁娅就曾谈及车臣地区恐惧升级人权活动者压力

    Even before Ms Estemirova's murder, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, a colleague, talked of escalating fear in the region and pressure on human-rights activists.


  • 翁普拉什·瓦尔·朗诵了描写印度穷人生活中常遭遇不幸诗歌。瓦尔基那部北印度自传朱森一个达利生活》,译成英文

    Omprakash Valmiki, whose Hindi autobiography, "Joothan: a Dalit's Life", has been translated into English, read poems about the routine wretchedness of the lives of poor Indians.


  • 另一个大众选项,奥山谷位于向东大约四小时车程同时还有一种完全不同的小气候,纳帕维拉·米特山谷的那种。

    Another popular getaway is Okanagan valley, about a four-hour drive east with a completely different microclimate - more like Napa or Willamette valleys.


  • 无独有偶,在史蒂夫·韦恩开始素食饮食约翰米特斯(注:本文作者)也改变了自己的饮食生活方式

    Coincidentally, five days before Steve Wynn adopted his vegan diet, John Katsilometes also embraced the dietary lifestyle.


  • 石油化工重镇扎维亚港口城市苏拉塔再到扎菲10月20殒命之地苏尔,许多居民区都毁于战火。

    Neighborhoods stand shattered, from the oil refinery town of Zawiyah to the port cities of Misurata and Sirte, where rebels killed Qaddafi on Oct. 20.


  • MySpace首席运营·普尔在位刚就辞职创办新的公司

    Amit Kapur, MySpace's chief operating officer, resigned after little more than a year in the post to set up a new company.


  • 奥巴马明显不是白人,先是默默无闻而后脱颖而出,知道的身家背景,记者们也没见过肯尼亚父亲而且,后卡米时期,美国变得越发愤世嫉俗了。

    Nobody knew his family, no journalist had met his Kenyan father, and the country had grown far more cynical since Camelot.


  • 一个朋友起初介绍你们的这个揭秘工程时,非常感兴趣因为我正开始一些记忆在复原。

    When a friend of mine first introduced me to Project Camelot, I was very interested because I was starting to have some memories come back.


  • 这次行动中,兵团雇佣兵·带领斯·维德看中了卡米克隆环境熟悉于是雇佣了他。

    For this assignment, they were led by Boba Fett, a mercenary hired by Darth Vader for his intimate knowledge of the cloning environments.


  • 这次行动中,兵团雇佣兵·带领斯·维德看中了卡米克隆环境熟悉于是雇佣了他。

    For this assignment, they were led by Boba Fett, a mercenary hired by Darth Vader for his intimate knowledge of the cloning environments.


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