• 美国肯塔基州北部座城市卡温顿的一个郊外住宅区人口',032。

    A city of northern Kentucky, a residential suburb of Covington. Population, ', 032.


  • 作为少数全职局部模特之一,卡温下厨,不打扫卫生,不做任何可能会损毁指甲的事情。

    As one of the few full-time body parts models, Covington doesn't cook, doesn't clean and avoids anything that could ruin her manicure.


  • 海德堡项目不远处的一个废弃空地自来水公司的工人马克卡温顿(MarkCovington转行成了城市农民,他目前正照料着小块菜地

    Not far from the Heidelberg Project, on an abandoned lot, a former water-company worker turned urban farmer, Mark Covington, tends vegetable patches.


  • 二天早上,我吃早餐时无精打采地看着报纸,看到了这段话:1863年,于瓦瓦克,34人控告州长候选人马克吐先生作伪证。他打算掠夺一个贫穷女人的土地,她丈夫死后,这块地是她唯一的容身之所和支撑。

    The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph: PERJURY—Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died.


  • 塔拉马纳建议说,如果需要回复一封无礼邮件,那么就要认真地起草邮件通读一遍而且你冷静下来以后再发送键。”

    If you need to respond to an offensive email, carefully 'draft the mail, read through it, and press the send button only after (you have) calmed down, ' suggests Mr. Venkataramana.


  • 劳瑞雅·康南大部分时间往返于巴黎两个城市之间这里成为朋友中的一员。

    Gloria divides her time between Winnetka and Paris, but when she is here she includes me in her circle of friendship.


  • 先生重点着笔于契人,全盛时期曼契形容地球伟大的轻骑兵”。

    Mr Gwynne’s focus is the Comanches, a tribe that he describes asthe greatest light cavalry on earthduring their heyday.


  • 洛琳·鲍德博士,这项研究主要负责人表示:有趣的是,绝对禁酒者吸烟者死亡率更高。

    Interestingly, being a teetotaler and a smoker increased the risk for mortality, said Carolyn Aldwin, Ph.D., lead author of the study.


  • 阿尔赛纳·格对巴里·萨尼亚最近比赛中没有得到应有保护而感到关切

    Arsène Wenger is concerned that Bacary Sagna has not had the protection he deserves in recent matches.


  • (蕾切尔莫尼,吉尔·特劳布理查德·沃尔汉姆提到,“食品热加工和非热加工产生能量不同。”)通常食物能量值的计算以消耗为准。

    [Rachel n. Carmody, Gil S. Weintraub and Richard W. Wrangham, "Energetic consequences of thermal and nonthermal food processing"] food's energy value is usually measured before consumption.


  • 没有哪个人真正自己经历之后那耳索斯做的称之为爱。”特劳布。

    Nobody who has experienced real love themselves would call what Narcissus is doing love.’’ K.W.


  • 来自Stockholm斯德哥尔摩Karolinska林学院免疫学家斯SvenPettersson二十年前对于肠道微生物可以影响大脑活动这样的建议人们可能会觉得是个笑话。

    Twenty years ago, people would have laughed at the suggestion that gut microbes could influence brain function, says immunologist Sven Pettersson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.


  • 22封情人节于19世纪50年代可能一些凯瑟琳·沃斯利追求者寄出,凯瑟琳是厄姆的威廉·沃斯利爵士

    The 22 illustrated Valentines were sent by would-be suitors to Catherine Worsley, daughter of Sir William Worsley of Hovingham, in the 1850s.


  • 艾德。罗过去一探究竟,看到每个在玩的人手上都张写满了数字

    When Lowe went over to check it out, he saw that each player had a small, square card with numbers.


  • 父亲起初是个农场主,后来决定改行为牙科技师把家迁往加利福尼亚莫·尼

    His father Winton was initially a farmer, but decided to become a dental technician instead and moved the family to Santa Monica, California.


  • 一直盘算把家搬萨斯

    I had been thinking of moving my family to Saskatchewan.


  • 表示审计报告公布奥巴马立刻采取了行动。一些国会小组已经就国税局行为展开自己调查NPR新闻,克雷格·德姆华盛顿报道。

    Carney says Obama did act quickly once the audit was released. Several congressional panels have begun their own investigations of the IRS actions. Craig Windham NPR News Washington.


  • 目的观察利多高钾心停搏液心电活动的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of lidocaine hyperkalemia warm blood cardioplegia (LHKWBCP) on dog electrocardia action.


  • 父亲起初是个农场主,后来决定改行为牙科技师把家迁往加利福尼亚的圣莫·

    His father winton was initially a farmer but decided to become a dental technician instead and moved the family to Santa monica California.


  • 过载、超情况发生会停止电极工作并且显示指示器声响警告器给出信号。

    Overload, over-temperature, or shaft jam conditions stop the motor and are signaled by a display indicator and audible alarm.


  • 同样斯坦认为依赖累计里程会员确保航空保全可能导致需要提高警觉反而放松了警戒

    Similarly, weinstein argues, relying on a " frequent traveler card " for airline security could lead to relaxed vigilance just when it ' s most needed.


  • ·里德,《破碎梦想南非艾滋病口述》。

    Wendy Rickard, Shattered Dreams? An Oral History of the South African Aids Epidemic.


  • 甘露一次淹没巴西大地也意味着,这么多年以后,首次不能达文度过月。

    Once again, we will flood Brazil with the nectar of the holy names on a grand scale. But it means for the first time in many years I won't be in Vrindavan for Kartika.


  • 表示斯里不会出现星期六英超比赛的阿森纳的阵容中。

    Arsene Wenger has said that Cesc fabregas and Samir Nasri will not be in his Arsenal squad for Saturday's Premier League match against Newcastle United.


  • 今年66岁艾茜•登是土生土长的纽约人。 她皇后区霍利长大,自幼就喜爱时尚毕业位于曼哈顿的时尚技术学院

    A born and bred New Yorker, the 66-year-old grew up in Hollis Hills, Queens with a love for fashion and graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan.


  • 材料:所有研究工作均加拿大萨斯大学医学院神经精神研究所进行

    MATERIALS: Setting was at Neuropsychiatry Research Institute of Medical College, University of Saskatchewan.


  • 埃德·梅伦法官南非高级法院法官、作家,是国际知名防治艾滋病消除相关歧视宣传

    Edwin Cameron is a judge of the High Court of South Africa, writers, is an internationally renowned AIDS-related discrimination and the elimination of propaganda at home.


  • 埃德·梅伦法官南非高级法院法官、作家,是国际知名防治艾滋病消除相关歧视宣传

    Edwin Cameron is a judge of the High Court of South Africa, writers, is an internationally renowned AIDS-related discrimination and the elimination of propaganda at home.


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