• 卡斯博士派里洛博士这种技术进行第二个电脑崩溃实验。

    A second computer-crash test conducted by Dr Kassin and Dr Perillo used this technique.


  • 信件摘录一时间激情爱恋出版伊丽莎白·泰勒,理查德·伯顿以及作家萨姆·卡斯南希·伯格世纪婚礼。

    Excerpts from the letters will be published for the first time in Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century by authors Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger.


  • 1104年,另外一位年代史编撰者——达拉谟西米——记录了为教堂重新将卡斯波特埋葬而如何棺材打开的过程。

    In 1104 another chronicler, Simeon of Durham, records how Cuthbert’s coffin was opened in preparation for formal reinterment in a new church, the precursor of Durham cathedral.


  • 维京开始突袭英格兰东北部时林迪斯法修道士们卡斯伯特遗骨逃离了他们岛上家园他们一直流浪直到达拉谟找到了避难所

    When the Vikings began raiding the North-East of England, the monks of Lindisfarne fled their island home with Cuthbert's bones and wandered until they found sanctuary in Durham.


  • 迪亚韦翰离开北上卡斯,这使班纳特太太相当丧气

    Mrs Bennet was quite depressed when Lydia and Wickham left Longbourn to travel north to Newcastle.


  • 千禧桥横跨连接盖茨·黑德卡斯

    It crosses the River Tyne, connecting Gateshead and New Castle.


  • 结果卡斯太太女儿女儿嫁出去财产从此得让人家来继承。

    The consequence of it is, that Lady Lucas will have a daughter married before I have, and that Longbourn estate is just as much entailed as ever.


  • 病例中,有卡斯患者,此前讲话是泰赛德口音,但中风后却变成牙买加口音,时而夹杂斯洛伐克口音。

    In one case, a stroke victim from Newcastle switched from speaking with a broad Geordie accent to a Jamaican, and occasionally Slovak, tone.


  • 莫莉-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维斯,,乔治-卡斯,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 克莱尔·是纽卡斯大学生物学家

    Enter Newcastle University biologist Claire Rind.


  • 消费金融公司BeneficialCorp .继承人前任首席执行长·卡斯·帕森(FinnM.W . Caspersen)于9月7劳工节当天罗德岛州韦斯特利ShelterHarbor高尔夫俱乐部自杀身亡。

    Finn M.W. Caspersen, the heir and former chief of the Beneficial Corp., the consumer-finance company, committed suicide on Labor Day on the grounds of the Shelter Harbor Golf Club in Westerly, r.i..


  • 研究员里卡多·米萨拉斯·卡斯蒂略(Ricardo MancillasCastillo)年里新拉雷多(Nuevo Laredo)还没有遇到针对网民威胁

    Investigator Ricardo Mancillas Castillo said he had not encountered a threat against Internet users in his four years based in Nuevo Laredo.


  • 来自英格兰河畔纽卡斯尔的潘多拉团队自开始发售时,已经售出了1000台设备

    Pandora’s small team in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, has shipped 1, 000 devices since they became available in May.


  • 巨大的进步”,河畔卡斯医院心脏外科顾问医生LeslieHamilton,“就一定病人数目,可供移植的心脏的数目有限的。

    These are tremendous advances, ” said Leslie Hamilton, consultant cardiac surgeon at Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne. “Transplantation is limited to a fixed number of patients.


  • 因为反对卡斯特罗古巴统治,德索萨(EugeniodeSosa Chabau)曾绰号“护士”的菲梅洛(ElEnfermero)拷打14次之多。

    Eugenio de Sosa Chabau was tortured 14 times by a man named El Enfermero, "The Nurse, " for his opposition to Castro's rule in Cuba.


  • 图39. 2010年6月18日星期五,即将奔赴伊拉克美军UH 60黑鹰直升机团士兵纳撒尼尔·欢送仪式后,未婚妻萨拉·卡斯分享临别前的瞬间

    Nathaniel Hahn and his fiancee Sarah Kaster share a moment following a send-off ceremony for the 290-member 147th Aviation Battalion based in Madison, Wisconsin which soon will be deployed in Iraq.


  • 喜鹊源于该队黑白相间球衣。 “图”(Toon)是当地方言中“”(Town,即纽卡斯尔市)谐音

    The name Magpies originates from the clubs iconic black and white striped kit, where as ‘The Toon’ comes from a local pronunciation of town.


  • 卡斯打死第一个对手后,头饿,立即就转身寻找第二个目标。

    When Uncas had brained his first antagonist , he turned, like a hungry lion, to seek another.


  • 学期决定开始学期卡斯我的

    Last term, I decided to start my new term in Newcastle, and asked Jhon to give my money back.


  • 之后,卡斯于小巨角先生所述,1868年夸纳险些与卡斯特决斗。

    That was one year before Custer's death at Little Bighorn; according to Mr Gwynne, Quanah had almost fought Custer in 1868.


  • 这个夏天除旅行女朋友短暂假期西大部分时间休斯敦约翰卡斯一起训练

    Outside of summer league, a few trips back up to New Jersey and a quick summer vacation with his girlfriend, Sean will be mostly in Houston in the gym working with John Lucas.


  • 卡斯艺界2002年发布的续集游戏绝地放逐》中,凯尔·卡塔一次回到大家面前。

    Kyle Katarn returns Jedi Outcast, a follow up game from LucasArts scheduled for a 2002 release.


  • 第一次的现代形态比赛于1859年举行英格兰卡斯

    The first modern conformation dog show was held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England in 1859.


  • 凯德·赏金猎人骨干将要行动升级……,卡斯影业动画制片公司的艺术家们乐意鼎力相助

    Cad Bane and his cadre of bounty hunters are on-hand to ratchet up the action... and the artists at Lucasfilm Animation are only happy to follow suit!


  • 横跨,位于南岸盖茨·黑德湾艺术北岸卡斯码头沿岸一带之间

    It is built across the River Tyne, between Gateshead's Quays arts quarter on the south bank and the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank.


  • 横跨,位于南岸盖茨·黑德湾艺术北岸卡斯码头沿岸一带之间

    It is built across the River Tyne, between Gateshead's Quays arts quarter on the south bank and the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank.


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