• 枪手后卫希望斯托克城拿到阿森纳后卫米卡埃尔·西尔维斯特坚称球队一直战斗赛季结束

    Gunners defender hoping to pick up three points at StokeArsenal defender Mikael Silvestre insists the team will fight until the end to finish the season as Premier League champions.


  • 安达卢西亚社会事务部长卡埃拉•纳瓦罗婴儿父亲也是未成年人,母亲婴儿身体状况良好

    Micaela Navarro, the Andalusia region's social affairs minister, said the father of the baby is also a minor, and both the mother and the baby were in good health.


  • 真的妒忌吗?

    Are you seriously jealous of Erica?


  • 惊恐地

    Erica looked at him aghast.


  • 不是真的,”气愤地

    "That is not true," Erica said indignantly.


  • 友好絮叨安德鲁孩子们

    Erica was friendly and chattered about Andrew's children.


  • 表情严肃拉扯金黄色的卷发

    Erica was solemn, pulling at her blonde curls.


  • 妻子,从不改变关爱支持

    He had the unfailing care and support of Erica, his wife.


  • 做了有点儿不以为然的耸肩动作

    Erica made a little deprecating shrug.


  • 到19世纪,那不勒斯的面包师拉法尔·斯波西托才开始销售第一批现代披萨。

    It was the nineteenth century before Rafacla Esposito, a baker from Naples, began to sell the first modern pizzas.


  • 1885年,门捷列夫描述过的-发现命名为锗时,带来额外的支持

    Additional support came in 1885 when eka-silicon, which had also been described in advance by Mendeleyev, was discovered and named germanium.


  • 米利奥·兰萨学校粉刷的墙壁新的厕所花床为我们指明前进的道路。

    The Emilio Carranza School's freshly painted walls, new lavatory doors and flower-beds show a way forward.


  • 史密森学会档案馆馆长菲·萨利斯说:“我们20世纪70年代中期的时候发现不见了。”

    "We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing," says Effie Kapsalis, head of the Smithsonian Institution Archives.


  • 默里大学·霍尔最近进行一项研究发现由于社会经济地位明显差异,人们黑人”的看法非裔美国人负面

    A recent study, conducted by Emory University's Erika Hall, found that "Black" people are viewed more negatively than "African Americans" because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status.


  • 1956年,歌手尔维斯·普雷斯利·帕金斯约翰尼·杰瑞··刘易斯孟菲斯太阳工作室钢琴前即兴表演的照片讲述了一个不为人知的故事

    The 1956 picture of singers Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis jamming at a piano in Sun Studios in Memphis tells a hidden story.


  • 比乐蒂·不锈钢咖啡有着抛光不锈钢外壳。

    Bialetti Erika stainless steel coffee maker has a polished stainless steel body.


  • 这样孩子长这么了却不知道什么直到看到山上喷涌而出。

    A child like Erica could get this far without knowing what ash was, until she saw it spewing from a mountain.


  • ——就是说。

    It is, said Erica.


  • 这些照片齐聚一堂,不但显示·布列松的题材广泛展现拍摄群像的才能

    The juxtaposition of these images shows not just Cartier-Bresson’s range but also his gift for group portraits.


  • 提选了最有可能成为候选人的那个,如果这场竞争自信一点的话,他有可能一个看起来更弱忠诚的人。

    In choosing Mr Ávila, he has opted for the strongest possible candidate; were he more confident about the race, he might have picked someone who was weaker but more loyal.


  • 和年迈女性医生们纳·瓦房子里。

    I was in a small house in Cuernavaca with old healer women.


  • 听说米尼奥老家瓦哈过得并不

    She hears that Erminio, at home in Oaxaca, is not doing well.


  • 但是米利奥·兰萨学校粉刷的墙壁新的厕所花床表明了未来的方向。

    But the Emilio Carranza school's freshly painted walls, new lavatory doors and flower-beds show a way forward.


  • 于是,米诺学院,使用图书馆电脑,发布条公告

    So, he went to this community college and got one of their library computers and he issued the press release there.


  • 事实是,佩提并没有继续追求自己出名度,出乎意料的,暗示亨利的角度看至少过去几个月里,领导人的竞争范围已经缩小了。

    The fact that he has instead to go for the more popular but less predictable Mr Ávila suggests that, at least from Mr Peña’s perspective, the governor’s race has narrowed in the past few months.


  • 工作状态紧张,“所以能用西班牙语别人工作如何时,整个气氛都改变了。”管理员德·彭特

    The conditions of the job are stressful, "so when you can ask people how it's going in Spanish, it sets a different tone," says supervisor Ed Carpenter.


  • 扶助一个犹太巨人迪•梅尔差不多年前她曾狭小公寓里拍摄过他高耸那不知所措父母的照片。

    She befriended Eddie Carmel, a Jewish giant, for almost a decade before she photographed him towering above his bewildered parents in their cramped apartment.


  • 加州卫生服务部里·维斯硕士研究员表示面向公众健康宣传活动媒体报道可能上述概率下降原因

    Researcher Erica Weis, MPH, of California's health services department, suggests that public health campaigns and media coverage of outbreaks may be responsible for the decline.


  • 提及最多的人包括上诉法庭法官迪亚娜·伍兹梅里克·加、副检察长琳娜·

    The most-mentioned names include Diane Wood and Merrick Garland, both appeals-court judges, and Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general.


  • 提及最多的人包括上诉法庭法官迪亚娜·伍兹梅里克·加、副检察长琳娜·

    The most-mentioned names include Diane Wood and Merrick Garland, both appeals-court judges, and Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general.


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