• 夏威夷可纳咖啡其他高山种植的阿拉比咖啡混合物

    A blend of Hawaiian fancy Kona and other high-mountain-grown Arabica coffees.


  • 正如咖啡迷所知道的,阿拉卡咖啡海拔地区会长势良好

    As most coffee lovers know, Arabica coffee plants thrive in high altitudes.


  • 优级云南优质阿拉比卡咖啡豆与少量野生咖啡混合而的。

    Yunnan Blue Supreme is made from a blend of high quality Arabica beans including rare wild coffee beans.


  • 作为阿拉比咖啡咖啡生长高纬度地区,穆哈所特有气候条件赋予了它独特的风味

    As a type of Arabica coffee, Mocha coffee plants thrive in high altitudes and the specific climatic conditions of the port city of Mocha contributes to the coffee's unique flavor.


  • ·奇诺不同,咖啡不会饮料面加上那些著名而是在表面加入奶油和和肉桂可可粉

    Unlike cappuccino, cafe mochas do not contain the well-known milk froth on top. They usually have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder.


  • 专家说,“死亡之咖啡罗布·斯塔咖啡制成。同使用高端烘焙器处理的阿拉比卡咖啡豆相比,这种咖啡豆的咖啡含量还要多两倍

    Death Wish Coffee is made from Robusta beans which contain 'nearly double the amount of caffeine' than the Arabica beans used by high-end roasters, according to experts.


  • ,同一个村子橘树的人看到生活发生如此巨大的改变,便也将自己种的橘树拔掉,种上了阿拉咖啡(Arabica),优质咖啡,十分适宜云南气候条件下生长。

    She says other orange growers in her village saw how her life had improved and pulled out their trees to plant Arabica, a high-quality coffee plant that thrives in Yunnan's climate. (See slideshow).


  • 哈维咖啡灯光幽暗,适合“沉思托洛茨基”这样的人物,墙壁上满是不出名的艺术家们的作品他们以此咖啡钱),还有被烟熏过丝绒沙发,还有一部电话,你可以打电话这里找一些这里的常客

    Cafe Hawelka has a dark, "brooding Trotsky" atmosphere, paintings by struggling artists (who couldn't pay for coffee), smoked velvet couches, and a phone that rings for regulars.


  • 一杯布奇诺咖啡好吗?

    Can I have a capuccino, please?


  • 比乐蒂·埃里不锈钢咖啡有着抛光不锈钢外壳。

    Bialetti Erika stainless steel coffee maker has a polished stainless steel body.


  • 之后他们收据,再拿起一张收据,另一张咖啡一起然后,一起扔掉张纸

    And then, they take that receipt, take the other receipt, staple it together with a little coffee card and then give me all that and I throw that paper away.


  • 按照安排节目开始不久就要上场开场白便是让观众不要担心出场时会表现憔悴,因为休息室里准备了大量的咖啡额外的给我。

    I was slated to come onstage shortly after the show started, and Carson began by telling the audience not to worry about my appearance because we've got plenty of coffee and extra cots in the lobby.


  • 他们的恶劣影响印古什体现得非常明显——索奇仁娅称:“在晚上人们害怕出门咖啡大门紧闭,因为每晚交火事件。”

    Their influence has become especially visible in Ingushetia. "People are afraid to go out in the evening, cafes are closed, there are fire exchanges almost every night," says Ms Sokiryanskaya.


  • 尤里市中心上月地震造成许多咖啡商店餐厅窗子破碎、酒瓶遍地、食物四溅

    In downtown Eureka, last month's quake broke Windows, knocked over wine bottles and spilled food at coffee shops, businesses and restaurants.


  • 现在人们很难区分位浅啜蒸馏咖啡艺术家一位吞饮普契诺的银行家——不仅仅风格问题

    It is now impossible to tell an espresso-sipping artist from a cappuccino-gulping banker, but it isn't just a matter of style.


  • 因为失去咖啡起泡·奇诺,大豆拿铁咖啡生活可能继续的。

    Because life without black coffee, frothy cappuccinos, soy lattes, and espresso shots is simply not possible.


  • 尽管我们知道这些没有什么不对不管怎样,这份意式早餐只有布奇诺咖啡羊角面包。

    (Although there’s nothing wrong with having them for breakfast you know) Either way an Italian eats on the run with a ‘cappuccino e cornetto’ aka a cappuccino and croissant.


  • 咖啡银行递给侍者钢笔签名小费那栏。

    I order my small black coffee, hand the barista my debit card, grab the pen to sign off, and halt at the gratuity line.


  • 布奇诺的厚实柔滑,售价港币22元,我们所喜欢之一——虽然我们不是满意咖啡温度总是太高

    Café Golden's HK$22 cappuccino is one of our favorites -- the milk foam is thick and creamy -- though we're not pleased with the fact that it is usually served too hot.


  • 一杯烈性酒所含路里冰镇果酒或者单纯的果酒很多,但是一旦向其中加入苏打或者奶油看看会发生什么吧:一杯加入少量奶油的8盎司“白俄罗斯”(一种味道颇佳的咖啡口味鸡尾酒)含有715大

    A shot of hard liquor has fewer calories than wine or wine coolers, but once you mix in soda or cream, watch outAn 8-ounce white Russian made with light cream has 715 calories.


  • 举例来说,的夫市中心有间艾尔咖啡屋,店主留着刺猬头发型,虽然祖先是码头工作的,但他为了自己现在的利益还是投票给保守党

    The spiky-haired owner of Elmer’s café in central Cardiff will vote Tory, for example, though his forebears worked on the docks.


  • 如果美国任何咖啡,你他们,“你们今天卖出多少·奇诺?”

    If you go to any coffee store in America and you ask them, "How many cappuccinos did you sell today?"


  • 去年10月3日,星巴克英国市场销售额同比上升了5%。顾客推出的会员产品的反映较好,双倍浓缩冰咖啡

    UK like-for-like sales rose by 5% in the year to 3 October 2010, as customers responded to a new loyalty card and products such as "Doubleshot" chilled coffees.


  • 不过一中杯拿铁咖啡其诺(cappuccino)咖啡售价降低10美分某些市场上,中杯咖啡将降价5美分

    However, a tall latte or cappuccino will cost a dime less, while a tall hot or iced brewed coffee will cost a nickel less in some markets.


  • 或者当大家步行终点时,两红红的安妮不知何而降,拿出做好咖啡饼干,尽管每天要做的琐事没完了。

    Or there, at the end of a walk, would be Annika, rosy-cheeked, out of nowhere, bearing coffee and biscuits she had made earlier, in the middle of her 100 other daily chores.


  • 或者当大家步行终点时,两红红的安妮不知何而降,拿出做好咖啡饼干,尽管每天要做的琐事没完了。

    Or there, at the end of a walk, would be Annika, rosy-cheeked, out of nowhere, bearing coffee and biscuits she had made earlier, in the middle of her 100 other daily chores.


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