• 罪恶感到后悔吧,削去你的头发麻布遮起你那丰硕的腰身。坐在庙前乞讨或者跳下卡克拉河,去祈祷至少下辈子有个纯净人生吧。

    Repent your sins, shave your head, cover your amply loins with sackcloth, sit at the temple gate and beg or drawn yourself in sarayu after praying for a cleaner life at least in the next birth. . .


  • 印度尼西亚也是火山众多,著名的现在消失位于苏门答腊爪哇岛之间克拉托岛

    Indonesia is also rich in volcanoes, the most famous being the now vanished Krakatau (Krakatoa), which was located between Sumatra and Java.


  • 杜鲁门·波特戏剧化的语言概括了这场凶杀案,他六个人是克拉特家的受害者以及被处以绞刑的入侵者

    That was how Truman Capote summed up the murders with somewhat greater drama, referring to the four Clutter victims and their two attackers who died later on the gallows.


  • 第三问题廷·斯基是否应该安葬克拉科夫瓦维尔大教堂

    A third question is whether Mr Kaczynski deserved burial at the Wawel Cathedral in Cracow.


  • 先生是克拉家庭律师他们波特作好安排,河谷农场周围进行观察波特对直接凶杀场景进行描述

    Hope was the Clutters' family lawyer, and arranged for Capote to look around River Valley farm so he could describe firsthand the murder scene.


  • 勒甘对克拉门托蜜蜂:“开始管这些GPS式死亡。”

    "It's what I'm beginning to call death by GPS," Callagan told the Sacramento Bee.


  • 扎菲的五儿子汉尼拔伦敦克拉里奇酒店豪华套房里暴打模特妻子赢得恶名

    Aptly named Hannibal earned infamy for beating his model wife to a pulp in a suite at the posh Claridge’s hotel in London.


  • 一些具盛名女主角——克拉里莎、伊莎贝尔·阿切尔爱玛·包法利安娜·尼娜——都是男人想象产物,这一点并不新奇

    That some of our most canonized heroines—Clarissa Harlowe, Isabel Archer, Emma Bovary, Anna Kareninaare products of male imaginations is not surprising.


  • 新任司法大臣肯尼斯·克拉部长大臣就职会议上首新规,受到梅伦批评。

    Newly-installed Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke became the first to break the rule, drawing a rebuke from Cameron at the inaugural meeting of top ministers.


  • 电影加维亚克拉穿越怀有敌意美国原著民地盘以及与猜忌的图桑特。夏博战斗陷入爱河。

    In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.


  • 金·戴珊18克拉黄金项链变成120克拉钻石150克拉祖母绿,配上的70克拉的祖母绿和金刚石耳环堪称完美

    Kim's 18-carat blackened gold necklace had 120 carats of diamonds and 150 carats of emeralds, coordinating perfectly with her 70-carat emerald-and-diamond earrings -all by Lorraine Schwartz.


  • 现在克拉科夫的众多旅行社都推出了一日游奥斯威辛风景如画的维耶利奇盐矿合并为一个旅游项目,后者岩盐建造的小教堂雕塑枝形吊灯而闻名。

    Today, travel agencies in Krakow hawk daylong tours combining Auschwitz with the picturesque Wieliczka salt mine, with its rock salt chapel, sculptures and chandeliers.


  • 俄罗斯西伯利亚克拉斯诺雅茨克城royevRuchey动物园只名叫Tasik八岁雄性短尾猴奥尔葡萄酒

    An 8-year-old male macaque named Tasik drinks Cahors wine in the Royev Ruchey Zoo in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk...


  • 研究者测量一些南非普瓦尔(Kaapvaal克拉通(craton,稳定地块)发现岩石磁场强度普瓦尔克拉通是公认可以追溯到30亿年前的一块地质区域

    The researchers measured the magnetic strength of certain rocks found in the Kaapvaal craton of South Africa, a geologic region known to date back more than 3 billion years.


  • 鼓励奖:伊,奥克拉·荷马雷霆

    Honorable mention: Serge Ibaka, Oklahoma City thunder.


  • 去年11月阿根廷法官道夫·尼伽巴·克拉尔(RodolfoCanicobaCorral)发出国际拘捕令,捉拿8名涉嫌恐怖袭击的要犯,其中7人是伊朗国籍,1人是黎巴嫩籍。

    Last November, Argentine Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral issued international arrest warrants for eight men — seven Iranians and one Lebanese — wanted in connection to the bombing.


  • 热刺首发弗里德尔沃克尔道森布尔,埃克托列侬利弗莫尔克拉尼察尔贝尔范德法特迪福

    Spurs: Friedel, Walker, Dawson, Kaboul, Assou-Ekotto, Lennon, Livermore, Kranjcar, Bale, Van der Vaart, Defoe.


  • 现在流通的1美元硬币最早出现1998年,上面印着萨维亚的头像,面世后很快被广泛使用。萨·加维亚是一位年轻的肖松尼族翻译,曾担任过刘易斯克拉探险队的向导。

    The current dollar coin, which made its debut in 1998, features Sacagawea, the young Shoshone interpreter who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition.


  • 克拉先生我们必须通过统考才能毕业对不对?所以如果我们,知道的,完蛋了呢?。

    Shameika: Mr. Clark, we have to get certain grades to graduate, right? So what if we, you know, choke?


  • 来自华盛顿州吉姆洛琳•麦尔夫突然成了超级百万富翁后,他们生活立刻就改变了。吉姆知道该这笔什么

    Well, their lives changed in an instant. Suddenly Jim and Carolyn McCullar from Washington state are mega millionaires. Jim says he knows exactly what to do with the money.


  • 摄影师维罗妮·克拉夫特发现只爱笑海豹。摄影师为海豹们拍照是因为它们生性快乐

    It was spotted by keen photographer Veronica Craft, who said she takes pictures of seals because of their happy nature.


  • 其中12首歌突出了灵活唱腔,克拉克”意味深长

    The 12 songs highlight Mr Kauflin's nimble sound, but perhaps the most significant is "For Clark".


  • 经济学杂志》发表了该项研究。格雷戈里·克拉教授尼尔·明斯博士:“的高曾祖父的阶层预示阶层。”

    Publishing their findings in the Economic Journal, Professor Gregory Clark and Dr Neil Cummins said: 'what your great-great-grandfather was doing is still predictive of what you are doing now.


  • 比如加利福尼亚州克拉住房管理局客服人员

    Baca, for example, works at the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara, Calif., as a customer-service clerk.


  • 今天意外到访训练营匆匆访问工作中心之前观察了欧文健身情况

    England manager Steve McClaren was a surprise visitor to the Newcastle United training complex today, checking on Michael Owen's fitness... before popping in at the Job Centre.


  • 我们已经收到国际米兰格里·格拉出价,”名球员的其中经纪人托马斯。克拉捷克报纸CTK

    "We have received an offer for Grygera from Inter," said one of the player's agents Tomas Klecka to the Czech newspaper CTK.


  • 来到玛丽亚许多旅客通过度假公司到达克拉国际机场来过大西洋假期

    When visiting Cayo Santa Maria, many travellers arrive at the international airport in the city of Santa Clara through vacation companies such as Transat Holidays.


  • 来到玛丽亚许多旅客通过度假公司到达克拉国际机场来过大西洋假期

    When visiting Cayo Santa Maria, many travellers arrive at the international airport in the city of Santa Clara through vacation companies such as Transat Holidays.


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