• 通过这样的方法发现患有糖尿病血液细胞大约一半血细胞;在第二组中,母血细胞在其血液细胞中三分之一;而第三组母血细胞在其血液细胞中所占比率不到五分之一。

    The technique found maternal cells in about half the diabetics' samples, but in only about one-third of the healthy siblings' samples and in less than one-fifth of those from the unrelated volunteers.


  • 最低风险权重资产资产比率最低25家银行中,大部分无伤大雅解释巴塞尔协议III的影响。

    Among the 25 Banks with the lowest ratios of RWA to total assets, most have innocuous explanations and will be largely unaffected by Basel III.


  • 其次,除印度以外其他亚洲国家公共债务gdp比率很低使得他们其他新兴经济体有更财政刺激空间

    And second, with the exception of India, Asian countries have low public-debt-to-GDP ratios, giving them more room for fiscal stimulus than other emerging economies.


  • 如果顺利完成汇丰的权益资本一级资本的比率7%上升8.5%。

    Its ratio of equity to tier-one capital will rise from 7% to 8.5% if the rights issue is completed.


  • 美国大约三分之一医生女人,女性法律公司中45%,而且所有这些比率快速上升

    About a third of America's physicians are now women, as are 45 percent of associates in law firms-and both those percentages are rising fast.


  • 根据一个常用指标所谓德克萨斯州不良贷款资产比率来测量,还有49家佐治亚银行大约六分之一,面临威胁

    By one commonly used measure, the so-called Texas ratio of bad loans to total assets, 49 other Georgia Banks, about one in six, are in imminent danger.


  • 这个年龄段意外几乎方面(除了工作事故之外)都很高比率

    This age group dies of accidents of almost every sort (other than work accidents) at high rates.


  • 1970年,日本城市化(城市人口总人口比率)为53%。

    In 1970 Japan's urbanisation ratio (the proportion of urban population to total population) was still just 53 per cent.


  • 首先,要一个量化政策体系例如债务目标比率智利一样,经济周期预算盈余设定为gdp1%。

    The first is a numerical policy rule, such as a target for the debt ratio or, as in Chile, a pledge to run a budget surplus of 1% of GDP over the business cycle.


  • 新兴经济体国债gdp40%以上就看作是危险的,但比率不到欧元区一半

    In emerging economies public debt of more than 40% of GDP is considered dangerous. That is less than half the ratio in much of the euro zone.


  • 解释了为什么希腊开始就对市场失去信心,当时公债GDP比率为127%,预算赤字GDP的15.5%。

    That explains why Greece was first to lose the confidence of the markets with a public-debt-to-GDP ratio of 127% and a budget deficit of 15.5%.


  • 美国支出GDP比率17%,世界最高

    The US ratio of spending to GDP is approaching 17%, which is essentially the highest ratio in the world.


  • 支出GDP比例下降5个税收收入上升比率几乎之相当

    Spending fell by more than five percentage points as a proportion of GDP and tax revenues rose by almost as much.


  • 例如马来西亚投资额1997年gdp的43%减少去年的19%,低于欧元区日本的水平,中国44%的比率相比更是望尘莫及。

    For example, Malaysia's investment has fallen from 43% of GDP in 1997 to only 19% last year, less than in the euro area or Japan and well below China's 44%.


  • 今年国际货币基金组织预测赤字GDP比率为10.6%,要想预算赤字降低比较能够应付程度需要更加严格紧缩计划。

    Even more wrenching fiscal austerity is needed to bring the budget deficit down from the 10.6% of GDP forecast by the IMF this year towards more manageable levels.


  • 如果考虑不同国家价格水平的差异,亚洲世界GDP比率已经1990年的26%增长到了2007年的38%。

    If differences in prices among countries are taken into account, its share of world GDP has gone from 26% in 1990 to 38% in 2007.


  • 国际货币基金组织预测,爱尔兰公债gdp比率2013年达到顶峰120%,接下来缓慢至2016年的117%。

    The IMF forecasts that public debt will peak at 120% of GDP in 2013 but then fall only slowly to 117% by 2016.


  • 然而实际情况食品家庭支出比率从前任何时候都

    They are. But the fact is that food now makes up a smaller portion of household expenditure than ever before.


  • 交待一下背景知识中国目前电能结构中风电所比率只有0.4%,煤电80%。

    To put this in context, wind currently generates only 0.4% of Chinese electricity. Coal generates 80%.


  • 令人大为鼓舞数据来自欧洲北美,这两个地区联网用户总人口比率分别为58%和77%。

    Far more encouraging are the data coming from Europe and North America where the percentages of users connected to the network, respectively, are around 58% and 77% of the population.


  • 营业利润销售百分比率去年同期的22.8%上升为28.3%。

    Operating profit as a percentage of sales widened to 28.3 percent from 22.8 percent a year earlier.


  • 张志勇李宁公司营销预算年收入比率13%提高到16%。

    Li Ning is also increasing its marketing budget to 16% of its annual revenue from 13%, Mr. Zhang said.


  • 代价便是:根据gdp的比率,法国的公共开支甚至瑞典

    But it comes at a cost: as a share of GDP, public spending is now higher even than in Sweden.


  • 美国有线电视新闻网认为年龄18至29岁之间选民总数的11%,而年前这一比率是18%。

    CNN reckons that 18-29-year-olds made up just 11% of the electorate, compared to 18% two years ago.


  • 值得注意是,本次调查中,特别查看牛市顾问所有牛市顾问和熊市顾问总和比率

    Specifically, I focused on the ratio of bullish advisors in this survey to the total of those who are either bullish or bearish.


  • 英国结构性赤字意大利债务比率却小得多(分别GDP的43%和105%)。

    Britain has a bigger structural budget deficit than Italy, but much less debt (43% of GDP versus 105%).


  • 过去20多年里税收美国GDP比率平均只有27%。

    Taxes in the United States have come to just 27% of GDP, on average, over the past 20 years.


  • 过去20多年里税收美国GDP比率平均只有27%。

    Taxes in the United States have come to just 27% of GDP, on average, over the past 20 years.


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