• 看到干旱擦伤其他自然挑战或者说是压力导致蔬菜变得更具抗氧化性后,中一成博士受此启发决定研究让蔬菜产生压力的人工方法

    Inspired by the observation that drought, bruising and other natural challenges, or stresses, led to vegetables making more ant ioxidants, Dr Hi ronaka decided to investigate man-made means.


  • 安德森博士团队除了致力于转动研究探索活性聚合物做发电机使用方法

    As well as working on rotary motion, Dr Anderson's group is also investigating the use of EAPs as electrical generators.


  • 因为如果艾尔博士兰科博士试验的方法能够用于大脑放射性扫描仪志愿者进行复制那么这种方法可能被用于研究相关联的神经网络组织

    For, if the methods Dr Ehrsson and Dr Blanke have come up with can be reproduced on volunteers inside a brain-scanner, then it might be possible to study the neurological network involved.


  • 帕甘博士其他研究人员环境遗传因素能够提供线索,从中找到诊断治疗和治愈的方法

    Dr. Pagan and other researchers say environmental and genetic factors could provide clues for diagnosis, treatments and a cure.


  • 巴格博士第一个接过怀特博士接线图并用其他方法尝试研究生物学家。

    Bargmann was one of the first biologists to take Dr. White's wiring diagram and see if it could be understood in other ways.


  • 哥伦比亚大学专门从事肺病研究医学教授尼尔·W·施拉格( Neil W.Schluger博士说:“要证明这个方法稳定性还有长的要走。”

    “They’re a long way from demonstrating the robustness of their technique, ” said Dr. Neil W. Schluger, a professor of medicine at Columbia University who specializes in lung diseases.


  • Cook - Deegan博士认为与耗资巨大的药物研究不同检验方法研究有着门槛相对便宜所以需要垄断诱导投资者

    Dr Cook-Deegan argues that testing, unlike pricey drug development, has low barriers to entry and is relatively cheap, so a monopoly is not required to lure investors.


  • 之前研究方法推测这种病毒存在大概不到1002000年的样子,“似乎是不对的”,Hahn博士

    Previous methods of dating the virus had concluded it was a few hundred to 2, 000 years old, "and that just didn't seem right," Dr. Hahn said.


  • 之前研究方法推测这种病毒存在大概不到1002000年的样子,“似乎是不对的”,Hahn博士

    Previous methods of dating the virus had concluded it was a few hundred to 2,000 years old, “and that just didn’t seem right,” Dr. Hahn said.


  • 研究一个迷人地方已经博士论文其中比较采取各种样式建议方法

    It's a fascinating area of study and I've written a PhD Thesis, which compares the approach taken by the various style sheet proposals.


  • 来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校营养科学教授Alyson Mictchell博士解释说,刊登农业食品化学杂志》上的,历经10年的研究成果显示有机西红柿产生的植物化学素常规方法生长的西红柿30%。

    Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30 percent more phytochemicals than conventional ones.


  • 博士研究在时间上基本不会机会允许安排个人项目,用正确方法完成,达到硕士不能企及的研究深度

    PhD is one of the few chances to set up your own project, finish it "the right way", and to a depth that a Masters doesn't offer.


  • 就意味着查得博士可以检查沃森结论基础上采取方法是否会与随后人类研究得到相同的结论。

    That meant Dr Lichtarge could check to see if the Watson-based approach came to the same conclusions as those arrived at by human researchers over the subsequent ten years.


  • 研究人员JoelMoskowitz公共卫生博士在MD网站告知,电话热线咨询服务二者一的方法成本上是可行的。

    Such methods are cost-effective alternatives to telephone hotlines or counseling services, study researcher Joel Moskowitz, PhD, tells WebMD.


  • 课程博士计量经济学系列课程高级内容,介绍非线性时间序列理论方法的前沿研究

    The course is the advanced part in a PhD econometrics sequence. It provides developments in theory and methods of nonlinear time series econometrics.


  • 系统分析DCE总体框架安全机制研究基于博士学位论文摘要角色访问控制机制的设计,提出了DCE环境中实现基于角色访问控制方法

    Following the systematical analysis of the whole framework and the mechanism of DCE, the method of role-based access control is designed within the DCE environment.


  • 建立了微可压缩理论模拟方法结合的数学模型四川大学工学博士学位论文孔板泄洪洞空化初生研究开辟了一条新途径。

    Established a mathematical model to simulate the instantaneous flow fields and cavitation by combining the weakly compressible fluid theory and the Large Eddy Simulation method.


  • 课程主要目的帮助工程力学专业博士研究掌握非线性动力学的相关概念和方法及应用。

    The main purpose of this course is to help doctor student in engineering and mechanics to have a good command of the basic concepts and methods in nonlinear dynamics.


  • 笔者选择有机烃气方法寻找有色贵金属矿床研究本人博士研究毕业论文

    The main goals of writer to select the title of "Study on A New Method of Organic Hydrocarbon for Exploration of Nonferrous and Precious Metal Deposits" as the dissertation of doctor degree are: a.


  • 博士候选人威尔斯在美国当地研究一个案例证明了社区资讯学方法重要性

    A DOMESTIC CASE, which I investigated with doctoral candidate Jodie Wales, also shows the importance of the community informatics approach.


  • 医院神经外科博士泰勒调查结果给了研究人员研究出发点寻求更好方法治疗脑瘤

    Dr. Michael Taylor, a neurosurgeon at the hospital, said the findings give researchers a starting point in the search for better ways to treat brain tumours.


  • 高雷阜,,1963年生,博士生导师,主要研究方向最优化理论方法,混沌理论。

    Gao Leifu (1963 -), male, Professor, major in Optimization Theory and Methods and Task Force Theory.


  • GregoryBeatty博士Petero'Dwyer博士RobertVonderheide博士领衔宾夕法尼亚大学研究团队尝试采用一种新的方法破坏肿瘤防御能力。

    A team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania led by Dr. Gregory Beatty, Dr. Peter o 'dwyer and Dr. Robert Vonderheide tried a new approach to break down the tumors' defenses.


  • Sreenarasimhaiah博士介绍,治疗早期研究结果表明方法的疗效与皮肤科医师治疗皮肤的效果类似食管的疗效满意需要更进一步的伸入研究证实。

    Early results from studies show the therapy - similar to that used by dermatologists to freeze off warts - works well inside the esophagus, though further study is needed, Dr. Sreenarasimhaiah said.


  • 研究开设《代数》、《图论概率方法》、《图论中的拓扑方法》等课程,指导培养硕士研究1名,培养博士研究2名。

    Graduate courses: Algebraic Graph Theory, Probabilistic Methods in Graph Theory, Topological Methods in Graph Theory. Supervised 1 Master thesis, and 2 ph.


  • 犹他大学理查德·诺曼博士就参与了这方面的研究,他正在研究一种方法,将电极阵列植入大脑视觉皮层

    In one such effort, Dr. Richard Normann of the University of Utah is developing an approach where an array of electrodes26 is implanted into the brain's visual cortex.


  • 蜂蜜首次证实一种治疗方法”,首席研究作者、美国宾夕法尼亚州立医学院IanPaul博士

    "This is the first time honey has been actually proven as a treatment," says lead study author Dr. Ian Paul, a researcher at Penn State College of Medicine.


  • 蜂蜜首次证实一种治疗方法”,首席研究作者、美国宾夕法尼亚州立医学院IanPaul博士

    "This is the first time honey has been actually proven as a treatment," says lead study author Dr. Ian Paul, a researcher at Penn State College of Medicine.


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