• 海派文化南北东西文化交融结晶。

    Shanghai culture is the outcome of melting the cultures of north, south, east and west.


  • 沪南公路南航公路、林海公路、下盐公路等贯通航头南北东西

    Hunan Road, Nanhang Road, Linhai Road and Xiayan Road run through Hangtou south and north, east and west.


  • 地方东西3公里南北5公里。

    This district is three kilometres across from east to west and five kilometres from north to south.


  • 意味着这些儿童按照他们所处环境中的一些外部参照意味着东西南北)来移动他们肢体

    This means that they were referencing the movement of their own limbs based on some external reference in their environmentmeaning east, west, north, south.


  • 这些方块使用两个相连的字母标识第一字母表示经度区的东西位置,而第二个字母表示南北位置。

    These squares are identified by two-letter digraphs: the first letter is the east-west position within the longitude zone and the second letter is the north-south position.


  • 的确有可能,因为这座城市位于南北东西铁路主干线交界的地方,对于大多数货物火车运载的国家来说,这是一个主要财富

    True, it sits at a railway crossroads between the main north-south and east-west lines, a major asset in a country where most goods still are moved by train.


  • 现在看来科学家似乎低估海龟能力研究表明海龟利用地球磁场自己确定的地图涵盖东西南北四个方位

    Now it seems the scientists underestimated the turtles' abilities, with research showing they use Earth's magnetic field to create a mental map that covers all four points of the compass.


  • 地震波沿地球南北两极传播沿东西方向传播的要快现在科学家们认为已找到了这一问题的原因所在

    Seismic waves traveling between Earth’s poles move faster than those moving east-west, and now scientists think they may know why.


  • 东西南北都有守门

    The gatekeepers were on the four sides: east, west, north and south.


  • 离别伯兰以后耶和华亚伯兰说:“所在的地方,举目东西南北观看;

    The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west.


  • 我们国家东西南北饮食特点各不相同菜系繁多,小吃就更不用说

    The features of diet are quite different from each other in east, west, north and south of China with a variety of dishes, let alone the snacks.


  • 举个例子南北之间生活水平差距冷战结束时东西之间的差距大。

    The difference in living standards between the two Koreas is much greater, for example, than the gap between East and West Germany at the end of the cold war.


  • 煤田位于东西16公里南北10公里、10至22米的煤资源

    The massive coal reserve is located at a rich coal belt measuring 16km long, 10km wide and 10-22m thick.


  • 现在只有连接机场南北线开通东西线在年底通车。

    Only the north-south line is open at the moment, which connects to the airport, and the east-west line will open by the end of the year.


  • 南北欧洲相互影响,东西贸易往来。

    There is interplay between north and south Europe and trade between west and east.


  • 得离别亚伯兰以后耶和华对亚伯兰所在地方,你举目东西南北观看

    And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward.


  • 2002新的南北高速公路开通,2005年又有一条东西向的支线公路建成,从那以后,綦江县已经成了一个交通枢纽

    Since a new north-south expressway opened in 2002, followed by a spur line running east to west in 2005, Qijiang has become something of a transport hub.


  • 春节东西南北,春节食品习俗讲究

    Spring Festival will come, the thing north and south, Spring Festival foodstuff, customs, each have exquisite.


  • 反对这些敌人确保人类更为丰裕生活我们能够组成一个包括东西南北各方全球联盟吗?

    Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind?


  • 大殿东西45南北29米,里边天井天棚经堂有64根,主要佛殿形式拉萨大昭寺差不多。

    Cuo qin hall 45 meters long, north and south, 29 meters wide, punctuated with patio awning, oratory column 64, Buddha hall, between the three main forms and the jokhang temple in Lhasa.


  • 布局呈现南北东西长的特点

    Its layout presents a narrow north-south, east-west long features.


  • 最佳答案春节东西南北,春节食品习俗讲究

    Spring Festival will come, the thing north and south, Spring Festival foodstuff, customs, each have exquisite.


  • 教堂鸟类外形也是海上工人们指南针翅膀代表东西方向,尾巴象征着南北方向。

    The churchs bird-like features are used as a compass to direct sea workers - its wings represent East and West, while its beak and tail symbolise North and South.


  • 计划一个平行四边形内设计直接面对南北多余线条切割场地东西边沿

    The plan was designed in a parallelogram, cutting the site's east and west edges with additional lines that confronts directly to the south-north direction.


  • 窗框大多位于东西侧,墙壁位于

    The large windows frames are mostly positioned east west and the walls north south.


  • 南北翼城东西罗城

    It is north and south has Yicheng, things have Rochester.


  • 南北翼城东西罗城

    It is north and south has Yicheng, things have Rochester.


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