• 实验结果表明液气交替注入完全可以岩心端面形成质量较好的细腻泡沫

    Single long sand pack experiment indicated injecting foamer and nitrogen alternately could form fine and smooth foam at front end face of core.


  • 帆船有各种尺寸,8英尺小艇一百多英尺超大帆船。

    Sloops come in all sizes, from 8-foot dinghies to maxi boats over a hundred feet long.


  • 当然英国喜欢文学作品他们所引起争执以至于他们把布克候选人划分书。

    Of course. The British love literary lists and the fights they provoke, so much so that they divide candidates for the Man Booker Prize into shortlist books and longlist books.


  • 使用一种被称为变形处理技术创造出多种音频片段组成声谱图,每种只有

    The pair used a signal-processing technique called the Radon transform to create spectrograms of a variety of audio clips, each just half a second long.


  • 大部分发现而且改正了,改正已发布当代中,也就是所谓关键设置

    Most of them have been discovered and corrected. The corrections are published; in long lists in the commentary volumes; the so called critical apparatus.


  • 扎克•桑德兰当地时间早上大约10点钟驾着的36英尺的“勇猛”号的纵帆船到达了琳娜得瑞港。

    Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey aboard his 36-foot sloop Intrepid at about 10am local time.


  • 一级军士、此次任务未授衔负责人Mark跪在领头直升机打开侧。

    Mark a master chief petty officer and the ranking noncommissioned officer on the operation crouched on one knee beside the open door of the lead helicopter.


  • 正是车窗外的神秘世界使乘坐火车去旅行变得如此令人心动特别是行走世界第三连续铁路线上。

    And it's precisely the mysteries beyond the window that make train travel so appealing, particularly with this journey along the world's third-longest single continuous railway service.


  • 无聊秋冬褪去外套亮色丝绒品配上色系,不仅摩登而且高级

    In boring autumn and winter, take off long coats and choose bright velvet pieces and other pieces with same color, then you'll be modern and advanced.


  • 一种乐器具有葫芦共鸣棍的一侧到另一侧的钢丝弦。

    A musical instrument with a gourd resonator and a single steel wire stretched across a long pole or stick.


  • 文章介绍输管道千米综合报价招投标方法主要优点注意的问题

    This paper introduces the bidding method of synthetic quote per kilometer, its main advantages and the notable matters.


  • 克服传统变量阶跃测试测试时间误差的缺点,提出基于渐进黑箱理论的多变量辨识方法

    To overcome the long test time and big error in single variable open loop step test method, a novel identification method based on asymptotic theory (asym) is presented.


  • 本文根据高速公路处理中不同泥土搅拌载荷试验结果,探讨复合地基中水泥土搅拌桩有效

    Based on the load tests carried out in soft soil foundation treatment project of an expressway under construction, the effective cement-soil mixing pile length in composite foundation was explored.


  • 分析了CO2激光脉冲曝光导致周期光纤光栅横截面折射率分布均匀性。

    The CO2 laser incident on the fiber result in an asymmetric refractive-index distribution within the cross-section of the LPFG.


  • 通过上述晶体结构的分析,得到了个行之有效的标准判断羧基与中心金属离子齿配位还是合配位。

    A new criterion to decide whether the carboxy group coordinating to the metallic ion in mono or bi dentate-fashion in an ambiguous situation, base on coordination bond distances and angles.


  • 联和两脉冲电刺激纠正胃电节律紊乱(P<0.01),呕吐相关样症状明显缓解作用(P>0.05)。

    Both single- and two-channel GES with long pulses were capable of normalizing gastric dysrhythmia (P<0. 01), but had no effect on vomiting-related symptoms (P>0. 05).


  • 是将两或多个码级联,在不增加译码复杂度情况下,可以得到的编码增益,达到与码相同的纠错能力

    Concatenation of an inner code and an outer code may provide a high coding gain and the capacity of a long code to correct errors.


  • 本文还将连二应用合成当中,提出了一种大环合成方法

    The long-chain diketone described above was applied to the synthesis of macrocyclic ketone and a new method for macrocyclic ketone was reported.


  • 第一克雷文交代所有希望投标公司提供战略画、分红一个包括公司分配画的资源的列

    First Minister Craven instructed companies wishing to bid to set forth a strategic plan, a profit sharing proposal, and a list of existing corporate resources to be committed to the project.


  • 利用快速拉格朗日分析方法,因素分析了工作面构造应力对煤层底板应力应变影响

    In this paper, by usage of Fast Lagrangian analysis of Continua, analysis the coal seam floor's stress and strain regularity influenced by the facing length and the construct stress.


  • 本文利用聚甲醛涨落模型,研究甲醛链的玻璃化转变

    In this article, the glass transition temperature of a single polyoxymethylene (POM) chain adopting the modified bond fluctuation model was studied.


  • 方差分析表明叶宽面积等形态指标差异不同的产地多达显著极显著水平。

    The result of stepwise regression analysis show that the orders are leaf fresh weight, leaf area, petiole length, leaf dry weight, leaf width and leaf length.


  • 多次实验结果表明本工艺条件下研制的蒸煮凤尾保质期色泽,口感佳,滋味鲜美,其营养价值新鲜相似特点

    Many experimental results indicate that steamed and boiled shrimps have the features of long shelf time, good color and luster, delicious, similar nutrition to fresh shrimps.


  • 压缩试验压缩方向平行

    The uniaxial compression tests are compressed parallel to their longitudinal axis.


  • 端面机械密封结构密封性能,使用寿命维护方便符合ISO3069 标准)。

    Single mechanical seal : simple in structure, good sealing performance, long life, easy to maintain (meet the criterion of ISO3069).


  • 目的探讨双侧睫状后动脉(LPCA)结扎眼前节缺血表现、眼组织血管内皮细胞生因子(VEGF)表达眼压影响

    Objective: We design this theme in order to discuss the relationship among the performance of unilateral and bilateral LPCA ligation in rabbits eyes , the expression of VEGF and the impact on IOP.


  • 目的探讨双侧睫状后动脉(LPCA)结扎眼前节缺血表现、眼组织血管内皮细胞生因子(VEGF)表达眼压影响

    Objective: We design this theme in order to discuss the relationship among the performance of unilateral and bilateral LPCA ligation in rabbits eyes , the expression of VEGF and the impact on IOP.


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