• 讨论通过和解协议草案

    to discuss and adopt a draft settlement agreement; and


  • 打电话是关于周前的那协议草案

    I called for the draft agreement you sent us one week ago.


  • 内附许可证协议草案份,过目

    Enclosed please find for your review a draft of the license agreement.


  • 打电话为了寄给协议草案……

    I ' m calling about the draft agreement you sent me


  • 12月8日英国《卫报》拿到了一份数周前内部讨论协议草案

    On December 8th a draft agreement which had been discussed some weeks ago was leaked to the Guardian.


  • 第十八整顿申请提出企业应当债权人会议提出和解协议草案

    Article 18. After an application for reorganization is submitted, the enterprise shall propose a draft settlement agreement to the creditors' meeting.


  • 第十八整顿申请提出企业应当债权人会议提出和解协议草案

    Article 18 After an application for reorganization is submitted, the enterprise shall propose a draft settlement agreement to the creditors' meeting.


  • 境外受托人的有关材料资产委托管理协议草案没有境外受托人的除外

    Information about its overseas trustee and draft asset management entrusting agreement unless there is no overseas trustee;


  • 下周柬埔寨议会协议草案其它审判扫清道路的法律展开辩论

    The draft agreement and new laws paving the way for the trials will now be debated by Cambodia's parliament next week.


  • 中方支持有关各方尽早国际原子能机构干事巴拉迪提出协议草案达成一致。

    A: China supports the efforts of the parties concerned in reaching an early agreement on the draft accord proposed by the former IAEA Director General Mohamed El Baradei.


  • 为了降低来自伊朗风险奥地利维也纳终于冥思苦想协议草案

    Lowering the nuclear risk from Iran, a draft deal has been hammered out in Vienna, Austria.


  • 去年11月西方国家国际原子能机构调解伊朗提出了协议草案

    The West offered Iran a draft nuclear deal under the International Atomic Energy Agency last November.


  • 但是一部分是真的反对,意思,就我们伊拉克协议草案中的美国元素所震惊

    I mean I do think that the Iraqis were shocked by American elements, at least what we know, [that were] in the draft agreement.


  • 然而如今冰川正一点点退去因此协议草案摆了上来,提出地下岩石山脊界限

    But the glacier is now receding, so a draft agreement has been proposed to create a new border that coincides with the ridge of the underlying rock.


  • 但是一部分真的反对意思是,就我们所知伊拉克人协议草案中的美国元素震惊

    But part of it is genuine. I mean I do think that the Iraqis were shocked by American elements, at least what we know, [that were] in the draft agreement.


  • OAuth讨论2007年4月建立,以便这个小组实现者提供一种机构编写协议草案

    The OAuth discussion group was founded in April 2007 to provide a mechanism for this small group of implementers to write the draft proposal for the protocol.


  • 可能已经注意到,国际原子能机构总干事巴拉迪德黑兰研究燃料供应问题提出协议草案

    A: You may have noticed that the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General ElBaradei has proposed a draft agreement on the nuclear fuel supply of Tehran's research reactor.


  • 协议草案要求伊朗80%自行生产的低纯度的法国俄罗斯换取浓缩核燃料

    It calls for Iran to trade about 80 percent of its domestically produced low-grade uranium for more highly enriched nuclear fuel from France and Russia.


  • 经过几个月谈判,双方已经产生了协议草案但是伊拉克方面如今提出改动这一方案

    A draft accord is in hand after months of negotiations, but the Iraqis have now proposed changes to the plan.


  • 但是一部分真的反对意思是,就我们所知伊拉克人协议草案中的美国元素所震惊

    But part of it is genuine. I mean I do think that the Iraqis were shocked by American elements, at least what we know, in the draft agreement.


  • 可能已经注意到,国际原子能机构总干事巴拉迪德黑兰研究燃料供应问题提出协议草案

    You may have noticed that the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General ElBaradei has proposed a draft agreement on the nuclear fuel supply of Tehran's research reactor.


  • 谈判人员发布了一新的全球气候变化协议草案已经广泛标榜地球全球变暖蹂躏中拯救出来的最后机会

    Negotiators have released a draft version of a new global agreement on climate change, which is widely billed as the last chance to save the planet from the ravages of global warming.


  • 同年,在魁北克另一次会议上,经过错综复杂的讨论后,代表们提交份建立加拿大国家协议草案

    After much complicated debate at another convention in Quebec City that same year, the delegate submitted a draft of an agreement for the formation of the dominion of Canada.


  • 本文研究重点一是根据巴塞尔委员会资本协议草案银行内部评级要求构建了新的指标体系

    The focal point of this thesis: 1. according to the requirement for the bank's internal credit rating in "new Capitalism Agreement Draft" drawn by Basel committee, new indicator system is constructed.


  • 星期一布鲁塞尔召开紧急会议之前欧盟外交官们表示,即将宣布一项关于关闭巴尔干地区移民通道的欧盟协议草案

    EU diplomats said ahead of Monday's emergency meeting in Brussels that a draft EU agreement was set to declare the closure of the Balkan migration route.


  • 协议最新草案将专家小组决定成了法规条款。

    The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel's decision.


  • 星期五会谈进入第五我们拿出一个和平协议草案,用括号标出双方分歧

    On Friday, the fifth day, we presented a draft peace agreement with the two sides differences in brackets.


  • 星期五会谈进入第五我们拿出一个和平协议草案,用括号标出双方分歧

    On Friday, the fifth day, we presented a draft peace agreement with the two sides differences in brackets.


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