• 而且许多类型债券不同,房地产看作对冲通胀的利器,因为可以承租者重新协商租赁协议,以此反映上涨的物价

    And unlike many types of bonds, property is seen as a useful hedge against inflation because rental agreements can be renegotiated with tenants to reflect rising prices.


  • 最后谈判终于达成协议——希腊私有债权人所持有债券价值跌去面值的一半

    In the end, negotiations settled on a bond exchange that will cut the face value of Greece's debt to private creditors by half.


  • 24小时内这些债券价格比协议达成之前上涨了更多(1)。

    Within 24 hours, these had grown wider than before the deal was announced (see chart 1).


  • 美联储计划通过反向回购协议减少流动性过剩,提供定期债券银行体系中抽离现金

    The Fed also plans to use reverse repurchase agreements to reduce excess liquidity. In a reverse repo, the Fed lends securities for a set period, draining cash from the banking system.


  • 24小时内这些债券价格比协议达成之前上涨了更多。

    Within 24 hours, these had grown wider than before the deal was announced.


  • 但是提议明显弱点在于即便最为乐观股权价值预计情况下,债券持有者是否愿意接受少于8%的协议

    But the glaring weakness of the proposal is its reliance on debtholders' willingness to accept less than eight cents on the dollar on even the most optimistic equity-valuation assumptions.


  • IMF周三表示中国已经签订协议IMF购买大约500亿美元的债券

    The IMF on Wednesday said China has signed an agreement to purchase approximately $50 billion in notes from the fund.


  • 玛斯克莱,虽说427日的会议没有发生什么事情刺激弱不禁风债券市场马德里交涉迫在眉睫。 试译:玛斯克莱说加泰罗尼亚与马德里的中央政府达成一项协议,但在4月27日的会晤中,这个协议并未达成,这使得证券市场出现了急剧的变化。

    Mr Mas-Colell says a deal with Madrid will emerge, but it did not happen at a meeting on April 27th, making bond markets jumpier.


  • 实际上最近以来奥巴马先生一直折腾是没有地方,他冻结债券可自由支配开支方面达成很大协议而这方面的开支预算的12%。

    Indeed, Mr. Obama has lately been going where the money isn’t, making a big deal out of a freeze on nonsecurity discretionary spending, which accounts for only 12 percent of the budget.


  • 发售债券公司必须使用计划签署协议必须通过纽约联邦储备银行一级交易商出售这些票据

    Issuers must sign up at least two days before using the facility, and can only sell commercial paper to it through primary dealers of the New York Fed.


  • 巴塞尔协议会使得债务人银行转战债券市场促进一些“以债务源头的”业务投资银行的开展。

    Basel rules will cause borrowers to move away from Banks and into bond markets, boosting debt-origination business for some investment Banks.


  • 协议债权人提供了债券互换或者展期四种选择,其中种选择希腊债务还款期延长30第四延长15年。

    Three of the four options offered to lenders to swap or relend existing debts would extend Greece's repayment terms by 30 years, while the fourth would do so by 15 years.


  • 周四达成另外两金额较小协议中,高盛同意截至11月中旬回购价值15亿美元的问题债券同意支付两千两百五十万美元的罚金

    State regulators also reached two smaller settlements on Thursday. Goldman Sachs agreed to buy back about $1.5 billion of the troubled securities by mid-November, and pay a $22.5 million fine.


  • 数十美国公司上周签署协议Fed发售属于短期性质商业票据。Fed购买信贷评级的3个月期债券

    Dozens of companies signed up last week to sell short-term IOUs called commercial paper to the Fed, which will purchase three-month debt that has high credit ratings.


  • 债券贷款协议条款,规定借方另一债务责任违约会被视为对协议中的债务责任违约

    A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement that puts the borrower in default if the borrower defaults on another obligation.


  • 此外26日通用汽车债券持有人决定是否接受债转协议最后期限。

    In addition, 26 GM bondholders will also decide whether to accept the deadline for debt-equity swap agreement.


  • 此外今天通用汽车债券持有人决定是否接受债转协议最后期限。

    In addition, General Motors today is the bondholders will also decide whether to accept the deadline for debt-equity swap agreement.


  • 公司债券无抵押债务依赖借方信用质量作为支持抵押品协议属于契约形式

    Debenture an unsecured debt backed only by the credit worthiness of the borrower. There is no collateral, and the agreement is documented by an indenture.


  • 保留重复使用外汇基金债券票据以外债务证券进行回购协议限制

    Retaining the restriction on repeated borrowing in respect of repo transactions involving debt securities other than Exchange Fund paper.


  • 匈牙利塞尔维亚中国签署建设贝尔格莱德布达佩斯铁的协议,此外,匈牙利签署了人民币计价的债券

    Hungary and Serbia have signed a deal with China to build a high-speed railway from Belgrade to Budapest. Hungary has also issued bonds in the Chinese currency.


  • 公司债券持有人达成协议通用(GM财富500)避免破产道路上需要扫清最后主要障碍之一

    A deal with bondholders is one of the last major hurdles for GM (GM, Fortune 500) to clear in order to avoid bankruptcy.


  • 财政部周日公布了上述购股协议,意在保护抵押贷款公司发行债券抵押贷款支持证券目前未来投资者

    The agreement was unveiled Sunday to protect current and future investors in debt and mortgage-backed securities issued by the two mortgage-finance companies.


  • 杠杆交易贷款债券产品最大持有者,且大多数是信贷泡沫时期达成的协议

    It is a big holder of "hung" leveraged loans and bonds, mostly related to buy-outs agreed on in the credit bubble.


  • 投资者希望他们能够达成一项扩大欧元区救助基金——欧洲金融稳定基金——的协议或者开始发行共同担保欧元债券

    Investors were hoping for a deal to expand the euro zone's bail-out fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), or to start issuing mutually guaranteed Eurobonds.


  • 金融债券协议承销方式发行,主承销商提交尽职调查报告

    A due diligence report shall be submitted by the lead underwriter if the issuance of financial bonds takes the form of contracted underwriting.


  • 金融债券协议承销方式发行,主承销商提交尽职调查报告

    A due diligence report shall be submitted by the lead underwriter if the issuance of financial bonds takes the form of contracted underwriting.


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