• 克劳斯·普拉特曾位于美国华盛顿市生物科技产业组织生物科技中心理事会成员

    Klaus Plate served as Member of the Board of the Council of Biotechnology Center, Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), Washington DC, USA.


  • 电子书简介:在美国华盛顿市网站目前选择三个一是特殊看法马克可能充分利用的水,运输港口

    The site of the present City of Washington was chosen with three special views: firstly, that being on the Potomac it might have the full advantage of water-carriage and a sea-port;


  • 捐款最多朋友安妮·巴特利。她是温斯·罗普·洛克·菲勒州长的继女了州长时,她管理阿肯色州华盛顿市办事处

    My largest contributor was my friend Anne Bartley, governor Winthrop Rockefellers stepdaughter, who later ran the Arkansas office in Washington, D.C., when I was governor.


  • 来自英国恩威尔郡华盛顿市的戴维森小姐患有原发性心肌症,这种疾病由破坏心肌的过滤性毒菌引起如果不心脏移植手术,死去

    Miss Davidson, from Washington, Tyne and Wear, had cardiomyopathy, a viral condition which destroys the heart muscle. She would have died without the transplant.


  • 与此形成鲜明对比是,弗吉尼亚人均收入全美名列第七。 该州的技术产业蓬勃发展,并且还有不少联邦机构,另外华盛顿市的一些郊区也坐落在此。

    Virginia, by contrast, ranks 7th among states in income per head; it has a thriving tech sector, as well as a number of federal agencies and wealthy suburbs of Washington, DC.


  • 上文提到精神病学家是SallySatel医生,她发表过很多杂志文章,是多部图书的作者,同时也是绿洲诊所供职的精神病医生,该诊所是位于华盛顿市一个酗酒药物成瘾治疗中心

    The psychiatrist wasSally Satel, M.D., author of numerous magazine articles andbooks and a staff psychiatrist at the Oasis Clinic, a Washington, D.C., alcoholism and drug-addiction treatment center.


  • 罗伯特·华盛顿我们警察局局长

    Robert Washington is the chief of our city's police force.


  • 尔斯彻奇市其实可以算作华盛顿特区郊区

    Falls Church, Virginia is really a suburb of Washington DC.


  • 华盛顿市关税阻挡来自欧洲玻璃

    Washington blocked European glass with tariffs.


  • 为了满足这种需求富有创业精神的19 岁青年JamesE.Casey朋友处借来 100 美元创建位于华盛顿州西雅图市的美国信使公司(American Messenger Company)。

    To help meet this need, an enterprising 19-year-old, James E. Casey, borrowed $100 from a friend and established the American Messenger Company in Seattle, Washington.


  • 现在来到这里原因是:我认为华盛顿特区应该阿肯森、皮斯塔以及·福尔市的人们身上学到些什么

    Now, I'm out here for one reason: I think Washington, DC can learn something from the folks in Atkinson and Peosta and Cannon Falls.


  • 本周田纳西州孟菲斯市,在那里布克·华盛顿高中毕业班同学们发表了演说。

    This week, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, where I spoke to the graduating class of Booker T. Washington High School.


  • 华盛顿报道-作为自由意志主义第一家族,来自德克萨斯州杰克逊保罗家族,在家庭没有太多规矩

    WASHINGTON — In keeping with their position as the First Family of Libertarianism, the Pauls of Lake Jackson, Tex., did not have many rules around their home.


  • 旅客上下车地点通常集中交通集散地纽约市宾夕法尼亚或者华盛顿地铁中心站

    Pickup and drop-off points are usually near transportation hubs, like Pennsylvania Station in New York City, or the Metro Center subway stop in Washington.


  • 圣路易斯市华盛顿大学医学院研究者们进行了新的实验

    A new study, led by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in st.


  • 年后拉姆重返华盛顿,这次是作为芝加哥市众议员认为该市应当成为世界都。

    Within a few years Rahm would be back in Washington, as a Congressman from Chicago, the city he thought should be capital of the world.


  • 科罗拉多州郎蒙特市阿尔托纳中学年级生们来到东海岸他们知道此行会见白宫华盛顿特区的一些闻名的纪念碑。

    When eighth graders from Longmont, Colorado's Altona Middle School left for the East Coast, they knew they'd be coming to see the White House and some of d.c..


  • 科罗拉多州郎蒙特市阿尔托纳中学年级生们来到东海岸他们知道此行会见白宫华盛顿特区的一些闻名的纪念碑。

    When eighth graders from Longmont, Colorado's Altona Middle School left for the East Coast, they knew they'd be coming to see the White House and some of D. c.


  • 你可以找到华盛顿市燕麦冰激凌的做法,学到怎么学校回来孩子顿午餐小姐式的家常菜可以学怎么做酸辣黄油玉米——呀,实在太好吃了

    Read about oatmeal ice cream from Washington, D. C. , and how to throw a lunch-lady potluck when the kids go back to school, or learn how to make grilled corn with chili-lime butteryum.


  • 乔治·华盛顿中学离我家大约英里纽约市最大最好公立学校之一

    George Washington High school, about a mile and a half from our apartment, was one of the city's largest and best public schools.


  • 每个星期五下午华盛顿特区居民都会看到清晰线延伸至外,这条线如同削减赤字协议一般难以描述。

    On FRIDAY afternoons, residents of Washington, DC, often find a clear route out of the city as elusive as a deal to cut the deficit.


  • 研究报告中说,纽约市、华盛顿(特区)、旧金山可能面临较小影响

    New York City, Washington DC and the San Francisco Bay area could face lesser impacts, according to the study.


  • 布里奇位列前5加利福尼亚州伯克利市密歇根州阿伯市,科罗拉多州博尔德市,弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市,还有华盛顿特区一个郊区小镇

    Joining Cambridge in the top 5 were Berkeley, California, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Boulder, Colorado, along with Alexandria, Virginia, a suburb of Washington d.c..


  • 生活纽约市华盛顿高山鲍尔30岁现在5个孩子年龄2 -10之间

    Living in New York City's Washington Heights, Baldwin, 30, now has five children between the ages of 10 and two.


  • 生活纽约市华盛顿高山鲍尔30岁现在5个孩子年龄2 -10之间

    Living in New York City's Washington Heights, Baldwin, 30, now has five children between the ages of 10 and two.


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