• 闪亮的回击光速速度上行传播,由于它的速度太快一张图象中不能捕捉这一过程。

    The bright return stroke travels upward at around half the speed of light, and is too fast to capture in more than one image.


  • 尝试新的肌肉记忆模式的时候,开始时速度进行,如此可以帮助更快理解挥拍情形,然后逐渐地选择速度

    When trying new muscle memory patterns, go at half speed to begin with. Going at half speed helps you figure out the swing much quicker. Then gradually pick up the speed.


  • 研究表明道路上画上笔直横杆可以开始司机平均速度降低

    Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half.


  • 如果这些行为加以制止,那么珊瑚三角区内物种每年1-2%速度继续消亡

    If such practices are unchecked, half the species in the Coral triangle will continue to disappear at a rate of 1-2% a year.


  • 20世纪90年代,地球原有雨林只剩下不到而且它们每年继续惊人速度消失

    By the 1990's, less than half of the earth's original rain forests remained, and they continued to disappear at an alarming rate every year.


  • 消耗能量(与鸟飞机速度相加的平方成正比)大约的重物落下英尺

    The energy to be dissipated (proportional to the square of the combined speed of bird and plane) would be more like half a ton being dropped ten feet.


  • 但是多年来速度渐渐有所提高里夫1816年用了25天新奥尔良航行路易·维尔,到1853年时,时间缩至四天

    Over the years, however, the boats' speeds increased; Shreve's 25-day run from New Orleans to Louisville in 1816 had been shortened to 4.5 days by 1853.


  • 过去十年里钢铁行业非常快的速度增长现在控制全球钢铁生产

    Over the last decade, it has grown at warp speed and now commands more than 50 percent of world production.


  • 与此相反撒哈拉以南非洲地区出口额增长每年平均仅有2%,部分原因他们出口产品世界贸易额增长速度只有整个世界贸易额增长速度

    By contrast, growth in export volumes in Sub-Saharan Africa averaged only 2 percent per year, in part because world trade of the products they export grew at half the rate of growth of world trade.


  • 白化现象原本杀死礁湖海床上所有珊瑚现在几乎的珊瑚又再度生长了起来——这样的恢复速度着实罕见。

    The bleaching had killed all the coral on the lagoon floor, but almost half appeared to be growing back-the fastest recovery any of us had ever seen.


  • 为什么这个程序使用方面后,它的运行速度只有呢?

    Why is the program running only half as fast with the aspect applied?


  • 沙阿先生表示几十年中,这些分散发电系统成本至以往的而且它们安装速度几乎柴油发电机不相上下

    The cost of such distributed generation systems, Mr Shah says, has fallen by half in the past decade, and they can be set up almost as fast as diesel generators.


  • 现在可以激活30秒回放功能,你也可以改变回放速度(两倍速度)。

    You can now easily activate a 30-second replay, for example, and you can change the replay speed (half-speed and double-speed).


  • 从物种灭绝速度来年,这个世纪末我们有可能失去它们中的尤其是热带雨林珊瑚礁地区。

    But at the rate things are going, by the end of this century, we may well have wiped out half of them, especially in tropical forests and coral reefs.


  • 美联储经济学家们认为2010年美国劳动力供给每年0.4%的速度上涨大大低于目前水平。

    By 2010, the Fed economists reckon, Labour supply in America will be rising by a mere 0.4% a year, well under half its current rate.


  • 技术在革新速度缓了,生产率趋势很快可以反映出来。

    The technology is still improving but at a slower pace, and productivity trends will soon reflect that.


  • 每天腐烂中的垃圾都释放出大量对气候有害的混合气体其中超过均为与二氧化碳相比能使气候变速度加快20沼气

    Everyday, the decaying trash releases large quantities of a climate-harming gas cocktail.More than half of the landfill gas is methane, which warms the planet 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.


  • 2015年贫困人口减少一目标全球层面有望实现但是撒哈拉以南非洲地区如果不能尽快提高进展速度难以实现。

    The goal to halve poverty by 2015 will likely be met at the global level, but not in Sub-Saharan Africa unless progress there can be accelerated quickly.


  • 使碰撞它们两个相碰,它们碰撞的时候,我期待速度

    And first I'm going to slam these two onto each other, and so when they collide, I expect the speed to be half.


  • 为此,必须交互式地提供资源否则,参与者完全可以他们的日期戳的日期,制造出创建速度很快假象

    To make this work, a resource name has to be provided semi-interactively -- otherwise, a candidate could just post-date their datestamp to give a false impression of rapid creation.


  • APEX数据显示喷流中的物质光速速度前进。

    The APEX data shows that material in the jet is traveling at about half the speed of light.


  • 因此相机能够最高连速度达到了10/由于透镜技术的特性,在连拍时能够连续自动对焦。索尼表示全球没有第二部相机做到

    As a result, the camera can shoot an incredible 10 shots a second, refocusing all the way. Sony says no other camera in the world can do that.


  • 比特货币供应平均小时300单位货币的速度增加每隔四速率降低

    The Bitcoin supply increases at a rate of 300 coins every hour on average at the moment, but every four years that rate will fall by a half.


  • 如果按照速度过上意味着年内价格倍,所以价格应该上涨

    If it goes on for ten years that means that the -it'll double in seven years, so it'd be going up like two and a half fold.


  • 欧洲最大经济体德国的经济增长速度仅为数字的

    Europe's biggest economy, Germany, grew at half that rate.


  • 因此保持巡航速度消耗燃料大约用于克服紊流产生阻力

    As a result, roughly half the fuel required to maintain a level cruise is being burned to overcome the drag imposed by a turbulent boundary layer.


  • 因此保持巡航速度消耗燃料大约用于克服紊流产生阻力

    As a result, roughly half the fuel required to maintain a level cruise is being burned to overcome the drag imposed by a turbulent boundary layer.


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