• 结果表明通过接种得到具有单相颗粒半固体泥浆

    The results indicate that the semi-solid slurry with much finer and uniformer primary phase particles is gained by self-inoculation method.


  • 方法固体集落培养法。

    Methods:Semi solid colony assay was used.


  • 色拉半固体高营养的调味品。

    Salad dressing is a kind of high-nutrition condiment which is semi-solid.


  • 对于固体半固体百分比指的是质量比;

    For mixtures of solids and semisolids, percent weight in weight;


  • 各组检测固体排空空腹血浆胃动素。

    The plasma motilin level and semi-solid gastric emptying rate in rats were measured after treated for 2 weeks.


  • 根据提炼程度不同,常温下液体固体固体

    Depending on the degree of refining, into a liquid, semi-solid or solid at room temperature.


  • 目的寻求细菌动力试验结果容易判定半固体培养基

    Objective to find a new semi-solid AGAR for bacterial motility test which is easy to judge.


  • 无机盐基础以硝酸盐以乙醇源制成固体培养基

    The mineral medium contains nitrate as the sole nitrogen source and ethanol as carbon source making the soft semisolid medium.


  • 体系室温固态加热熔化制成自乳 化固体骨架胶囊

    If the system is in a solid state at room temperature, the system can be prepared into a self-emulsifying semisolid skeleton capsule after being heated and melted;


  • 使凝固引起(液体溶胶)转为或似转为软固体的或固体物质

    To cause transformation of (a liquid or sol, for example) into or as if into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass.


  • 固体培养基中,观察其低密度骨髓细胞集落形成刺激作用

    The enhancing effect of CKLF1 on the colony formation of human hematopoietic progenitor cells was identified in semi-solid culture.


  • 采用营养性半固体活性炭同时测定小鼠内容物残留率小肠推进比。

    Nutritious semisolid paste plus Charcoal was used to determine the evacuation of stomach simultaneously and the propulsive function of small intestine.


  • 内容油状液体半固体制成胶囊液体填充型硬胶囊和口服乳剂

    Its contents are oily liquid or semi-solid, and it can be made of soft capsules, liquid-filled capsules and oral emulsion.


  • 半固体琼脂培养观察不同浓度血清莓总皂苷K562细胞株集落生长的影响

    Semisolid agar culture to observe the effects of different concentration of drug-containing serum and Rubus parvifolius saponins on K562 cell colony formation;


  • 目的制备10 -羟基喜树碱的半固体纳米粒(HCPT -SSLN)考察稳定性

    Objective: to prepare 10-hydroxycamptothecin-semisolid lipid nanoparticles (HCPT-SSLN) and investigate its stability.


  • 挤出过程中熔体破裂形式出现挤出物的缺陷只有PP熔体处于半固体状态才能观察到。

    The defect of extrudate in the extrusion process in the form of melt fracture could only be evidenced in the semisolid state of PP melt.


  • 一类固体固体天然的或合成有机材料一般清晰熔点分子量材料,多数树脂为聚合物

    Any type of solid or semi solid organic material of natural or synthetic origin, generally of high molecular weight with no defined melting point. Most resins are polymers.


  • 结论毛虫幼虫内容物胆汁孵育后再接种半固体培养基,可体外侵入肠上皮细胞能生长发育

    Conclusion After incubation in intestinal contents or bile, T. spiralis larvae inoculated into semisolid medium invaded intestinal epithelial cells and developed in vitro.


  • 方法体外甲基纤维素半固体培养观察各处理k 562细胞克隆形成流式细胞仪评价细胞凋亡状况

    METHODS in vitro methylcellulose semisolid culture was used for the evaluation of clonal formation of K562 cell line. Flow cytometer was used for detecting apoptosis.


  • 方法液体固体培养法及流式细胞术测定血小板因子4CD34阳性脐血细胞增殖分化作用

    Methods: Liquid and semi solid culture systems as well as flow cytometry were used to study the effect of PF4 on the proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cord blood cells.


  • 通过解剖计数结节半固体琼脂检测CFU -GM常规计数外周WBC变化进行造血功能测定。

    The hematopoietic function was evaluated with the spleen node count under microscope, semi-solid agar CFU-GM assay and peripheral blood WBC count.


  • 变性活版柯式油墨一种特性搅拌后,油墨变得稀,但静止时间,它又变回固体状态的情况。

    Thixotropy: The property of letterpress and offset inks of becoming fluid when stirred and setting to a semi solid state when left at rest for some times.


  • 推测,即使这些水果果汁营养价值相似,同一食物固体状态和液体状态一定区别也是有一定事实依据的。

    It speculates that, even if the nutritional values of whole fruit and fruit juice are similar, the difference lies with the fact that one food is a semi-solid and the other a liquid.


  • 文中通过检测乳酸菌不同固体固体培养基中的菌落、菌落大小大小,以筛选出乳酸菌生长最佳培养基。

    The optimal medium for the growth of lactics was chosen by detecting the number, size of colony and the size of calcium dissolving zone when the bacteria grew in different solid and semisolid medium.


  • 本公司生产全套回转式灌装机,加盖机,标机适用于食品瓶装饮料化妆品药品行业各种液体固体产品。

    Biner Ellison's line of rotary fillers, cappers, and labelers service the food, bottle water, beverage, cosmetic, and chemical industries for all types of liquids and semi-solids.


  • ASE 150加速溶剂萃取仪是从固体固体样品中快速萃取有机化合物无机化合物设备。萃取适用于很宽pH范围。

    The ASE 150 Accelerated Solvent Extractor is a system for extracting either organic or inorganic compounds from a variety of solid or semisolid samples at a variety of PH values.


  • 布丁是以鸡蛋牛奶主要原料通过添加香精卡拉胶食品添加剂研制成一种味道香醇,口感爽滑凝胶固体奶制品

    Eggs and milk pudding is eggs and milk for main raw material, through the added essence, food additive, etc, carrageenan developed a taste mellow taste, smooth gel half frozen solid milk.


  • 布丁是以鸡蛋牛奶主要原料通过添加香精卡拉胶食品添加剂研制成一种味道香醇,口感爽滑凝胶固体奶制品

    Eggs and milk pudding is eggs and milk for main raw material, through the added essence, food additive, etc, carrageenan developed a taste mellow taste, smooth gel half frozen solid milk.


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