• 上周发表循环杂志篇文章所暗含的意思。不同凡响报道波士顿儿童医院尤达·福克曼博士实验室研究人员撰写的。

    That was the implication of a remarkable report published last week in the journal Circulation by a team of researchers from Dr. Judah Folkman's laboratory at the Children's Hospital in Boston.


  • 医院候诊室,医生Rothberg看到英特尔奔腾微处理器图片数百万个晶体管电脑杂志封面

    In the hospital waiting room, Dr. Rothberg saw a picture of Intel's Pentium microprocessor, with its millions of transistors, on the cover of a computer magazine.


  • 研究成果发表《柳叶刀》医学杂志网络版上,其研究对象包括了剑桥大学阿登·布鲁克医院比利时日大学校医院病患

    The study -which was published in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal -involved patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and University Hospital of Liege, Belgium.


  • 研究成果发表《柳叶刀》医学杂志网路上,其研究对象包括了康桥大学阿登布鲁克医院比利时日大学校医院病患

    The study – which was published in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal – involved patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and University Hospital of Liege, Belgium.


  • 很多方法可以解决一问题,比如医院候诊室里的杂志电梯里我们整理仪容镜子

    This issue is tackled in many ways, from magazines in hospital waiting rooms to mirrors in elevators so that we can check our appearance.


  • 采用电子病历医院和医生还是比较少 -根据发表英格兰医学杂志》的研究报告,百分之十美国医院百分之十七的美国医生使用电子病历。

    It remains in a minority — about 10 percent of American hospitals and about 17percent of American doctors use electronic records, according to studiespublished in The New England Journal of Medicine.


  • 这份研究出版英格兰医学杂志切在英国巴西加拿大丹麦11医院作为指导应用。

    The study is published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and was conducted in 11 hospitals in the UK, Brazil, Canada and Denmark.


  • 周三美国医学协会杂志上刊载了这项研究。研究资助方是德国科隆大学医院

    The study appears in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association. It was funded by University Hospital in Cologne.


  • 研究成果发表医院医学杂志》上。

    The study is in the Journal of Hospital Medicine.


  • 研究成果发表柳叶刀医学杂志网络版上,其研究对象包括了剑桥翻大学阿登·布鲁克医院比利时日大学校医院病患

    Thee study - which was published in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal - involved patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and University Hospital of Liege, Belgium.


  • 同时波士顿儿童医院科研人员做了相似研究,研究结果已自然杂志发表。他们认为,细胞记忆确实影响诱导多能干细胞分化能力。

    A similar study from researchers at Children's Hospital Boston, published simultaneously in the journal Nature, also finds that cellular "memory" affects the differentiation potential of iPSCs.


  • 英格兰医学杂志报道可能就是医生护士没有洗手病人受细菌感染医院每年为护理这些病人,得付出上百亿美元

    The New England Journal of Medicine reported that unwashed hands among doctors and nurses may help explain why hospital patients develop infections that cost up to ten billion dollars a year to cure.


  • 这项波士顿布莱格姆妇女医院研究人员所做的研究发表《美国内科医学杂志

    This research was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.


  • 新闻网-本周英国医学杂志专家每年英国医院有25,000例患者预防块(静脉血栓栓塞VTE失败而导致的不必要死亡

    Newswise — Up to 25,000 people may die needlessly each year due to the failure to prevent blood clots known as venous thromboembolisms (VTE) in UK hospitals, say experts in this week's BMJ.


  • 布哥首府累西腓奥斯瓦尔多·克鲁兹大学医院医生们计划国际医学杂志上出版这份巴西病例详细情况。

    Doctors at the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital in the state capital Recife plan to publish details of the Brazilian case in an international medical journal.


  • 中国医院>杂志调研组

    Survey group of Journal of Chinese Hopspital.


  • 伊洛瓦底杂志周四就此电话询问,但医院没有回应

    There was no response by the hospital to phone calls on Thursday by The Irrawaddy.


  • 项长期存在观点认为供者人种会对移植成功产生影响,但医院发表2010年6月胃肠病学杂志研究对此提出质疑

    A new Mayo Clinic study, published in the June 2010 issue of Gastroenterology, disputes a long-held hypothesis that a donor's race has an impact on the success of liver transplants.


  • 项长期存在观点认为供者人种会对移植成功产生影响,但医院发表2010年6月胃肠病学杂志研究对此提出质疑

    A new Mayo Clinic study, published in the June 2010 issue of Gastroenterology, disputes a long-held hypothesis that a donor's race has an impact on the success of liver transplants.


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