• 健康经济学基本问题医疗消费者需求弹性由此引起医疗需求问题。

    The basic problems of the health economics are requirement flexibility of the medical consumer and the induced demand.


  • 第一提供卫生统计可靠资源包括医疗消费者中心在线卫生通告。

    The first is a simple guide to credible sources of health stats, including the and.


  • 我们所有某种程度上懂得一点,但是作为医疗消费者,我们常将死亡视为一个问题解决

    We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved.


  • 医疗消费者获得权利,他们知道自己的对疾病风险寻求相称治疗不是依靠位长式家庭医生凭借预感民间传说

    The ultimate empowerment of medical consumers, who will know their own disease risks and seek commensurate treatment, rather than relying on the hunches and folklore of a paternalistic family doctor.


  • 最近500名精通技术消费者调查发现,39%的听说远程医疗从未使用过远程医疗的人群中,有42%的人表示他们更喜欢医生面对面交流。

    A recent survey of 500 tech-savvy consumers found that 39% hadn't heard of telemedicine, and of those who haven't used it, 42% said they preferred in-person doctor visits.


  • 他们宣称,这种方法专家评审优越,原因是它医疗保健打开消费者选择奇迹

    This, they claim, would be superior to expert review because it would open health care to the wonders of "consumer choice."


  • 现在随着高免赔额方案快速普及,注重节俭消费者则有必要货比三家,寻求医疗护理之前医生医院价格进行考察。

    Now, with the increasing popularity of high-deductible plans, it behooves the cost-conscious consumer to also shop around and check prices at doctors and hospitals before seeking medical care.


  • 正如前面所说,将患者比作消费者”这种说法极其错误医疗保健绝对不单纯是一种财务交易

    As I said earlier, there's something terribly wrong with the whole notion of patients as "consumers" and health care as simply a financial transaction.


  • 堪萨斯医疗社区一个语言服务消费者

    Kansas City's medical community is a big consumer of language services.


  • 美国医疗设备产业正在遭受着这样折磨,陷入丑闻,召回产品,消费者挑剔,调控者焦虑这其中任何一个足以让企业老总心惊肉跳

    SCANDALS, recalls, stingy customers, anxious regulators-any one of these would traumatise a chief executive.America's industry for medical devices is suffering from all of them.


  • 美国医疗设备产业正在遭受着这样折磨,陷入丑闻召回产品,消费者挑剔,调控者焦虑其中任何一个都足以让企业老总们心惊肉跳。

    SCANDALS, recalls, stingy customers, anxious regulators-any one of these would traumatise a chief executive. America's industry for medical devices is suffering from all of them.


  • 所有这些统统降低金钱,视医生为向医疗保健消费者销售服务的人,这种说法真有点让人寒心

    The idea that all this can be reduced to money - that doctors are just "providers" selling services to health care "consumers" - is, well, sickening.


  • 消费者可以选择更多保险供应商鼓励他们签署包括浪费性医疗计划

    Consumers can be given more choice of insurers, creating an incentive for them to sign up for a plan that doesn't cover wasteful care.


  • 他们宣称,这种方法专家评审优越,原因是它医疗保健打开消费者选择奇迹

    This, they claim, would be superior to expert review because it would open health care to the wonders ofconsumer choice.”


  • 戴尔电脑公司医保服务部哈利•格林斯潘(Harry Greenspun)表示消费者希望医疗领域能享有其他生活领域同等的信息技术水平

    Harry Greenspun, from the health-care services division at Dell, a computer firm, says consumers want the same level of IT in health as in other aspects of life.


  • 现在认为如果amfm计划伴有消费者进行关于acts价值教育个对医疗机构有训练有信誉的计划时会有效。

    He now argues that AMFm could be successful if accompanied by education of consumers about the value of, and correct price for, ACTs and by a training and accreditation scheme for treatment centres.


  • 作为消费者我们只需注意一下我们移动电话医疗设备以及家用娱乐系统实现电子工业软件不断增长依赖

    As consumers, we only have to look at our mobile phones, medical devices, and home entertainment systems to realize the increasing reliance on software in the electronics industry.


  • 公司迅速缩减资本支出消费者会放弃购买新车食物医疗健康方面减少开支

    Firms are quick to scale back capital spending and consumers skip new cars rather than scrimp on food or healthcare.


  • 通过消费者发放有关医疗保健方案汇报,向医生提供更多信息,来保证医疗质量

    Quality would be assured by the issuance of report CARDS on health-care plans to consumers, and the provision of more information to doctors.


  • 非处方药品中的九种药品包括儿童他敏、泰诺关节炎止痛片,是麦克尼尔消费者医疗保健部门制造。

    Nine involved nonprescription medicines — from Children's Benadryl to Tylenol Arthritismade by its McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit.


  • 此外,我们行业开发各种减少含量、不添加钠食品帮助消费者遵从医疗保健专业人员建议

    The industry has also developed a wide variety of reduced, low or no-added sodium products to help consumers follow recommendations of their health care professionals.


  • 医疗零售消费者行业工作毕业生人数增加了逾60[%]。

    The number of graduates in healthcare and retail and consumer grew by more than 60 per cent.


  • 如今数十亿美圆花费整容手术上,其中90%消费者是女性,但同时,却有五分之一的美国人缺乏基本医疗保障。

    Billions of dollars are now spent on cosmetic surgery-up to 90% of it by women-at a time when almost a fifth of Americans lack basic health care.


  • 尽管没有广大消费者所接受越来越受到人们钟情名字就叫医疗保健鞋

    Although what it has not been accepted by broad consumer, but already more and more get of people loving, its name calls Medical Protection the shoe.


  • 正如摩根·士丹利指出那样假如考虑到退休医疗教育等账外债务中国普通消费者实际上资产

    But as Morgan Stanley points out, given off-book liabilities such as retirement, healthcare and education, the average consumer is practically in negative equity.


  • 现代医疗理念认为病人就是消费者,就是医院衣食父母。

    Idea that modern medicine: the patient is the consumer of the Hospital to serve.


  • 现代医疗理念认为病人就是消费者,就是医院衣食父母。

    Idea that modern medicine: the patient is the consumer of the Hospital to serve.


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