• 许多医生承认顺势疗一种合理医疗形式

    Many doctors recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine.


  • 带领同种医师,作为医疗开始这位医师记录非常而且详细个人病例

    I took her to a homeopath, who started by taking a very long and detailed case history.


  • 孤独症治愈目前我们公费医疗系统能够获得只是几个小时语言

    There is no cure for autism and all we were getting from the NHS was a few hours of speech therapy.


  • 由于限排通过国会进程速度缓慢,一些外国合作人以必须首要考虑医疗案,或者国会真的复杂难懂借口,他们逐渐耗尽耐心

    But the slow progress of the bill through Congress has foreign partners running out of patience with the excuse that the health-care bill must come first, or that Congress really is complex.


  • 而共和党通过大声宣布废除新的医疗案企图赢得国会控制权他们像是已经竞选找到一个有力武器

    Republicans, who have noisily declared their intention to repeal the new health laws if they win control of Congress, appear to havefound a useful weapon in the campaign.


  • 作为医学奇怪以及棘手医疗现象之一,这些东西安慰疗医疗价值所在

    This is the therapeutic value of the placebo effect, one of the strangest and slipperiest phenomena in medicine.


  • 这个工作在那时看起来个人化医疗(通过对个人疾病分子层面上细节了解制定)中的一个重大进步

    At the time, this work looked like a tremendous advance for personalised medicine-the idea that understanding the molecular specifics of an individual's illness will lead to a tailored treatment.


  • 顾问团似乎已经下定论:在这种经济困难时期,在气候上的努力终将徒劳,因而将注意力投向医疗案。

    His advisers seem to have concluded that a climate bill was a non-starter given the parlous state of the economy, and concentrated on health care instead.


  • 发誓不会制定一个增加国家财政赤字的医疗并且保证如果储蓄并不能提取成现金,他自动减少花费

    He has made a cast-iron pledge that he will not sign a health bill that increases the deficit, and has promised automatic spending cuts if savings do not materialise.


  • 与此同时共和党发动一场漫长痛苦战斗阻碍医疗的通过。

    Meanwhile, the Republicans will mount a long and painful battle to stymie the health-care bill.


  • 最好的建立专家组成医疗裁决医疗事故案,进行惩罚性赔偿

    Best idea: create medical courts run by experts to rule on malpractice claims, with no punitive damages.


  • 尽管目前医疗依然生效但这个裁定提醒了我们想决定例的命运究竟漫长路要走。

    Still, the health law remains in force. The ruling was really a reminder of just how long it will be before the law’s fate is settled.


  • 尽管目前医疗依然生效但这个裁定提醒了我们想决定命运究竟漫长路要走。

    Still, the health law remains in force. The ruling was really a reminder of just how long it will be before the law's fate is settled.


  • 咆哮道:“麻省医疗唯一不贵的东西就是可以50美元做一次流产。”

    “[T]he only thing inexpensive about Massachusetts’s health-care bill is that there you can get a $50 abortion, ” he growled.


  • 调查显示医疗旅游所进行未经批准的常见就是干细胞

    The most common unapproved treatment among medical tourists, according to the survey, is stem cell therapy.


  • 公平获取医疗方面,1971年首次提出颠倒医疗占上风

    In terms of fair access to care, the "inverse care law", first described in 1971, prevails.


  • 一定义下选择整体医疗意味着放弃任何形式的常规医疗选择另类

    By this definition, "going holistic" means turning away from any conventional medical options and using alternative treatment exclusively.


  • 58库尼是佛罗里达州棕榈安宁疗护医院医疗助理总监,她说:“希望接受姑息疗。”

    "I wanted it all," says Cooney, 58, who's also the assistant medical director of Hospice of Palm Beach County in Florida.


  • 超过半数的州长要求联邦医疗案的豁免权

    More than half have asked for an exemption from federal Medicaid rules.


  • 总之临床症状不能好地预示低血氧症,资源匮乏医疗机构进行脉搏血测量并借此判断是否采取吸氧可以节省成本

    Overall, however, clinical signs are poor predictors of hypoxaemia, and using pulse oximetry in resource-poor health facilities to target oxygen therapy is likely to save costs.


  • 58库尼是佛罗里达州棕榈安宁疗护医院医疗助理总监,她说:“希望接受姑息疗。”

    "I wanted it all," says Cooney, 58, who's also the assistant medical director of Hospice of Palm Beach County in Florida. "I received very aggressive chemo."


  • 其它情况下,常规医疗紧急情况下和安全地非侵入式的、非药物的疗失败的情况下被使用。

    In other cases, "conventional" medicine is only needed in emergencies or when the safer non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical methods fail.


  • 1935年社会安全(SocialSecurity以及1965年的国家医疗(Medicare)得到了两党的支持

    The creation of Social Security in 1935 and of Medicare in 1965 attracted support from both parties.


  • 即使议案2000多国会所有人都清楚众议院目前医疗可能成为

    But for all the bill's 2,000-odd pages of detail, everyone on Capitol Hill knows that the House's health-care act will never become law in its present form.


  • 即使议案厚达2000多国会所有人都清楚众议院目前医疗可能成为

    But for all the bill's 2, 000-odd pages of detail, everyone on Capitol Hill knows that the House's health-care act will never become law in its present form.


  • 这样的情况下,作为新型的重要治疗方artesunate-amodiaquine联合选用,但这种方增加费用,同时需要卫生医疗人员进行额外培训

    So the combination therapy artesunate-amodiaquine has been chosen as the new first-line treatment – a move involving increased costs as well as extra training of health workers.


  • 1968年,一个解放军医疗开始应用针灸治疗病,这种疗刺激某个神经位置古代中国医疗实践

    In 1968 an army medical team began applying acupuncture, the ancient Chinese medical practice of stimulating certain nerve points with needles, to the cure of deafness.


  • 尽管没有足够证据证明有效性但是相当数量医疗中心提倡采用HBOT(13 - 16)。

    HBOT has been advocated and adopted by a number of centers even though the evidence of its effectiveness is limited (13-16).


  • 一种我们可以预测疾病知道自身免疫导致的,我们医疗设备中没有使用免疫——这是寻常的。

    'it's unusual to have a disease that we can predict so well, and know the autoimmunity, and not have an immunologic therapy in our armamentarium.


  • 一种我们可以预测疾病知道自身免疫导致的,我们医疗设备中没有使用免疫——这是寻常的。

    'it's unusual to have a disease that we can predict so well, and know the autoimmunity, and not have an immunologic therapy in our armamentarium.


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