• 那么为什么医生继续进行这些多余的检测药物处方呢?

    So why do docs keep giving these extra tests, meds and referrals?


  • 医生继续的纪录,眼皮都抬一下: :“现在还打嗝吗?”

    Thee new doctor continued to write on his clipboard and without looking up said, "Does she still have the hiccups?""


  • 有时病人解释螺旋式分析医生继续医学教育过程的一部分。

    Sometimes, I explain to my patients the significance of the spiral of analysis as a component of the general process of continuing medical education of the physician.


  • 现在听着,先生,”医生继续说道,“既然现在知道辖区内有这么人物,考虑我会时时刻刻都用一只眼睛盯着你。

    "And now, sir, " continued the doctor, "since I now know there's such a fellow in my district, you may count I'll have an eye upon you day and night. I'm not a doctor only;


  • 虽然美国草药产品协会(American Herbal ProductsAssociation)反对草药作为流感药物销售但一些草药医生继续热情地称许草药的抗流感特性

    Despite the American herbal Products Association's stance against marketing herbs as flu remedies, some herbalists continue to enthusiastically tout their flu-fighting properties.


  • 继续根据医生办公室图表估量进展

    I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor's office.


  • 医生批准继续参加比赛了。

    I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.


  • 自己争取点时间所以继续医生撒谎

    I was trying to buy myself some time, so I continued fake foning with my doctor.


  • 医生如果继续吸烟,我心脏病发作几率就会增加

    The doctor said if I kept smoking, I would increase my chances of having a heart attack.


  • 许多以后,”爷爷继续,“医生告诉奶奶坐在张沙发上。”

    "Many years later," Grandpa continued, "I sat in this sofa when the doctor called and told me that your grandma was ill."


  • 上的医生正在使用这些书来继续他们的研究以及治疗病人。

    Doctors in the town are using the books, to continue their studies and treat patients.


  • 果你尝试了这些建议却似乎无法放松,或者你的睡眠状态继续变糟,一定要联系你的医生或心理健康专家。

    If you try these tips and can't seem to relax, or your sleep continues to worsen, be sure to reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional.


  • 即使他们感觉好起来,但是为了避免抑郁复发,他们也应该他们医生规定时长继续服用药物

    They should continue taking the medication for the time specified by their doctor, even if they are feeling better, in order to prevent a relapse of the depression.


  • 医生不这么认为而且恳求继续接受化疗并辅以药物抵抗肿瘤便秘症状

    His doctors thought otherwise and urged him to continue the radiation, along with medications to counter the swelling and constipation.


  • 医生可以继续伤害病人研究人员可以期待更为精彩不安时代到来

    Doctors can continue to do no harm, while researchers brace themselves for exciting, and unsettling, times to come.


  • 没过多久父亲一次采访中提到患有肺气肿医生已经警告如果继续吸食可卡因有死亡的可能。

    Shortly afterwards, her father said in an interview that she was suffering from emphysema and had been warned by doctors that she would die if she continued smoking crack cocaine and cigarettes.


  • 医生可以继续不要伤害研究人员勉励自己迎接令人激动不已时代到来

    Doctors can continue to do no harm, while researchers brace themselves for exciting, and unsettling, times to come.


  • 只是继续坚持这样饮食危机时刻我想减肥尽管医生媒体那些话但我感觉很好很健康。您可以看到我很好”作为一个画家他希望可以做得更多。

    I just insisted on continuing the diet. There were moments of crisis, but I wanted to lose weight, and, despite what doctors say in the media, I feel good and healthy.


  • 如果遵从医生建议戒烟继续保持活动随着身体状况改善治疗花费可以减少

    If he follows the advice of his doctors, quits smoking and continues to be active, his treatments could cost less as his physical state improves.


  • 但是考虑到病人需要一些时间他们医生讨论其他疗法欧洲药品管理局允许它继续市场上留存数月

    But the European Medicines Agency will allow the diabetes drug on the market for a few months, considering patients need some time to discuss with their doctors about other therapies.


  • 可能这些其它复杂加权总和决定究竟是接受这位医生还是继续搜索

    Perhaps it is a complex weighted sum of these other values that decide for you whether you accept this new physician, or continue your search.


  • 医生克林顿能够继续卸任后仍然繁忙生活

    The doctors say Mr. Clinton will be able to continue the active life he leads in retirement.


  • 医生希望继续治疗父母质疑成功下去的可能性。

    Her doctors wanted to withhold treatment but her parents argued successfully that she should be kept alive.


  • 医生亲自检查病状后,抱有希望说,只要我们四周继续保持完全平静,这病可以见好。

    The doctor, on examining the case for himself, spoke hopefully to him of its having a favourable termination, if we could only preserve around her perfect and constant tranquillity.


  • 医生建议保住另外一个孩子最好办法继续怀着这两个孩子。

    The best way to keep the other baby alive, her doctor advised, would be to carry both to term.


  • 无论如何,人民遭受苦难还将继续,这位62,满脸胡子健壮结实的开罗培养的内科医生

    In any event, the suffering of his people will persist, says the bearded and stocky 62-year-old Cairo-trained medical doctor.


  • 对于那些已经孕妇而言,医生产婆应该建议他们健康食物保持主动性应该建议他们继续减肥

    For women who are obese and already pregnant, GPs and midwives should advise them about eating a healthy diet and keeping active, but should not advise them to go on a weight-loss diet.


  • 继续cpr直到有人替换,病人恢复自主心肺功能,或医生指示中止CPR。

    Continue CPR until the rescuer is relieved, client regains cardiopulmonary function independently, or physician directs that CPR be discontinued.


  • 我们昨天医生,”Olive继续到,“打招呼了。”

    "We went to the doctor yesterday," Olive continues. "She mostly just goes to say hello."


  • 我们昨天医生,”Olive继续到,“打招呼了。”

    "We went to the doctor yesterday," Olive continues. "She mostly just goes to say hello."


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