• 医生还有个月头。

    The doctor had told him that he would be dead in six months.


  • 医生:“如果打一个喷嚏的话,你就会自己鲜血淹没。”

    The doctor told him, "If you had sneezed you would have drowned in your own blood."


  • 病人手术醒过来,外科医生,“恐怕还要手术,你看,橡胶手套落你肚里了”。

    The surgeon told his patient that woke up after having been operated: I'm afraid we're going to have to operate you again. Because, you see, I forgot my rubber gloves inside you.


  • 汉斯·塞尔耶是第一个记录压力身体影响医生他说:“人们应该试图逃避压力,逃避食物锻炼。”

    "Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise," said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body.


  • 如果医生告诉病人:“不会认为最好的事情,因为觉得马萨诸塞州医疗预算不利。”那可能会失去病人信任

    He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients, "I'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts."


  • 天,一匹马对他说:“你是一个比兽医好得多的动物医生。你知道我看不清楚,所以你给我做了眼镜。”

    One day, a horse said to him, "You're a much better animal doctor than the vet. You knew I couldn't see well, and you made glasses for me."


  • 只有清醒的意识,除此之外一无所有,”医生

    "I was only my consciousness and nothing else," he told his doctors.


  • 但是又补充当前食物了解不明确,不清楚什么样的孩子容易受到影响,能够帮助医生病人地方实在有限了。

    However, he adds, the current state of knowledge about what foods are problematic and which kids are susceptible is still too limited to be of much use for doctors or their patients.


  • 主治医生认真他说:“没有诊断有多好,”但是患者信任这位医生告诉我,“所有医生,只有她一个人向我道歉。”

    "I'm kicking myself for not diagnosing you," his primary-care doctor said to the patient regretfully. But the patient continues to have faith in his doctor.


  • :“医生需要你们帮助绝大多数美国人而言你们就代表医疗保健系统!”

    "I need your help, doctors, because to most Americans, you are the health care system," he said.


  • ,“我索马里人,是母亲也是医生,我应该受到尊重。”

    "I am Somali," I told him. "I am a mother, I am a doctor, and I deserve to be respected."


  • ,“我索马里人,是母亲也是医生,我应该受到尊重。

    I am Somali, ” I told him. “I am a mother, I am a doctor, and I deserve to be respected.


  • 希望根据成效不是根据过程奖励医生因为他说现行体制预防医学不利。

    He wants to see doctors rewarded according to results, rather than procedures, because he argues that the current system is stacked against preventive medicine.


  • 马丁医生每日电讯记者得到同意情况下两位病人施用致命剂量的注射

    Martin, of Penmaenmawr, Gwynedd, told the Daily Telegraph that in two cases he administered the lethal injections without consent.


  • 有什么东西脑子里闪过”,在接受检查医生

    "Something passed through my head," he told the doctor as he was examined.


  • 一个小时过后医生过来刚刚请教默里大学的神经外科专家,卡梅隆问题很严重,与之比较,脑震荡根本不算问题。

    After an hour, the doctor returned to say he’d consulted with neurosurgeons at Emory University Hospital. A concussion, it seemed, was the least of Cameron’s problems.


  • 甲状腺病史且仍看过眼科医生的人们自己视力应更为关注,”

    “Somebody who has a history of thyroid problems and has not seen an ophthalmologist may have a heightened level of concern about their eyesight, ” he said.


  • 临床医生几乎小事都做到了最好,史密斯在信中告诉,直到现在,那些从死神手中抢救过来的白衣天使们依然抱有深深的感激之情。

    The clinicians did almost every single thing right. Smith told me that to this day he remains deeply grateful to the people who saved him.


  • 设想一下一位医生病人推进手术室对他如果需要病人做手术的话,我会热爱工作

    Imagine a doctor rolling a patient into surgery saying, 'If I didn't have to operate on people, I'd like my job a lot more.'


  • 医生女房东:“亲爱的不要浪费时间身上现在松木棺材吧橡木的贵重了。”

    The doctor says to his landlady: "and as for you, my dear, don't waste your time on him; order his pine coffin now, for an oak one will be too expensive for him."


  • 不得不放弃了做医生职业父亲:“除了打猎遛狗、捉老鼠之外,简直一无是处!”

    He had to give up a medical career and his father told him, "You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat catching."


  • 7月24日一次采访中著名医生同时也是杰克逊生前好友DeepakChopra透露,杰克逊透露自己在滥用异丙酚。

    In a July 24 interview, Dr. Deepak Chopra, a celebrity physician and close friend of Jackson, said that the pop star may have even once hinted to him that he had abused the drug.


  • 15个月大的东尼·恰德哈利(Doni Choudhary)正在等待测试虽然医生那些呈阳性的患者表现同样的症状,并进行疑似中毒治疗

    Doni Choudhary, aged 15 months, is waiting to be tested, though staff say he shows similar symptoms to those who have tested positive and are treating him for suspected uranium poisoning.


  • 美国海军医生William Gaunter曾帮助测试游戏支持游戏原版,但是这样的强烈感到惊奇

    William Gaunter, a former U.S.Navy medic, helped play-test the game.He supported the game in its original form but said he wasn't surprised by the backlash.


  • 接下来周二早晨电话响起理查德兴高采烈的宣布:“的,医生的确是受了手术影响,我已经按照医生的处方开始接受治疗了。”

    The following Tuesday morning the phone rang and a jubilant Richard, announced: “You were right, the doctor said I have a side effect from surgery and am starting a prescription today.”


  • 美国海军医生William Gaunter曾帮助测试游戏支持游戏的原版,但是他说这样的强烈反不感到惊奇

    William Gaunter, a former U. S. Navy medic, helped play-test the game. He supported the game in its original form but said he wasn't surprised by the backlash.


  • 美国海军医生William Gaunter曾帮助测试游戏支持游戏的原版,但是他说这样的强烈反不感到惊奇

    William Gaunter, a former U.S. Navy medic, helped play-test the game. He supported the game in its original form but said he wasn't surprised by the backlash.


  • 来到医生诊所医生,“医生失去味觉了,尝不出任何味道,怎么办呢?”

    So he goes the doctor's clinic, "Hey, doc, I have lost my sense of taste. I can taste nothing ', so what are you going to do?"


  • 来到医生诊所医生,“医生失去味觉了,尝不出任何味道,怎么办呢?”

    So he goes the doctor's clinic, "Hey, doc, I have lost my sense of taste. I can taste nothing ', so what are you going to do?"


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