• 说句公道话,疑一些观点,如英国加入本身的设计存在问题,证明是正确的。

    Give the Eurosceptics their due: their views that Britain should stay out of the euro, and that its design was flawed, have been vindicated.


  • 然而帕潘德里先生接受这样的观点,即作为薄弱的一希腊很脆弱

    Yet Mr Papandreou also accepts that Greece has made itself vulnerable, as it is “the euro zone's weakest link.


  • 希腊每日新闻记者帕帕迪·米特·里一些希腊人的看法是,如果希腊拖欠借款退出,处境好一些

    Babis Papadimitriou, a journalist with the daily paper Kathimerini, says some Greeks conclude that the country would be better to default on its debt and leave the eurozone.


  • 毫无争议帕潘德里令人吃惊且喧嚣的方式饱受不确定性的摧残。

    There is no disputing that Mr Papandreou, in spectacularly chaotic style, has left the euro zone racked by uncertainty.


  • 山姆胡甘仅仅建立一个保护,就撒手不管了,这夏威夷行不通

    Sam Ohu Gon: Just setting up a preserve and walking away doesn't work in Hawaii.


  • 山姆胡甘仅仅建立一个保护,就撒手不管了,这夏威夷行不通

    Sam Ohu Gon: Just setting up a preserve and walking away doesn’t work in Hawaii.


  • 危机旷日持久,但完整性一直核心成员国视为神圣不可侵犯。

    The integrity of the eurozone has been considered sacrosanct by its core members throughout the long running European sovereign debt crisis.


  • 使用高光谱数据描述一个类似于罗巴星的北极富硫泉水地带,《环境遥感》,114(6),1297-1311.

    Characterization of a sulfur-rich Arctic spring site and field analog to Europa using hyperspectral data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114 (6), 1297-1311.


  • 周三委员会提出各国联合发行债券解决危机方案时,遭到了德国坚决反对。

    The European commission faces stiff opposition from Germany on Wednesday when it unveils plans to tackle the spiralling sovereign debt crisis with bonds jointly issued by eurozone nations.


  • 我们认为解决危机需要特别是国家有关救助措施达成共识协调行动

    We believe that the resolution of the European debt crisis calls for the consensus and coordinated actions of the eu, especially the eurozone countries on relevant bail-out measures.


  • 上面图像大视场成像拍摄,是这个巨大恒星形成详细图像之一

    The above image taken with the European Southern Observatory's (ESO's) Wide Field Imager is one of the most detailed ever of this vast star forming region.


  • 法国一家餐馆老板辣酱贸易安德鲁·恩格里,新奥尔良正在强力复苏:“法国生意的确蒸蒸日上,甚至比卡特里娜飓风之前还要好。

    French Quarter restaurant owner and hot sauce merchant Andrew Engolio says he is seeing a strong recovery. "I do think business is really thriving in the French Quarter.


  • 最大成员国已经因能够很好的解决本国问题而获得了一个名声——不管拯救汽车制造商还是拯救银行

    The eu's biggest member has acquired a reputation for looking after itself-whether over saving the Opel carmaker or over euro-area bank rescues.


  • 内部,危机成员国梦想考验

    Within the eu, the crisis is a test of the European dreams of countries that are not part of the euro zone.


  • 熊岩保护400英尺高、占地477英亩石南丛生的荒原,各种排列方式受侵蚀的砂岩和石英岩以作为其特色

    Photo and caption by Paul M.ProvencherBear Rocks Preserve is a heathland at 4000 feet, 477 acres that features sandstone and quartz rocks arranged and eroded in various ways.


  • 条羞赧且独特的苏眉(Napoleonwrasse)在(Orona island)附近海域游弋,它海洋保护恢复的好兆头。

    A shy and elusive fish, a Napoleon wrasse at Orona island is a good omen for the Marine reserve.


  • 帕潘德里表示最新紧缩方案(3个月内第三份)履行了希腊伙伴国承诺,即飙升赤字水平置于控制之下。

    Mr Papandreou said that the latest austerity package, the third in three months, fulfilled Greece's commitment to its eurozone partners to bring its soaring deficit under control.


  • 这个面积为72英亩绿洲建于一个工业废弃回收点,离商业10分钟步行的距离。

    The 72-acre Scioto River oasis, built on a reclaimed industrial waste site, is a ten-minute walk from downtown.


  • 今早8过,四岁姐姐约兰德发现躺在位于市中心两英里远的威利(WhalleyRange)的间公寓里,已不省人事了。

    Theo Molemohi, two, and his sister Yolande, four, were found unconscious at a flat in Whalley Range, two miles south of the city centre, just after 8am today.


  • 今年5月,任命马宏升担任英特尔中国董事长

    In May, Otellini named Maloney chairman of Intel China.


  • 可能包括普拉斯在内一些已经认定,既然希腊退代价这么那么希腊就可以指望谈判的最后一刻做出让步

    Some people, including possibly Mr Tsipras, have concluded that the price of Grexit is so high that Greece can count on the euro zone giving ground at the last minute.


  • 诞生之后多数地中海国家单位劳动成本大大增加高于德国危机之后,多数国家劳动力成本大大下降

    Unit labour costs in most of the euro zone's Mediterranean countries rose far above Germany's after the creation of the euro, but in most they have fallen sharply since the crisis began.


  • 波海塔是个非营利保育非洲东部犀牛最大庇护所但是在这里放任马克斯跳跃还是危险

    Ol Pejeta Park is a non-profit preserve, the largest East African sanctuary for black rhinos. But it is still too risky to let Max roam freely.


  • 帕潘德里要求同意最新提出的救援方案,要不就很有可能失去他们贷款并且逐出

    Mr Papandreou was instructed to approve the last European bail-out deal or risk losing his loans and being ejected from the euro.


  • 1899年,内斯特·路易斯黑森大公,创立达姆施塔特艺术家,为此,奥尔布里希设计许多房屋(包括自己家)几个展览馆

    In 1899, Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse, founded the Darmstadt Artists' Colony, for which Olbrich designed many houses (including his own) and several exhibition buildings.


  • 这个名字银河系许多受人敬仰

    The name Baobab commands respect in many sectors of the galaxy.


  • 智华先生珠三角粤语制定了极大力度的推进计划

    Mr Gulliver plans a big push in the Cantonese-speaking Pearl River delta.


  • 智华先生珠三角粤语制定了极大力度的推进计划

    Mr Gulliver plans a big push in the Cantonese-speaking Pearl River delta.


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