• 项目江津建筑安装工程有限公司以下简称)中标。

    The project by the Jiangjin District building install flu Tak Engineering Company Limited ( hereinafter referred to as the German sense of the construction division ).


  • 任何查询烦请致电 2193 7362 与本会区德先生络。

    Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. David Au at 2193-7362.


  • 机动车破坏了我们商业,”杰姆斯奈,《帕克斯堡新闻主编断言说

    "The automobile killed our downtown," claims Jim Snyder, city editor of the Parkersburg News.


  • 1980年来,卡玛尔•纳什瓦拉赢得选举(在经济丑闻竞选队伍开除妻子代替了一次)。

    He has won seven elections in the Chhindwara district since 1980 (his wife won another in his stead, after a financial scandal removed him from the race).


  • 就在西部,向北约英里处波士顿-爱迪生,那里有约900居民,居住在36

    Just west of Woodward and about two miles farther north is the Boston-Edison district, with some 900 homes spread across 36 blocks.


  • 于是,就有没完没了唐宁街峰会”,以及戈登•布朗本周巡游,带着内阁象都君王随从一样

    Thus the perpetual economic “summits” in Downing Street, and Gordon Brown’s progress through the regions this week, with his cabinet in tow like the retinue of a Tudor monarch.


  • 直到今年秋天,这一直伦敦南部西·伍许多父母们面临的问题。

    Until this autumn, th at was the prospect faced by many parents in West Norwood, South London.


  • 直到今年秋天,这一直伦敦南部西许多父母们所面临的问题。

    Until this autumn, that was the prospect faced by many parents in West Norwood, South London.


  • 报道洪水五个自治,并城邑郊野,可以受到最严重的打击道路冲毁逊河流域

    But flooding was reported in all five boroughs, with the suburbs hardest hit and roads washed out in the Hudson river valley.


  • 一地通过瓦基里斯坦米尔阿里南方相接,以及拉阿登开尔的阿富瑞部落控制北方的开伯尔相连接

    This area links up with the town of Mir Ali in North Waziristan to the south, and Afridi tribal territory in Darra Adamkhel and Khyber in the north.


  • 赢得诺贝尔物理学奖的四十多年克尔诺顿村暨婴儿选美赛零到六个月年龄组中独占鳌头。

    Some four decades before he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, he came top in the Cold Norton and District Baby Competition, birth-to-six-months class.


  • 繁忙的萨耶达•柴水果默罕默说:“今年人们买不起,所以我们只好价格降到15(2.7美元)。”

    "People can't afford dates this year, we had to bring the price down to 15 pounds (2.7 dollars)," said Mohammed, a fruit vendor in the bustling Sayyeda Zeinab neighbourhood.


  • 美容师布隆克斯多的家里来,也曼哈顿迈阿密其他客户家里。

    Ms. Rodriguez said the cosmetologist went to Ms. Pichardo’s home in the Bronx and to other clients in Manhattan and Miami.


  • 毅联汇业高管他们提出的拉克马方案在一旦多种货币退出欧元时,可以用作应对后果一种方法。

    ICAP executives say their drachma project could be used as a roadmap for how to prepare for an outcome involving multiple currencies exiting the euro.


  • 迈克尔·莫兰1794年出生于都柏林自由布莱克匹兹

    Michael Moran was born about 1794 off Black Pitts, in the Liberties of Dublin, in Faddle Alley.


  • 处于拉肯斯公园,就好像巨人城堡自然保护,而这个说法得名拉肯斯堡公园山峰悬崖轮廓酷似一个熟睡的巨人的侧面。

    Located within Drakensberg Park is the giant's Castle Nature Reserve, which gets its name from the silhouette of the peaks and escarpment that resemble the profile of a sleeping giant.


  • 女士欧元应对债务危机过程中扮演重要角色不管私人观点如何,已经有为站不住脚的事情辩护了。

    Ms Lagarde has played a central role in forming the euro zone's response to its debt crisis, and whatever her private views, she has a public record of defending the indefensible.


  • 基辅水库周边最近城市聚集不是首都基辅而是一个较小乡镇:维什霍洛

    The urban area closest to the Kyiv Reservior is not the capital city of the same name but a smaller settlement: Vyshhorod.


  • 斯戈弗莱尔家最近一条行人稀少的先生住那一的本神甫的住宅便那条街上。

    In order to reach this Scaufflaire, the shortest way was to take the little-frequented street in which was situated the parsonage of the parish in which M. Madeleine resided.


  • 直到2010年三月份欧洲央行行长让克劳·特里谢还夸口说仅仅欧元确保收支平衡的自动机制。

    As late as March 2010, Jean-Claude Trichet, then head of the ECB, boasted that simply belonging to the euro area automatically ensured balance-of-payments financing.


  • 瑞珀报道,诺果诺夫花费个晚上建议他们参观哪些位于贾拉拉巴郊外工程项目---这的人们曾以鸦片为生----哪些项目不要

    Norgrove, Draperreports, spent evenings advising them on which of her projects to visit aroundJalalabad’s outskirts communities that had once relied on opium forsubsistence—and which areas to avoid.


  • 如果希腊没有加入欧元,当它陷入困境的时候,拉克马(希腊货币)贬值通过降低出口商品价格抑制进口抵消经济衰退,对经济形成外来的推动力。

    If Greece had got into trouble outside the euro, the drachma would have fallen, creating an external offsetting boost to the economy by making exports cheaper and curbing imports.


  • 他们位于海公园附近的肯伍

    Their home is in the Kenwood neighborhood, next to Hyde Park.


  • 欧元未击中,萨科已经默克尔一起出现在法峰会上欧元制定政策

    Throughout the euro crisis Mr Sarkozy has appeared alongside Ms Merkel at Franco-German summits to set policy for the entire euro zone.


  • 欧元未击中,萨科已经默克尔一起出现在法峰会上欧元制定政策

    Throughout the euro crisis Mr Sarkozy has appeared alongside Ms Merkel at Franco-German summits to set policy for the entire euro zone.


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