• 二极管可见光区域响应、线性度响应速度快

    This diode has a high sensitivity, good linearity and high response speed in the visible light region.


  • 突变事件时空尺度区域响应以及人类进化文化变迁的影响等几个方面来论述。

    This article argument the time and space scale of it, response of different region and the effect it makes to human evolution and culture migration.


  • 应该响应区域收到一条成功消息

    You should receive a success message in the response area.


  • 提供了样本语句用于在容量响应信息区域中进行常用请求查询

    The next section provides sample statements for commonly requested queries in the area of volume and response information.


  • 更新显示页面中的多个区域使用服务器XML响应它包含每个部分的数据

    To update multiple areas of the display, I use an XML response from the server that contains data for both sections.


  • 禁止活动区域以外AJAX响应内容呈现标志

    Flag to disable rendering in AJAX responses content outside of active region.


  • Web应用程序中的一个常见问题响应用户输入时必须更新显示页面中的一些区域

    A common problem in Web applications is that in response to user input, several areas of the display must be updated.


  • 中,如果我们考虑:该银行遍及10个区域每个区域100家支行每家支行又有10,000份贷款,我们总共创建了1000万多个对象响应查询

    In our example, if we consider an environment with 10 regions, 100 branches per region, and 10,000 loans per branch, we end up creating over 10 million objects to answer the query.


  • 如果属性true”,那么区域以外组件不会包括AJAX响应中。

    If this attribute set to "true", no one of the components outside of region will be included to AJAX response.


  • 响应时间详细信息视图最后功能区域客户显示提供了查看工作负载集群包含哪些客户端的方法

    The final major functional area of the response-time details view is the clients display, which provides a way to see which clients were involved in the workload cluster.


  • 屏幕一个矩形区域响应用户输入事件

    A rectangular area of the screen that may respond to user input events.


  • 序列生命周期任一时间R m可以发送包含ackrequested头部区域消息一消息请求RM目的地端发送SequenceAcknowledgement消息来响应

    At any time during the life of a Sequence, the RM Source can send a message containing an AckRequested header block which requests that the RM Destination send a SequenceAcknowledgement.


  • 如果驾驶员没有响应汽车控制权要求,它甚至可以自己找到一个安全区域停在路边

    This car will be able to find a safe area to pull off the road if the driver doesn't respond to a call of action to take back over.


  • 学校建筑坐落片呈三角形土地上响应城市加强开发居住区域政策

    The school is set on a small triangular plot of land, in keeping with the urban policy for densifying a new residential area.


  • 大致说来频域内有一个区域,在这个区域内用很小可以引起很大响应

    Basically, this is a region in frequency where it takes very little force to cause large response.


  • 紧急反应计划: 是针对区域可能发生的火灾爆炸毒物泄漏等灾害紧急情况预先制订的抗灾准备预案响应计划。

    Emergency Response Plan: the pre-made preparation scheme and response plan against potential emergent disaster situation like fire, explosion and toxin leakage.


  • 两个区域年表对各自气象站气候因子响应可以看出树木生长主要受到生长前期生长季早期降水量的支配。

    From tree growth response to climate factors in the two regions, we can be informed that tree growth is mainly controlled by both the pre - and the early time of growing season.


  • 赤道区域反变气压计响应平均气压经向影响比较明显。

    The effects of average pressure and meridional wind on IB response are obvious in the tropic areas.


  • 陀螺驱动频率响应曲线谐振尖峰,在两峰值之间存在一个较平坦区域

    The frequency response of the drive-direction oscillator has two resonant peaks and a flat region between the peaks.


  • 最后提出区域土地利用变化物质代谢效应响应研究方向

    Finally, the direction of the study is put forward about the material metabolism response to regional land use change.


  • 利用所建立模型分析直立海床响应,计算结果表明直立堤前的液化区域固定的,在此基础上提出了防止液化的方法

    After analysing seabed response in front of vertical breakwater with the model, it is found that the liquefaction area is fixed and methods to prevent seabed from liquefaction are proposed.


  • 第二部分区域产业结构演变城市化响应定量分析模型

    The second part: The quantitative analytic model of urbanization's response on structural evolvement of regional industry.


  • 通过建立直接连接区域供热系统非线性动态数学模型模拟分析供热系统特征集中调节模式系统动态响应

    The characteristics and the dynamic responses of seven types of central regulation model were simulated and analyzed based on a developed non-linear dynamic model in a direct district heating system.


  • 阶模态的响应位移通过平衡涡激锁定区域内柱体的输入能量非锁定区内流体阻尼耗散能量计算得到。

    The displacement of each mode is determined by a balance between the energy fed into the riser over lock-in regions and the energy dissipated by the fluid damping over the remainder.


  • 因此必要开展棉花适宜气候变化响应研究,发挥区域气候优势。

    So it is necessary to research on the response of temperature suitability of cotton to temperature change in China to make use of climate resource in different regions.


  • 采用振幅频率方法研究区域衰减效应局部场地响应

    Furthermore, with the method of amplitude ratio with different frequency selected, the areal attenuation effect and local site response have been studied.


  • 热量一定基础上,通过变化局部热流强度作用区域讨论了各向异性材料热流分布响应热敏感性。

    On the base of specified total quantity of heat, the effect of the change of heat flux and the distributive region of heat flux on the temperature distributions are discussed.


  • 基于不同样本数响应面方法寻求最佳设计大致相同区域而且CFD分析结果相比误差很小。

    The optimum design points with RSM based on different samples are almost in the same area and there is little error compared with the CFD result.


  • 基于不同样本数响应面方法寻求最佳设计大致相同区域而且CFD分析结果相比误差很小。

    The optimum design points with RSM based on different samples are almost in the same area and there is little error compared with the CFD result.


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