• 有些部落例如居住安达曼海的人[1],现今依此为生。

    Some people, such as those on North Sentinel Island in the Andaman Sea, still do.


  • 提奈只是安曼达列岛中一粒小岛,整个列岛与孟加拉湾中的印度海岸线相望。

    North Sentinel Island is a small speck in the large Andaman Island chain just off the coast of India in the Bay of Bengal.


  • 2006年,有两名印度渔民酒后小船里晕,任小船过安达曼湾,海滩搁浅。

    In 2006 two Indian fishermen, in a drunken sleep aboard their little boat, drifted over the reef and fetched up on the shore of North Sentinel Island.


  • 经过提奈(NorthSentinel Island)是,名部落男子一边在海滩上奔跑,一边直升机射箭

    On North Sentinel Island, a man ran onto the beach, and fired an arrow at the helicopter.


  • 1928年,陈列史密艺术工业大厦厅内圣路易斯精神”是查尔斯·林白首次创造独自不着陆横渡林西洋飞行时使用过飞机

    Spirit of St. Louis, the plane in which Charles Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight, was installed in the North Hall of the Smithsonian's Arts and Industries Building in 1928.


  • 尽管上周伦敦被2比1击败,巴塞罗那前锋比利亚仍然确信球队将会战胜挺进下个冠的四分之一决赛。

    Barcelona striker David Villa is convinced his side will beat Arsenal to progress to the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League next month, despite last week's 2-1 defeat in north London.


  • 科罗拉多州汤普落基山脉(西)遍布卵石的陡峭峡谷流向大平原()。

    Northern Colorado's Big Thompson River flows from the Rocky Mountains (west) to the Great Plains (east) through a steep-walled, boulder-strewn canyon.


  • 艾伦·斯拉斯维加斯一个建设工,此前一直努力偿还按揭现在则决定尽可能的厉行节约抵御未来灾难

    Alan Swinson, a builder living in North Las Vegas, says he has struggled to keep up with his mortgage in the past and is now determined to scrimp and save all he can to ward off future calamities.


  • 一个家庭径直马克路易斯堡,7号碑(简称N—7)走去。

    One family made a beeline for Mark Louis Rosenberg, Tablet 7 of the north pool, or N-7 for short.


  • 葬礼阿拉伯美军航母卡尔文号甲板公开进行。

    The burial reportedly took place from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in the North Arabian sea.


  • 翁普拉卡什·瓦尔·米基朗诵了描写印度穷人生活中常遭遇不幸诗歌。瓦尔米基那部印度自传一个达利特的生活》,译成英文

    Omprakash Valmiki, whose Hindi autobiography, "Joothan: a Dalit's Life", has been translated into English, read poems about the routine wretchedness of the lives of poor Indians.


  • 1992年,开始改建看台,把一个宽大阶梯式看台改造成今天双层看台。

    In 1992 Arsenal began the redevelopment of the North Bank from the wide terrace to the post-Taylor Report double-decker seated stand that is there today.


  • 另一方面,有些认为解决两个城市之间敌意唯一方法就是英格兰第三nb的俱乐部伦敦取代他们

    As an aside, some of us believe that the only cure for the enmity between the two cities is for England's third most successful club, north London's Arsenal, to overtake them both.


  • 队长经常传闻要回到家乡踢球他依然一如继往的表达着这家伦敦俱乐部的忠诚。

    The Arsenal captain has been linked with a move back to his home country but has always steadfastly maintained his loyalty to the North London club.


  • 之前的报价已经被拒绝一次同时枪手应该注意到伦敦冤家特纳姆热刺队也对23岁的球员感兴趣

    Arsenal have already failed in one bid for the Brazilian and at the same time the Gunners will be aware of north London rivals Tottenham's interest in the 23-year-old.


  • 玫瑰园命运维艰,梁希接手之后,卧薪尝胆大改

    Beijing North Rose Garden fate Victoria together, Liangxisen over, enduring hardships to accomplish great dismantling changed.


  • 乔纳面临最大挑战能否尼日利亚赢得同样的支持

    Mr Jonathan's biggest challenge is winning similar support in northern Nigeria.


  • 尽管不久降到了乙级联赛,但俱乐部还是搬到了位于伦敦·布里的主场-球场

    Although they were relegated back to the Second Division soon after, Arsenal still moved to their new home - the Arsenal Stadium, in Highbury, North London.


  • 尽管自传《防守》中看起来生活大加批判,但是科尔平静地承认自己离开伦敦后很想念以前的日子。

    Despite the seemingly damning assessment of life at Arsenal in his autobiography My Defence, Cole disarmingly admitted that he misses elements of what he left behind in north London.


  • 对于可预见未来名阿纳队主教练打算坚持自己招收欧洲优秀年轻人才他们接受这支伦敦俱乐部文化熏陶政策

    For the foreseeable future, the Arsenal manager intends to stick with his policy of recruiting Europe's brightest young talent and imbibing them in the culture of the North London club.


  • 同时它支持举办其他湄公河流域国家相关艺术文化类活动

    It also supports public activities related to art and culture of northern Isan and other countries around the Mekong River Basin.


  • 中卫坎贝尔有望周三晚上客战热德比中首发可能依然主队球迷发泄不满的对象,因为2001年夏天冒天下之大不韪跨越伦敦死敌的转会鸿沟来到阿纳。

    The centre back is expected to start at Tottenham on Wednesday night and may be targeted by home fans who still resent his decision to cross the North London divide back in the summer of 2001.


  • 坎贝尔35岁一月份加盟,将今晚伦敦德比战迎战自己东家热刺队

    Campbell, 35, who rejoined Arsenal in January, plays against his old club Spurs in the North London Derby tonight.


  • 联赛剩下13情况下,冠军带回伦敦,困难重重

    With 13 games remaining Arsenal have the proverbial mountain to climb if they are to bring the title back to North London.


  • 图雷于2002年加入阿当时温格只花费象征性费用即的国家带来,但是如今准备离开伦敦巨人了

    Toure has been with the Gunners since 2002 when Arsene Wenger paid a nominal fee to bring him from his native Ivory Coast, but he now set to leave the North London giants.


  • 纳的年经后卫安顿·布莱克伍德富勒水晶宫试训失败告终,目前已经回到伦敦的枪手阵

    Blackwood Returns after Double Trial FailureArsenal defender Anton Blackwood has now returned to North London after failing to impress both Fulham and Crystal Palace during trails.


  • 纳的年经后卫安顿·布莱克伍德富勒水晶宫试训失败告终,目前已经回到伦敦的枪手阵

    Blackwood Returns after Double Trial FailureArsenal defender Anton Blackwood has now returned to North London after failing to impress both Fulham and Crystal Palace during trails.


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