• 共振散射条件下绝对局域长度极小值。

    And the absolute localization length reaches a minimum under the resonance Mie-scattering condition.


  • 考察前一结构,且满足共振布拉格散射条件,相对局域长度达到最小值

    For the former structure, and if the resonance Bragg-scattering is satisfied, the relative localization length attains a minimum.


  • 通过仿真试验,对其结果分析得出城市快速路菱形立交出口附加车道长度及其长度建议

    Through using simulation trial, the author has analyzed the trial result and worked out the recommendation value of auxiliary lane and channelization length of urban expressway exit.


  • 城市快速路出口附加车道及其长度合理设置对于提高出口通行能力减少出口快速路交通影响具有重要意义

    The rational length of auxiliary lane and channelization of urban expressway exit have an important role to increase the exit capacity and decrease the influence to expressway traffic flow from exit.


  • 城市快速路出口附加车道及其长度合理设置,对于提高出口通行能力减少出口快速路交通影响具有重要意义

    The rational length of auxiliary lane and channelization of urban expressway exit have an important role to increase the exit capacity and decrease the influence to expressway traffic flow from exit.


  • 因为图形字符总是2字节长的所以可以建立索引最大图形字符长度510个字符,可以定义VARGRAPHIC (510)。

    Since a graphic character is always 2 bytes long, the maximum graphic length that can be indexed is 510 graphic characters, and the column can be defined as VARGRAPHIC (510).


  • 假设构建传入流时使4个字节(非串形内容长度)的读数为256。

    Now assume you construct the incoming stream so that the lead 4 bytes (the length of what will get deserialized) reads 256.


  • 如果单位向量计算通量得先把它标准到单位长度

    Now, if you wanted the unit normal vector to compute flux, then you would just scale this guy down to unit length, OK?


  • 还有其他解决方案cookie会话仓库(会话长度有限不能会话中存放敏感数据),memcached(无法持久+难以实现高可用性方案)。

    There are other possible solutions like cookie session store (session size is limited, no sensible data in sessions), memcached (too much RAM when you have many sessions + no persistence).


  • 翻译之后文档通常需要重新格式不同语言文本长度也不同,因此手册或者合同常常需要调整

    After translation, documents normally have to be reformatted: Text length varies from language to language, so a brochure or a contract will often need adjustments.


  • 对于MQ授权尽管名称用户ID最大长度20个字符还是要将名称保持12个字符以下以防止复杂

    For MQ authorizations, even though the maximum length of group names and user IDs is 20 characters, keep them under 12 characters to prevent complications.


  • 实际上可以事务细分报告(请参见9)中可视容易地识别事务时间长度报告包括一个细分视图

    Actually, you can visualize and easily recognize the transaction time length in the transaction breakdown report (see Figure 9), which consists of a table and a breakdown view.


  • 希望强调代码行数—显然可以通过最小最大代码长度做手脚。

    I would not want to emphasize LOC too strongly — obviously, you can play games with minimizing or maximizing code length.


  • 喜欢看上去很职业所以总是穿着西服中等长度裙子件样式简单女式衬衫

    I like to look professional, so I usually wear a suit with a medium-length skirt, and a simple blouse.


  • 这种模块特性意味着机器长度能够很容易地根据需要进行调整

    The modular nature also means the robot's length can be adjusted easily as needed.


  • 算法加工符号序列,使其长度最小,并允许观察者将其还原,涉及算法复杂度Kolmogorov - Chaitin复杂度(柯氏复杂度或KCC)。

    Symbolic sequences can be characterized by the length of the minimal algorithm that allows the observer to reconstitute them, referred to as algorithmic complexity or Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity.


  • messageBrokermessageset特性(提供消息模型)无法数据任何单个指定小于一个字节长度

    The message set feature (providing message modelling) of message Broker cannot specify a length smaller than a byte for any individual item of data.


  • String构造函数运行之前,Object构造函数它们默认初始所有字段包括决定性的长度偏移字段。

    Before the String constructor runs, the constructor for Object will initialize all fields, including the final length and offset fields, with their default values.


  • 然后初始变量,通过调用unpack得到长度

    We initialize our variables, finding the length of the string from a call to unpack .


  • 小型传输开销很小(固定长度头部2字节),协议交换最小降低网络流量

    A small transport overhead (the fixed-length header is just 2 bytes), and protocol exchanges minimised to reduce network traffic.


  • 分组语音技术将语音信号一定长度数字语音,采用存储转发的方法以包的形式进行交换传输的技术。

    Packet voice technology converts voice signal to digitized voice packet in certain length, then switches and transmits these packets by means of store and forward.


  • 4例子一个优点考虑到了用户均衡器滤波器长度

    One advantage to the example of FIG. 4 is that it allows for customizing the length of an equalizer filter.


  • 长度轮轴统一标准减轻公路运输全国各地。

    The length of the wheel axle was also unified and expressways standardized to ease transportation throughout the country.


  • 格式追加数据描述末尾。描述符长度将根据描述数据的增加而重新设置。

    Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data. The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.


  • 表面活性剂油基长度和亲油基影响效率效能主要结构因素

    And the length and branching of alkyl chain in the hydrophobic group are main structure factors affecting surfactants' efficiency and effectiveness.


  • 除了以上介绍的,模块可以快速修理更换枪管长度甚至更换口径

    In addition to attachments mentioned above, this modularity allowed for quick repairs, barrel length changes, and even caliber changes in the field.


  • 除了以上介绍的,模块可以快速修理更换枪管长度甚至更换口径

    In addition to attachments mentioned above, this modularity allowed for quick repairs, barrel length changes, and even caliber changes in the field.


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