• 莫妮卡·内蒂所经营公司员工培训游戏

    Monica Cornetti runs a company that gamifies employee trainings.


  • 马克指出,这起事件强调天然气供应管道以及其他能源来源多元必要性。

    McCormack notes the episode underscores the critical need to diversify sources of natural gas, as well as other energy sources.


  • 但是先生的同僚们可能表达的是另外一种意思就是服务全球转变会带来失控的状况。

    Yet Mr Sarkozy and his kind may be expressing something else: a sense that a shift towards globally traded services involves a loss of control.


  • 家搬迁爱尔兰时,两性南安普敦伯爵画像他的朋友、剧作家莎士比亚的肖像,认为已经布家庭一起到了爱尔兰。

    When the Cobbes moved to Ireland, the portrait of the androgynous earl and the portrait of his friend, the playwright, are believed to have gone with them.


  • 同时精神医生应该知道高危人群程序选择用药,减轻疼痛阿片类药物使用最小。”

    Meanwhile, psychiatrists should be aware thatprocedural options exist to relieve pain and minimize the use of opioids in this at-risk population, ” Panchal said.


  • 这两大团体以咄咄逼人态势进行扩张他们耕种模式完全不符合查脆弱土壤条件,最终导致荒漠水土流失

    Both groups are expanding aggressively. Their style of farming is totally unsuited to the fragile soils of the Chaco and will lead only to desertification and erosion.


  • 比利时至少有70个人在不正确地采用马兜草药作为食品而需要移植间质纤维而做透析

    In Belgium, at least 70 people required renal transplants or dialysis for interstitial fibrosis of the kidney after taking the wrong herb from the Aristolochiaceae family, again as a dietary aid.


  • 报告第一作者佐-赖特说全球没有公平地将利益均分每一个国家,不发达国家这个进程中是输家

    The main author of the report, Zeljko Kozul-Wright, says globalization has not treated everyone well or equally. She says the LDC's have been on the losers' side.


  • 工作区激活一个全书,那么全书自然就会使用结构模型初始

    You enable an encyclopedia for Workspaces, and the root Workspace is naturally populated with architecture models.


  • 论文简要介绍了语义网络用于管理传感器社会网络之间兼容性

    The paper also Outlines how the Semantic Web can be used to manage the interoperability between sensor networks and social networks.


  • 此后,主要归功于热销,买主开始出现年轻趋势平均年龄已经降至目前的50岁

    But the average has been trending younger lately, mostly because of the Enclave, with an average buyer age of 50.


  • 出售大型公共能源工程公司股份失败表明卢斯尼先生认为私有意味着筹集资金的同时而不失去对这些公司的控制

    The failure to sell stakes in large public energy and engineering concerns suggests that Mr Berlusconi thinks that privatisation means raising cash without losing control.


  • 先生过去认为美国通货膨胀是受全球的潜在影响

    Mr Kohn used to argue that globalisation had a muted impact on American inflation.


  • 这些孩子评价分数依据孩子母亲就一些标准问题提供答案。这些问题通常是精神医生其他医生用来帮助诊断注意力缺陷障碍的。

    The children's scores were based on the answers that their mothers provided to standardized questions commonly used by psychiatrists and other clinicians to help diagnose attention deficit disorders.


  • 随后绅士》、《里亚星期六晚邮报》上发表一些公式的小说作品,但看不出来有什么真正独到之处

    He subsequently sold stories to Esquire, Collier's and The Saturday Evening Post - formulaic work that gave little hint of real originality.


  • 更加欧洲并不意味着更加或者欧洲不再统一市场

    More Europe should not mean more Sarkozy and less single market.


  • 认为有着17个成员欧元区已经实现足够经济一体有着27个成员的欧盟更是如此。”齐先生10月份说道。

    "I think there is not enough economic integration in the euro zone, the 17, and too much integration in the eu at 27," Mr Sarkozy declared in October.


  • 虽然我们知道Google社会还会持续多久,但我们手上确实没有第二个像Google一样的搜索百了。

    While we surely haven't heard the last of Google and its social effort, we have to wonder if we have another SearchWiki on our hands.


  • 互联网搜索引擎主要精力都放在采集web页面文本信息但是google研究如何分析组织结构数据方面小有所成,公司的一位学家上周五表示。

    Internet search engines have focused largely on crawling text on Web pages, but Google is knee-deep in research about how to analyze and organize structured data, a company scientist said Friday.


  • 意大利微妙贝卢斯可能解释过去年席卷全国趋势有所帮助

    The subtle Berlusconisation of Italy may help to explain a trend that has swept the country in the past 12 months.


  • 虽然M9保持谨慎乐观,承认:“数码使得相机不再多愁善感。”

    Though he is cautiously optimistic about the M9, Komenich admits that it all comes down to the specs: “What digital’s done is made it harder to be sentimental about a camera.”


  • 结论急诊实行人性管理充分利用有限人力资源保证护理质量安全

    ConclusionThe humanistic management in emergency department can make full use of human resources and ensure the quality and safety of nursing.


  • 坚定世界观作为具有极端运动员之一因他存在而出现些什么事情

    His steadfast vision of the world and how things should be lends itself to Bryant's existence as one of the most polarizing athletes in recent memory.


  • 为了使法国选民安心开始欧元区一体,以此作为反对全球金融市场欺侮一面盾牌。

    To comfort French voters, Mr Sarkozy has started talking up euro-zone integration as a shield against globalisation and bullying by financial markets.


  • 罗恩必须尽快决定是否提前结束这些合同并且使俱乐部更加国际酋长球场使用更加多样成为座多功能体育娱乐场馆

    Kroenke must decide whether to end those deals early, while also driving global expansion and the further utilisation of the Emirates as a multi-event sports and entertainment venue.


  • 帕尔帕廷声称,订货渠道多样很有必要,否则人们指责议会偏袒雷利亚工程公司。

    Palpatine professed the need to diversify manufacturers lest the Senate be accused of bias in favor of CEC.


  • 演员米夏埃拉·特雷尔扮演皮尔

    Actor Michaela Cottrell, under heavy make-up, played the role of Piell.


  • 目的探讨系统整体护理神经危重病人抢救中的临床应用

    Objective:To probe into the clinical practice of systematic approach to holistic nursing(SAHV, to critically ill patients in the department of neurology.


  • 目的探讨系统整体护理神经危重病人抢救中的临床应用

    Objective:To probe into the clinical practice of systematic approach to holistic nursing(SAHV, to critically ill patients in the department of neurology.


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