• 化学气体刺激嗅觉感受器引起感觉

    By the sensation that chemical gas stimulates olfactory receptor and causes.


  • 发现蛔虫有味觉同样嗅觉——它们辨别化学气体

    She also discovered that the worms have a sense of smell - the ability to detect airborne chemicals - as well as a sense of taste.


  • 紧急氧气供给系统可以让乘客免受化学气体攻击

    Emergency oxygen supply system, allowing passengers from chemical gas attacks.


  • 工作环境温度过高工作空间有化学气体,可能导致软管龟裂

    Too high temperature of the operating temperature or chemical gas in the operating ambience will cause hoses cracking.


  • 兵士们格外畏惧化学气体攻击因为它们可以致盲,引起水泡痛苦的慢性死亡

    Soldiers particularly feared chemical gas attacks because they could cause blindness, blistering and a slow, painful death.


  • 研究了一种使用聚合物-碳黑混合物作为敏感新型化学气体传感器

    A novel chemical gas sensor that utilizes polymer-carbon black composition as sensitive film is studied.


  • 环境职业刺激-粉尘烟雾化学气体二手强烈的气味香水

    Environmental or occupational irritants - Dust, smog, chemical fumes, second hand smoke or strong odours such as perfumes.


  • 发明属于气体检测器设备领域,特别涉及一种智能温控化学气体检测器。

    The invention, which belongs to the field of gas detectors, relates to an intelligent temperature-controlled electrochemical gas detector.


  • 为了提高灵敏度选择性扩大气体检测组分化学气体传感器研究应用于海洋油气勘查。

    In order to improve the sensitivity and selectivity and to increase the detectable gas compositions, the chemical gas sensor is investigated and applied to explore natural gas and oil in sea.


  • 外界因素生活地域气候寒冷干燥工作环境空气粉尘化学气体污染烟酒辛辣饮食长期刺激易得慢性咽炎

    External factors: life region climate, dry, cold working environment air is dust, chemical gas pollution, alcohol and tobacco, spicy food stimulation, are easy to long-term chronic pharyngitis.


  • 兵士们都格外畏惧化学气体攻击因为它们可以致盲引起水泡痛苦的慢性死亡如今大部分国家签署了禁止化学武器国际公约。

    Soldiers particularly feared chemical gas attacks because they could cause blindness, blistering and a slow, painful death. The weapons are now outlawed by international agreement in most countries.


  • 这些冰芯气体尘埃其他化学物质封存格陵兰数千年来积雪然后压缩

    Such ice cores trap gases, bits of dust, and other chemicals that were present in the snow that fell over Greenland for thousands of years and then became compressed into ice.


  • 正如我们所说这些喷口正在海洋深处释放这种含有叫做硫化氢化学物质一种气体二氧化碳

    As we said, these hydrothermal vents are releasing into the ocean depth this intensely hot water that contains a chemical called hydrogen sulfide, and also a gas, carbon dioxide.


  • 亏了化学,我们知道漂白剂不能和醋混合,因为这种混合物会产生有害气体

    Thanks to chemistry, we know bleach can't be mixed with vinegar, because the mixture can produce harmful gas.


  • 四极质量分析仪碳化硅颗粒表面吸收气体进行了分析,获得了碳化硅颗粒表面化学成分。

    The gases absorbed on the surface of SiC particles are analyzed with the quadripole mass analyzer.


  • 该文粉掺杂聚合物敏感,以指电极为基底制作了测定挥发性有机气体化学阻抗传感器

    A chemiresistor sensor was fabricated for the analysis of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) with carbon black(CB)-polymer composite as sensing film and interdigital electrodes.


  • 有些可能试剂非常不稳定低温使用但是,如果一个原子几乎是惰性气体消除了,就能够化学过程简化多了。

    Some of the potential reagents are very fragile and will need to be used at cryogenic temperatures, but the elimination of an atom of an almost inert gas can simplify the chemistry.


  • 顺便说一下,简便因为它看起来理想气体混合物化学表达式。

    By the way, it's convenient because it looks just like the chemical potential in a mixture of ideal gases.


  • 通过追踪比率时间变化,可以确定氡气到达地表需要花费多长时间,同时获得气体通过岩石化学热力学机械状态

    By tracking this ratio over time, he can determine how long gas has taken to reach the surface and gain clues to the chemical, thermal, and mechanical state of the rocks the gas is passing through.


  • 次生气溶胶最初以气体形态出现,大气发生化学反应从而形成颗粒物

    Secondary aerosols begin life as gases and chemically react in the atmosphere to form particles.


  • 暴露于某种气体会产生一个彩色斑点,成为化学指纹图谱

    Exposure to a particular gas yields a specific pattern of colored dots, providing a chemical fingerprint.


  • 然而尽管这种''气体方式化学处理方案上世纪90年代已经问世,但化石燃料电厂排放出的废气通常杂质很多

    Yet while this sort of chemical recipe was already shown in the 90s to work with a pure gas, the sort of emissions that come from a fossil fuel power station are typically full of impurities.


  • 每个理论中,其它原素原子化学性质最近原子气体的电子构型得失电子,紧密相连

    In each theory, the chemical properties of atoms of other elements were tied to the gain or loss of electrons from the configuration of the nearest monatomic gas.


  • 阿伏加德罗一个化学教授都灵大学很多关于气体定律研究了解气体微粒,特定容量和温度下数目

    Avogadro was a professor of chemistry at the University of Turin who did a lot of work on gas laws, understanding the number of gas particles in a given volume at a given temperature.


  • 这些理论如此成功地解释元素广泛化学性质以致于,人们逐渐认为化学上,“单原子气体电子构型”不可违背。

    So successful were these theories in accounting for a wide range of chemical properties of the elements that the monatomic-gas electron configurations came to be thought of as chemically inviolate.


  • 等于对于理想气体,化学加上

    That it's equal to the chemical potential RTlogp at one bar for an ideal gas plus RT log p.


  • 化学物质不仅伤害了吸入这些气体居民而且殃及到附近至少2000只动物以及和树木后者的叶子数天内枯死掉落。

    The chemical injured not only the people who inhaled it, but also nearby animals (at least 2, 000 of them) and trees, whose leaves went yellow and fell off within days.


  • 化学物质不仅伤害了吸入这些气体居民而且殃及到附近至少2000只动物以及和树木后者的叶子数天内枯死掉落。

    The chemical injured not only the people who inhaled it, but also nearby animals (at least 2, 000 of them) and trees, whose leaves went yellow and fell off within days.


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