• 很多编写《实例需求采访过团队过同样的错误,这也确实各种会议中参与讨论大家提到的一个常见问题

    Many teams I interviewed for Specification by Example made the same mistake, and it seems that this is a common problem from the discussions I have with people at conferences.


  • 大家谈论战后罪恶成长为“正常”的力量德国极其强大和平主义人士的冲击下仍旧寸步难行。

    For all the talk of Germany emerging as a "normal" power, liberated from post-war guilt, it remains handicapped, with the pacifist impulse still extremely powerful.


  • 非常荣幸,今天大家分享数字宇宙——为了使我们更加人性真实地看到我们宇宙中所处的位置而创建的。

    It's a great honor today to share with you the Digital universe, which was created for humanity to really see where we are in the universe.


  • 尼德·奥尔:“这次合并不仅创造全球最大的交易所集团我们今天希望大家关注一个,这个词就是多样经营’。”

    DUNCAN NIEDERAUER: "This not only creates the world's premier exchange group, but there's a word we all want you to focus on today, and that is diversified."


  • 正如大家现在所意识到的,社会网络广告为核心的商业模式设法赢利面临根本问题缺乏信任

    As most now realize, the fundamental problem that social networks face when trying to monetize through an advertising-driven business model is the lack of trust.


  • 游戏单位的个性设计独特性游戏增添全新深度也许不会大家一眼所认出但是却能够使我们回味无穷,让我们欲罢不能。

    The unit personalities and intractability add a whole new depth to a game that may not be recognized on the surface, but for one reason or another keeps us coming back for more.


  • 也许人性特色早就通过丛各色树叶,庞照片过去大雅茅斯的照片广为传播。

    Perhaps your humanity is already broadcast by a forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth.


  • 他们同时提醒称,“大家带有保留地看待预测”,“用通俗的方式解释数量分析法,让数量分析框架浅显一次尝试。

    However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework."


  • 倡导大家乐于接受拥有不同类型身材正如我们所在这个社会一样多元

    I want to shine a light on initiatives that celebrate a range of body images as diverse as the society we live in.


  • 大家争论焦点是否实际操作中数字仪表盘显示银行总体风险金融行业及时刹车

    Whether the financial industry would have hit the brakes if it had had digital dashboards showing Banks' overall exposures in real time is a moot point.


  • 讲课之前,我大家思考下,证券业多元,以便引入保险这一课题。

    Before I begin, I want to just give some more thoughts about the diversification through securities and that will lead us into insurance.


  • 尽管记录过程定制方法许多,但是没有一种方法大家视作标准的,而且各家公司或者实现机构必须创建自己格式描述扩展

    Although there are many ways of documenting process customizations, none is considered standard, and each organization or implementation must create its own format for describing extensions.


  • 全部银行国有不是大家期望,因为尚有几千家银行能保持正常运营

    Presumably, no one wants to nationalize all the Banks, thousands of which are healthy.


  • 大家记住仅仅是卡路里的摄取和消耗的;不要一个容易理解概念复杂

    Remember guys, it's calories in calories out; don't complicate such an easy to understand concept.


  • 通过大家熟知拨片可以实现半自动换档,在之后各种控制操作都被集中布置驾驶员手指尽量区域。

    The introduction of semi-automatic gearchanges via the now familiar 'paddles' marked the beginning of the move to concentrate controls as close to the driver's fingers as possible.


  • 所有有希望技术改进一样虚拟引入的时候大家都对其寄予厚望,但体验会降低这些期望值

    Like all promising technological advances, virtualization was introduced with great expectations, expectations that have been tempered somewhat by experience.


  • 刚开始跑步容易受伤的,因此医生建议大家要循序渐进慢慢最小对身体的伤害

    The risk is greatest when people take up running. Doctors advise starting gently and working up gradually, to minimise damage.


  • 有助于没有过于具体待办事项列表内容的情况下,也提供一定的信息大家明白为了产品上线需要做点什么

    This tends to provide enough information to understand what it will take to bring the product to life without over-specifying the backlog contents.


  • 食品价格上涨多人挨饿——程度没有大家那么戏剧

    When food prices go up, more people do go hungry - but the increase isn't as dramatic as you might think.


  • 一般大家阿富汗认识觉得他们非常传统种族落后所以他们并不看重妇女权利

    Generally, the understanding of Afghan people is that they are very traditional, tribal, and backward, and so therefore they will always be negative on women's rights.


  • 莱斯说:“大家听说过严酷的说法:珍贵的表土因过度耕作肥力降低,亚洲上空遮蔽,焦干土地荒漠河流行将干涸。”

    "We've all heard the stark anecdotes: precious topsoil weakened by over-farming, dust clouds darkening the Asian skies, parched land becoming desert and rivers running dry, " said Mr Grice.


  • 大家知道除了淀粉大致上没有问题以外,所有可利用碳水合物都有吸收不良的问题有害生理影响

    Malabsorption difficulties and adverse physiological effects are known for all the available carbohydrates but gelatinized starches give little or no trouble.


  • 这样处理显然不能引导大家登陆那个站点。意味着,缺乏内部的沟通合作会导致社会媒体战略的寸步难行

    But more than that, this lack of internal collaboration and contact makes any kind of social media involvement virtually impossible.


  • 容易导致牙早已长期人们所诟病,而近期肥胖症全球普遍又引发了大家对糖果含有“无营养热量”的担心

    Tooth decay was the longtime threat; more recently, the global spread of obesity has prompted fears of the “empty calories” in candy.


  • 摄影师网站打开,竟然呈现大家的竟然一张艺术相片页面简单不是很美观。

    A photographer site, an open, it was presented to all the arts is one of the photos, pages is very simple, and very handsome.


  • 一切简单而且完全愉快的,我们大家同一时间

    You see, it was all this simplistic and completely enjoyable for all of us at one time.


  • ITO World(itoworld.com)可视地图里,每个亮点都大家2009年编辑的,形成了公开街道地图

    Each flash on this visualization put together by ITO World shows an edit in 2009 made to the open street map.


  • ITO World(itoworld.com)可视地图里,每个亮点都大家2009年编辑的,形成了公开街道地图

    Each flash on this visualization put together by ITO World shows an edit in 2009 made to the open street map.


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