• 拔出匕首并且转过身面对的人。

    He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.


  • 彼得伸手去匕首直到他的抓住

    Peter felt for his dagger till his hand gripped it.


  • 认为;他举着匕首睡着孩子一步

    He supposed she was; and he took a step towards the sleeping child with his dagger upraised.


  • ,你这个懦弱的人。”彼得举起来,准备匕首用。

    "Oh, dastard hand," Peter said, and he raised the arrow to use it as a dagger.


  • 巴黎交通堵塞被刺当时马车被堵在巴黎市中心,有个疯狂修士用一把匕首捅死了

    He was stabbed to death in a traffic jam in Paris when his carriage gets blocked in the center of Paris, and this mad monk sticks a big knife into him.


  • 修正了一个错误小偷匕首没有拦截

    Fixed a bug where the thief's fire and ice dagger were not blocking projectiles;


  • 看到匕首牢牢地刺身上,便迅速出去把宫门锁死,在任何人发现之前离开了。

    I saw that the blade of my dagger was closed in with the fat of King Eglon. As soon as I went out, I locked the doors and went out before anyone caught me.


  • 众多学者后现代主义狂呼,博德·里亚手执把锋利匕首,剖开后现代社会肢体

    When multitudinous scholars were crazily appealing for post-modernism, while Jean Baudrillard was handing a sharp dagger, taking apart the body of the post-modern society.


  • 看门人老伊莱亚斯已经准备好开门了,其他演员也都拔出匕首就连玛奇也靠着扫把饶有兴趣地看热闹

    Ancient Elias, the porter, was already unlocking the doors, the players drawing their daggers. Even Madge leaned on her broom, looking on with keen interest.


  • 文化公元前316年左右由于强大秦朝入侵消失,造型怪异动物雕像华丽雕刻的匕首成了他们仅存的遗物。

    The Ba disappeared after 316 B.C. with the invasion of the Qing Dynasty, and their whimsical animal statues and ornately inscribed daggers are all that is left behind.


  • 解释真正锋利刀尖刀刃价值后者尤其对于双刃匕首来说,可以用削划很大程度防止对手抓

    Explain the value of a really sharp point and edge, the latter, particularly with a double edged knife, being as much to prevent the knife from being seized as for slashing.


  • 这种生产方法意味着刀剑匕首坚固结构刀刃固定刀座上更结实,后者佩带或使用时可能脱落

    This method of production means that the sword or knife is stronger as it is a solid construction rather than a blade fixed to a base which can come off through wear or contact.


  • 狗头人任务保持纳邦德林一尘不染,它们职责忠心耿耿一个手持鞭子匕首食人魔来保证

    It was the kobolds' task to keep the streets of Narbondellyn absolutely free of debris, and their devotion to duty was ensured by an ogre taskmaster armed with whip and daggers.


  • 身边站立着相貌威严,衣着相似,皮肤黝黑赤脚侍从。这些侍从每个黄金腰带别着把长剑匕首

    Around him stood an entourage of fierce-looking, dark-skinned barefoot men in similar attire, each with a sword or dagger bound to his waist by a gold-encrusted belt.


  • 那个商人冒犯行为其实轻微有点热衷于自己交易了于是卓尔顾客把淬毒匕首解决了这个问题

    The human's offense had been slight: he had been a little too vehement in his bartering, and his drow customer had settled the matter with a poisoned dagger.


  • 需要额外注重的环境匕首由于匕首计较发进犯时按1.7速度规范化,因此匕首酿成的扑灭冲击危险很是

    The notable exception to thellos rule is with daggers. Because they are normalized to 1.7 speed for AP calculations on instant attacks, daggers deal noticeably lower damage with Devastate.


  • 需要额外注意情况匕首由于匕首计算瞬发攻击时按1.7速度标准化,因此匕首造成的毁灭打击伤害非常低。

    The notable exception to this rule is with daggers. Because they are normalized to 1.7 speed for AP calculations on instant attacks, daggers deal noticeably lower damage with Devastate.


  • 翻领匕首-在短上衣或夹克左侧领子。用左手姿势完全是一副无害的样子,拽出匕首飞掷对手面门。

    Lapel dagger - sewn under the left jacket lapel. Innocent "stance" while fingering left lapel with left hand. Pull lapel dagger and THROW it into the face of the antagonist.


  • 猎户座腰带三星,配上把镶满宝石匕首。蓝宝石反射星云慢跑星云、红宝石发射星云猎户座大星云组成。

    Caption: : under the Orion's belt the jewelry sword is composed of a sapphire made by the reflection running man nebula and a ruby made by the emission great Orion nebula.


  • 第三部分论述了博尔赫斯作为幻想文学大师,在其作品中怎样匕首意象连接自己现实梦幻以及真一幻两个自我

    The third part discusses how Borges, as a master of fancy novel, USES the images of dagger to connect the reality with illusion, the real self with illusory self.


  • 尼罗巨蜥没有缅甸最大不过6英尺不同的是,这些长着剃刀般牙齿、以及匕首一样爪子的食肉动物成群结队的进行捕猎

    Nile monitor lizards are not as big as Burmese pythons, maxing out around 6 feet long, but unlike the snakes, these razor-toothed, dagger-clawed predators are known to hunt in packs.


  • 尼罗巨蜥没有缅甸最大不过6英尺不同的是,这些长着剃刀般牙齿、以及匕首一样爪子的食肉动物成群结队的进行捕猎

    Nile monitor lizards are not as big as Burmese pythons, maxing out around 6 feet long, but unlike the snakes, these razor-toothed, dagger-clawed predators are known to hunt in packs.


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