• 近期一个尤其使卡斯帕罗夫受辱的例子匈牙利欧洲团体锦标赛上

    One recent example, which particularly affronted Kasparov, was at the European team championship in Hungary.


  • 罗马尼亚位于欧洲东南部东北乌克兰摩尔多瓦接壤西面匈牙利接壤,南面多瑙河的是塞尔维亚保加利亚

    Romania is situated in southeastern Europe, bordered by Ukraine and Moldova in the northeast; Hungary in the west; Serbia and Bulgaria to the south along the Danube River.


  • 最近一份来自欧洲罗姆人权中心报告显示捷克匈牙利斯洛伐克针对罗姆人的袭击很少定罪

    A recent report from the European Roma Rights Centre found that very few attacks against Roma in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia result in convictions.


  • 今年它又命名为2010年欧洲文化,(同时上榜还有德国埃森匈牙利佩奇市)使得这个古城熠熠生辉。

    That reputation is bound to be burnished even more this year, now that Istanbul has been named the 2010 European Capital of Culture (a designation it shares with Essen, Germany, and Pecs, Hungary).


  • 最近的一波金融危机冲击到欧洲的时候,一些国家,比如希腊匈牙利葡萄牙西班牙它们信用违约交换差额大幅上升但是土耳其的却几乎没有变化

    When the latest crisis hit Europe, credit-default swap spreads rose sharply for countries such as Greece, Hungary, Portugal and Spain, yet they barely budged for Turkey.


  • 美国人民路上消耗时间远远超过大多数欧洲市民所需的时间。只有匈牙利人和罗马尼亚人耗费在上班路上的时间更长(1)。

    Americans spend considerably more time commuting than most Europeans; only Hungarians and Romanians take longer to get to work (see chart 1).


  • 中国华为公司匈牙利设立欧洲供应中心当地创造了2000多个就业岗位

    China's Huawei company has set up its European supply center in Hungary, creating more than 2,000 jobs for the local community.


  • 中国华为公司匈牙利设立欧洲供应中心当地创造了2000多个就业岗位

    China's Huawei company has set up its European supply center in Hungary, creating more than 2, 000 jobs for the local community.


  • 匈牙利欧洲央行获得50亿欧元帮助银行增加外汇资金

    Hungary already secured a 5 billion euros loan from the European Central bank to help its own Banks raise foreign-currency funds.


  • 根据欧洲信息观察局提供数字匈牙利软件市场的价值2003年的时候相当于44000万欧元预计这一数字有望在2004年能达到49000万欧元.

    According to the figures of EITO, Hungary’s software market represented 440 million Euros in 2003, and is expected to reach 490 million Euros in 2004.


  • 根据委员会数据,欧洲每年生产大约200,000蜂蜜,主要自保加利亚,德国希腊匈牙利罗马尼亚

    The EU produces around 200, 000 tones of honey per year, and Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Romania are the bloc's biggest producers, according to the Commission.


  • 记忆可能捣鬼但是记得读到匈牙利欧洲最难语言

    My memory might be playing tricks on me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn.


  • 除了两个主要风格匈牙利建筑展示了其他欧洲国家模版本地版本

    Besides the two principal styles, Hungarian architecture also displays local versions of trends originating from other European countries.


  • 民族博物馆成立于1872年,它匈牙利重要民族科学欧洲民族学人类文化学机构

    The Museum of Ethnography was established in 1872 and is the foremost institution of ethnographic science, European ethnology and cultural anthropology in Hungary.


  • 注意:冥想活动欧洲难民危机影响严重的两个国家德国匈牙利获得热烈的回响。

    It is interesting to note that response was the greatest in countries most affected with refugee crisis: Germany and Hungary.


  • 有趣的是,欧洲两个非印欧语系语族——芬兰-乌戈尔[Finno - Ugric](匈牙利语、芬兰语爱沙尼亚语)和巴斯克语[Basque]却根本没有语法性别”。

    Interestingly, the two non-Indo-European language groups of europe-finno-ugric (Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian) and basque-have no grammatical genders.


  • 克罗地亚地处欧洲中部地中海地区塞尔维亚波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那西斯洛文尼亚匈牙利

    Croatia is a Central European and Mediterranean country, bordering Slovenia in the west, Hungary in the north, Serbia in the east and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south.


  • 波兰捷克共和国匈牙利欧洲游客趋之若鹜,使得克拉科夫、布拉格和布达佩斯的物价上扬不过几个国家乡下地区物价还是非常平民化

    Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary: So popular with European tourists that prices in Krakow, Prague and Budapest have risen. But the countryside in these nations is still very affordable.


  • 欧洲中部偏东南的地区延伸罗马尼亚西部南斯拉夫东北部匈牙利南部

    A region of southeast-central Europe extending across western Romania, northeast Yugoslavia, and southern Hungary.


  • 第一世界艺术体操锦标赛1963年在匈牙利布达佩斯举行来自欧洲10个国家28名选手参加了比赛

    The First Rhythmic World Championships took place in 1963 ill Budapest, Hungary, where 28 athletes from 10 European countries competed.


  • 发生欧洲匈牙利国家

    This happened in the European nation of Hungary.


  • MOL1983年就霍尼韦尔开始了合作欧洲最大油气公司之一,是匈牙利销售额最大公司

    MOL, which has worked with Honeywell since 1983, is one of Europe's largest oil and gas companies and is the largest company in Hungary in terms of sales.


  • 匈牙利地处欧洲腹地,中国企业进入中东欧地区重要商业通道。

    Hungary is located in the heart of Europe which is a major commercial routeway to the Central and Eastern Europe region for Chinese enterprises.


  • 同时布鲁塞尔欧盟委员会正在接受13家欧洲公司投诉指责匈牙利外国公司实行税收歧视。

    Meanwhile, in Brussels the European Commission is taking up a complaint launched by 13 large European companies, accusing Hungary of tax discrimination against foreign-owned businesses.


  • 匈牙利私有化公司解释版本使领先欧洲其他国家

    Hungary's version of privatization of state-owned firms has helped to put it ahead of other Eastern European countries.


  • 影像母体取自旧时欧洲匈牙利)的家庭录像

    The source material is an old European (Hungarian) home movie, an 8 mm film.


  • 欧洲只有巴斯克语芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语、匈牙利语、土耳其俄罗斯几种语言属于印欧语系,其它语言显然一种母语派生而来。

    In Europe only Basque, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Turkish, and a few languages of Russia are not of this family; the others have apparently all descended from an original parent tongue.


  • 摘要匈牙利自古以来就是葡萄酒欧洲重要葡萄酒产地之一

    ABSTRACT: Hungary has long been a wine producing country and it used to be one of the most important wine regions in Europe.


  • 这次金融危机对匈牙利打击尤其严重。去年财政赤字欧洲最大的,大部分超额花费都被用社会福利上。

    Hungary is particularly hard hit. Last year it had Europe's largest budget deficit, with most of its overspending on social benefits.


  • 这次金融危机对匈牙利打击尤其严重。去年财政赤字欧洲最大的,大部分超额花费都被用社会福利上。

    Hungary is particularly hard hit. Last year it had Europe's largest budget deficit, with most of its overspending on social benefits.


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