• 匆忙工作为了赶上最后期限。

    She was working in haste to meet the deadline.


  • 今天早上是否因为匆忙工作而没有好好的品尝自己的咖啡

    Did you rush off to work this morning without taking the time to really taste that cup of coffee?


  • 工作父母他们感到有压力疲惫匆忙缺少孩子朋友伴侣一起的宝贵时间

    Working parents say they feel stressed, tired, rushed and short on quality time with their children, friends and partners.


  • 不能匆忙搜寻工作

    You can't rush a search.


  • 51区的工作人员不得不经常中断这种测试匆忙地将这些样机送到“紧急藏身处”,以免它们苏联间谍卫星发现。

    Area 51 staff had to regularly interrupt such tests and hurry prototypes into "hoot-and-scoot sheds", lest they are detected by Soviet spy satellites.


  • 一个工作面试那里直接匆忙赶来。

    I rushed here straight from a job interview.


  • 认为失业救济不仅为失业者提供了收入,同时使他们免于匆忙从事一份不合适自己工作

    Chetty realised that unemployment benefit does not merely pay people to stay out of work; it also protects them from having to rush into an unsuitable job.


  • 如果认为需要10分钟可以工作或者约会准备好的话,也许你自己30 -45分钟的时间,你就不必匆忙的去刮胡子或者车里补妆

    If you think it only takes you 10 minutes to get ready for work or a date, perhaps give yourself 30-45 minutes so you don't have to shave in a rush or put on makeup in the car.


  • 是否曾经的朋友爱人约会时,却不得不同时应付要求你工作的电话、邮件或者短信?是这样匆忙应付更好还是放松下来,全身心面对你面前的这个更好?

    Is your time spent with a friend or loved one better if you have a rushed meeting interrupted by your emails and text messages, or if you can relax and really focus on the person?


  • 几十年来,研究人员增长工作时间越来越多技术到多重任务执行方面研究了这个问题试图解释为什么美国人觉得匆忙

    Researchers for decades have tried to explain why Americans feel so rushed, studying issues from longer work hours to growing use of technology to multitasking.


  • 认为真正问题在于我们(软件开发者)总是很匆忙草率工作搞定

    I think the real problem is that "we" (that is, we software developers) are in a permanent state of emergency, grasping at straws to get our work done.


  • 早期项目我们没有计划这种额外的单元测试工作开发人员感到了十分可怕压力匆忙使他们的代码进入集成计划

    On earlier projects where we hadn't scheduled this additional unit-testing effort, developers felt terribly pressured and rushed to get their code into the integration plan.


  • 我们热衷于高速运转的生活,我们匆忙开车,仓促就餐大加赞赏工作场合中的高效率

    Our tendency is to go fast. We drive fast, rush through meals, and prize the idea of efficiency in the workplace.


  • 匆忙开着车结束天烦人工作,真不想回家晚饭。毫无疑问,吃晚饭的时候我弟弟肯定又要就足球比赛结果争论了。

    I was in a hurry, irritated from a day at work and in no mood to be driving to the family home for a dinner that would no doubt involve an argument with my younger brother over soccer results.


  • 听见汽笛鸣响,车站工作人员匆忙赶来司机停住了,朝后方去,在车轮发现了可怜詹妮的残躯未燃尽

    Alerted by the whistle, the crew from the station came running as the engineer halted the train and ran back down the tracks toward poor dead Jenny, who was still burning.


  • 捐赠者需要耐心这样慈善组织才能从容地工作不会为了安抚心急的捐赠者匆忙投入人力物力却事与愿违。

    Donors need to be patient so charities will not feel pressured to plunge in and offer ineffective aid, simply to placate impatient donors.


  • 不要一旦获得工作匆忙答应下来

    Dont hurry when offered a job.


  • 他们一般邮件上的时间吃午饭的时间要然后匆忙他人寻求帮助来赶在期限之前完成工作但是因为某些原因,他们总是赶不上工作期限

    They tend tospend too much time on emails, take long lunches, and then scramble to get others to help them meet their deadlines, which, for some reason, they keep missing.


  • 不要匆忙地做工作否则的。

    Don't rush at your work or you will spoil it.


  • 如果工作这种安排无效,往往是因为只顾到时间配合而忽视了其他,或者是因为某个雇员准备离职,公司匆忙别的雇员凑在一块工作而导致的。

    When job-sharing arrangements don't work out, it is often because the situation was constructed around scheduling or the job share was put together in haste because someone was going to leave.


  • 愿意仔细工作把它干不愿匆忙行事。

    I would rather do my work carefully and well.


  • 曾经床上急匆匆跳起来,开始新的一天,就往常一样冲出卧室,自己孩子准备完毕,然后匆忙他们送到学校接着很晚才回来开始工作

    I used to start my day by jumping out of bed, late as usual, and rushing to get myself and the kids ready, and rushing to drop them to school and come in to work late.


  • 匆忙出去电梯不能正常工作楼梯浓烟

    I rushed out to the elevator but it wasn't working. The stairs were full of thick smoke.


  • 匆忙出去电梯不能正常工作楼梯浓烟

    I rushed out to the elevator but it wasn't working. The stairs were full of thick smoke.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定