• 这些援助可能包括咨询实验室测试分析病人管理关怀跟踪接触控制感染,(包括隔离检疫)。

    This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including isolation and quarantine).


  • 使用各种形式空气耦合系统(包括隔离服、呼吸器工厂中的连接点),我们快速断开接头使用方便高度安全

    Used in various forms of breathing air systems including SCUBA, Breather Boxes and in Plant connections, our quick disconnect couplings provide ease of use and the highest degree of safety.


  • 包括运行轨道要高于低于现有铁路避免平交道其他区域隔离以免行人、动物公路车辆碰撞

    This includes running tracks above or below roadways to avoid railroad crossings and fencing off areas to avoid collisions with animals, people and road vehicles.


  • 切换可信连接用户重置所有连接属性包括保留指针隔离绑定选项代码页面等等

    When a trusted connection user is switched, it resets all the connection attributes, including cursor with hold, isolation, bind options, codepage, and so on.


  • 争夺各种公职的常规选举使得政客人民诉求极度敏感——其中包括奴隶制种族隔离这种不好诉求。

    Regular elections for a great multitude of offices have bred politicians acutely sensitive to the things that people want-including the bad things, such as slavery and segregation.


  • 所有商店被关闭,各式各样物品被用来充当临时路障其中包括被掀翻公车候车亭垃圾桶以及用以汽车行驶的“之”字形隔离通道的砖块

    All shops were shuttered, various objects acted as makeshift roadblocks, including upturned bus shelters, litter bins and bricks making cars zig-zag around them.


  • 其他方面用户界面数据)进行分离可将应用程序软件数据存储和用户界面(User Interface,UI首选设置中的技术更改包括门户设备进行访问)隔离开来。

    Other separations (user interface and data) insulate application software from technology changes in data storage and user interface (UI) preferences, including access from portable devices.


  • 洗发水含有大概15化学物质,包括十二烷基硫酸钠、乙二氨四醋酸四钠(译者按:化妆品中的隔离剂,可用作抗菌剂防腐剂)和。 而这三者都是已知的会损害眼睛的物质。

    Shampoos contain around 15 chemicals including Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Tetrasodium and Propylene Glycol, known to cause eye damage.


  • 尽管船上包括随船医生在内大量乘客患病死亡,马赛市内有权势商人仍然要求解除隔离禁令,以便拿到他们船上的货物。

    Despite numerous ship passengers perishing from the plague, including the ships surgeon, powerful city merchants had the ships quarantine lifted to receive the goods they had on board.


  • 很多包括阿巴斯在内,都认为除非以色列拆除犹太人聚居点,推倒隔离约旦河西岸撤军,否则安全状况不会得到改善这种想法荒谬。

    There are plenty who argue – Abbas among them – that not until Israel dismantles the settlements, pulls down the wall and withdraws from the West Bank will security improve, but this is a fallacy.


  • 隔离包括封闭空间寻求庇护,地下室是个不错选择,因为它的门窗可用塑料布胶带封死

    It consists of taking shelter in an enclosed space, preferably a basement room, whose doors and Windows are then sealed tight with plastic sheets and adhesive tape.


  • 这些安全措施包括客运流量货运流量隔离升级列车控制系统

    These tiers could categorize methods of operation in conjunction with safety improvements such as separation of passenger and freight traffic and advanced train control systems.


  • 每个电池元都包括电极一个电极,两个电极一个导电电解液中的隔离器隔开,电解液允许离子不是电子两个电极之间来回传输(译者注:具体参见下面那个电池结构图)。

    Each cell consists of a negative electrode and a positive electrode kept apart by a separator soaked in a conductive electrolyte that allows ions, but not electrons, to travel between them.


  • 瑞士的这项研究他们发现筛查群体中传播的MRSA已经暴露测量范围之内,包括那些已经隔离消毒的群体。

    In the Swiss study, those found to be carrying MRSA in the screening group were exposed to a range of measures, including isolation and decontamination.


  • 应该任何管道提供过压保护包括液体产品可能隔离里面的蒸发器回路回阀或其它系统组件

    Overpressure protection should be provided on any lines, including the vaporizer circuit, in which liquid product can be trapped by isolation valves, check valves, or other system components.


  • 并提出串口通信需要考虑问题,包括计算机端口隔离保护、通信速率距离关系

    Some techniques of serial communication are presented, including isolation protection of computer port, relationship between communication speed and distance, and so on.


  • 套管悬挂器可确保管柱正确地放置它一般包括密封装置以便将套管环形空间上部的井口部件隔离

    The casing hanger provides a means of ensuring that the string is correctly located and generally incorporates a sealing device or system to isolate the casing annulus from upper wellhead components.


  • 论文讨论系统硬件设计软件设计:硬件设计包括外围存储器扩展、巴特沃斯虑波器的设计、防干扰的隔离串口的设计等;

    In this paper, it discuss the hardware design and software design of the system. In hardware design, it mainly includes peripheral memory, low Butterworth filter, isolated serial port.


  • 硬件措施主要包括接地屏蔽滤波隔离,另外还注意采取措施提高微机I/O通道抗干扰能力

    Techniques based on hardware mainly include grounding, shielding, filtering and isolation. Measures should be taken to improve the anti-interference ability of I/O channels in PC as well.


  • 重点其中主从区域纵联方案进行了深入研究包括故障检测隔离算法研究、相应软硬件装置设计实现通信方案的研究等。

    Focus on the master-slave regional pilot program conducted in-depth research, including fault detection and isolation algorithm, the design and implementation of device and communications programs.


  • 经过欢迎你,”一个热身”,包括奇妙延伸隔离步法而且自己好,如果作为短期日常锻炼加强语调身体中

    After the "Welcome," there's a "Warm-up" that includes marvelous stretches, isolations and footwork, and does well on its own, if used as a short daily workout to strengthen and tone your body.


  • 采取控制疫情措施包括第一控制传染源,做到发现、早诊断、早报告、早隔离治疗

    Outbreak control measures include: firstly, controlling the source of infection through early detection, early diagnosis, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment;


  • 半导体装置包括基底突出隔离分隔件、隧道绝缘层栅极介电图案控制栅极。

    The semiconductor device includes a isolated layer protruding from a substrate, a separator, a tunnel insulation layer, a floating grid, a dielectric layer pattern and a control grid.


  • 本文介绍了模块级可重构计算机HIT -FTC2冗余管理技术包括故障检测,故障屏蔽,故障隔离系统重构故障恢复等技术。

    The redundancy management technique of modular-level reconfiguration computer system HIT-FTC2 is introduced: fault detection, fault masking, fault isolation, reconfiguration and fault recovery.


  • 休克作为外墙抗休克因素包括内外的多外墙结构系统使得外部隔离建设

    Steel anti-shock plate that ACTS as exterior wall and anti-shock element covers the outside of the multi-facade structure of the new system, which makes this an external heat isolation building.


  • 泡沫结构隔离包括结合该碳 泡沫核心第一表面第二表面上的第一14)和第二层16)。

    The carbon foam structural insulated panel also includes a first layer (14) and a second layer (16) bound to a first surface and second surface of the carbon foam core.


  • 一种混合成像系统包括设置同一射频隔离空间(16)的磁共振扫描仪(10)第二模态成像系统(12)。

    A hybrid imaging system includes a magnetic resonance scanner (10) and a second modality imaging system (12) disposed in the same radio frequency isolation space (16).


  • 本发明提供了火花塞中心导线组件包括一个能够很好地隔离火花塞燃烧产生热量噪音抑制导电密封

    A spark plug center wire assembly that includes a noise suppressing conductive seal with improved isolation of the seat from the heat generated at the firing end of the spark plug.


  • 介绍IRIG-B对时概念IRIG-B码对时模块的组成,组成部分包括处理器、电平转换器件、隔离

    The paper introduces the time synchronization conception of the IRIG-B format code and its module constructions which include microprocessor, level converter and optically coupled isolator.


  • 我们分析定义了17个单倍型,包括广布群岛的单倍型一些局部和较为隔离的单倍型。

    Our analysis identified 17 haplotypes, including one that is widely distributed across the islands, as well as regional and private haplotypes.


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